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Delusional vs. Reality

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posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:41 AM
Is there anyone here that understand what I am about to talk about.

Area 51, aliens, greys, and so on...All these things sound interesting and fun. However, dont you see how delusional you all are being concerned with these things. Now mind you, if you log on a few minutes a day just for problem. But if you life or a big portion of it is this topic you are completely avoiding your duties as a human being. Let me explain.

Human=animal. Simple as that. We need to eat, drink, sht, sleep, fck, and repeat.

you are avoiding your duties as an blaming things on secret groups instead of admitting that you will NEVER know and most likely there is NOTHING THERE.

Instead of doing what you were born to do, you are wasting time and thought on issues that never have and will matter. That is why the elite have control. Because I sure as hell would not want people who are so DELUSIONAL as those that believe in aliens and greys (even though they KNOW they will never find out anything) to have power and control.

I am sure I have angered a lot of you, so let the games begin.
but my point is only to state that non of you will find any proof of anything. MUCH LIKE the religious people.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by MrJelly


When you see something that is less then 20 feet away that is a free flying, floating
ball of amber light and your two best friends are next to you observing and commenting on it as you are trembling in uncontrollably you might understand...

And if you reckon that the endless size of the Universe might have propagated life
1,000,000 - 1,000,000,000 years before life on Earth...

We have gone from horses to robots in hundred years...

multiple that level of knowledge times 100,000...

People do not want to see this stuff,,, I personally hate the bad dreams...

That damn levitating flying away multiplying and returning ball lightning, you got me!

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:33 PM
There is no point trying to discuss any of these issues with someone whose mind is so rigidly dismissive of them. And it would be waste of energy even attempting to do so. You have no spirit of enquiry about you, just alot of anger towards people who don't bed to your mindset.
Maybe most other people who have read your post feel the same way : you aren't exactly being flooded with replies, are you?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

One thing the OP forgot to list was humans also think. And that is exactly what he is asking us not to do. A free mind can learn answers to some of lifes craziest things. Area 51 is real. What goes on there is real. Whether it be black ops spy satellites and jets or crazy reverse engineered alien technology. Anyone who has been there and saw something in the sky can attest. Go during a red flag, you'll see the military showing off some of its coolest material. And thats just the tip..

too many reports of ex employees, and declassified materials suggest that technology at Area 51 is roughly 30 years ahead of the best stuff we see right now. the stuff we see right now was being tested there and other places in the 70's.

Nothing delusional about area 51. Just all questions with answers that give us more questions....

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:44 PM
The entire human experience is a delusion. Those of you (like MrJelly) who are content to live in the standard shared delusion where life is mundane and where we're all just animals bent on survival are free to do so. But that's no more "real" than what anyone else experiences. The only difference is, who's having more fun?

Good luck defining reality. Personally, I'd rather drag others along for the ride, rather than me being the one drug around in someone else's world. Create your own fantasies or live in someone else's. I prefer mine. I don't require an "authority" to tell me what I'm allowed to believe in and what I'm not. I'll come to conclusions on my own, thankyouvermuch!

I'm sure there were people in old times who said that a round world was a "delusion", and the flat world was "reality". Welcome to the 21st century, where everything imaginable is possible. But it always happens in the mind first. Stop condescending and start creating. It's the artists, writers, and musicians who are creating the future (and the past).

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by MrJelly

THANK GOD you finally opened my eyes!

All this time I was being stupid, providing for my family, learning about life and the universe, expanding my experiences and expanding my learning by fellowship with like-minded people.

What a waste! What a stupid animal I've been!

Thank you for pointing out that I should be doing what I was BORN TO DO!

I am definitely going to do THAT from now on.


What was I born to do that I'm not doing again?

I refuse to take another breath until you give me guidance.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
reply to post by cosmicpixie

One thing the OP forgot to list was humans also think. And that is exactly what he is asking us not to do.

Thank you so much for blatantly stating that BKNapple, I was afraid I was the only one who noticed that.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by MrJelly

I think you need to expand your definition of animal, man. You're trying to equate us with what, a dog? An ape? Some kind of sloth?

Dude, we have thumbs and brains that are huge by comparison to most species on this planet! WE WERE BRED TO THINK and BUILD, not sit around, # and f*ck, as you put it.

Not to mention, I do all of the things you described as being "animal behavior", but I also do the things that we categorize (currently) as human behavior, like sitting still and asking the question, "Why?".

Your posts are almost hilarious. Go live in a jungle, bro, leave the thinking to people with an inquisitive desire.

You say the "Elite" have control because we don't spend all of our time sleeping/f*cking/#ting/eating? You have got to be kidding me man. You sound like a damned propoganda ad lol.

Dude, what do you think would happen if we ALL did that? Ahahahaha.

You say we won't find proof of anything, but you must have certainly found some to make such drastic and broad claims, right? Surely you uncovered the ultimate Truth? And that is to just spend each day concerned with barely surviving? Toss LEARNING, GROWING, EVOLVING and SELF DISCOVERY to the wind, it's cool, we got intercourse and bowel movements.

Your genius has inspired me, Ima go get laid right now, thanks Jelly!

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Taj Mikel

Originally posted by bknapple32
reply to post by cosmicpixie

One thing the OP forgot to list was humans also think. And that is exactly what he is asking us not to do.

Thank you so much for blatantly stating that BKNapple, I was afraid I was the only one who noticed that.

No prob, just here to help. and to make mistakes from time to time, but not here

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:36 AM
I really don't think you can toss the UFO phenomena into the same basket as religion. The former is a very physical phenomena, backed up in some case by video footage (some of the Mexican stuff is stunning), pictures, radar reports and so on. Plenty of very credible people have had direct experience of them. Many of these have put their career and reputation on the line to talk about such things. We have heard testimony from all sorts of people in the military, the government, ex NASA employees, Astronauts and so on .I myself have seen 2 for sure, and one was a huge mother of a thing. I was not on drugs, not drunk, and am pretty sure I was not being targetted by some mind control device at the time.....

For many of us there is plenty of proof. You really can't go accusing people of being delusional Mr Jelly simply because you don't see things their way. You have alot of VERY interesting stuff worth pondering in your other thread, but at the same time - and especially in this thread- you are outright denigrating people for what they believe in.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 07:56 AM
I'm a skeptic; but I don't use the word "impossible".

The worst I can say about the true believers is that they are like children blowing bubbles. Having their fun, not hurting me. There are worse ways for people to spend their time.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 08:09 AM
Well quite honestly the same could be said of religion.. You hope and have faith that there is a God, but there is no scientific proof of such. So do you have "I would not want a leader or person in power to practice a religion?" Well guess what.... there are a ton of them, and I am sure you don't think twice about it.

So how is a believer of UFOs any different. People will believe what they want.
I agree that too much of *anything* is bad (religion/politics/ufo/alcohol...etc)
but to single out a specific class of people and say "your belief will rot your brain" is just plain silly.

I have a certain degree of faith for both UFOs and Religion, but by nature I am a scientific animal. I want to believe and hope for concrete proof.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by MrJelly

hy MrJelly ;-)

deilusion vs reality??? nice...
means? what is the reality, and what´s the illusion.
I think we can never found out this realy.
Our Dreams are the same as our life is. Only a other dimension I think. so, what is the illusion? The Dream or the Life....?
What will be, if the Dream comes into the Life. Getting real... how ever bad it was... Maybe it will be the happy end? Maybe not...

Deillusion Vs Reality
Fireballs Vs The Blue Ball

We all have to choose...

Peace and Love

Nia Wind

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by MrJelly
Is there anyone here that understand what I am about to talk about.

Area 51, aliens, greys, and so on...All these things sound interesting and fun. However, dont you see how delusional you all are being concerned with these things. Now mind you, if you log on a few minutes a day just for problem. But if you life or a big portion of it is this topic you are completely avoiding your duties as a human being. Let me explain.

Human=animal. Simple as that. We need to eat, drink, sht, sleep, fck, and repeat.

you are avoiding your duties as an blaming things on secret groups instead of admitting that you will NEVER know and most likely there is NOTHING THERE.

You forgot "think" as well as SOCIALIZE. I had a conversation with my psychologist brother-in-law about 5 years ago, and at that time I told him that psychiatrists/psychologists could make a fulltime living treating people with Internet Addiction. Now, in my estimation, it is far worse than it ever was.

This applies to the "UFO Addiction" but is far more widespread with online gaming (how many people do YOU know addicted to World of Warcraft?) and "chat-channel-crap" as I call it. "chat-channel-crap" is NOT socializing as does not involve reality, face-to-face interaction.

Being someone who has SAD (social anxiety disorder) as well as general anxiety, I can speak to this with personal knowledge. Although I still spend too much time in front of this computer, I used to be far worse.

If your "UFO addiction" takes you out into the real world, doing your own observations and investigations, travelling, gettings some fresh air and sunshine, meeting real people and enjoying yourself, is that such a bad thing? Opposed to sitting in front of that PC, making delusional posts on message boards, passionately believing a video of a streetlight is the "Mothership", maybe getting scammed into buying crap from the likes of Richard Hoagland et al.....

Instead of doing what you were born to do, you are wasting time and thought on issues that never have and will matter. That is why the elite have control. Because I sure as hell would not want people who are so DELUSIONAL as those that believe in aliens and greys (even though they KNOW they will never find out anything) to have power and control.

I agree to a point - most people are sheeple, allowing the likes of the Bush clan to become the new British "Empire". But then, I also watch too many conspiracy documentaries.

I am sure I have angered a lot of you, so let the games begin.
but my point is only to state that non of you will find any proof of anything. MUCH LIKE the religious people.

You make a lot of assumptions. As many have said in the past, if aliens and UFO's are real, why don't they land on the Whitehouse lawn.

Since humans achieved higher thought processes, we have pondered who we are, where do we come from, why are we here. And once we figured out what those shiny dots of lights in the sky were, we pondered if we were alone in the universe.
/rant mode off

[edit on 16-8-2008 by FosterVS]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by MrJelly

If you don't care about this site, then why did you post?
ATS is my hobby, and I enjoy it. What is wrong with me having a few things left to enjoy? I am on a fixed income, and do not own a car (gas and insurance is unaffordable) so getting out is not easy. My handicap keeps me inside when it is too hot or humid, so I am limited in that way.
If I want to read about Area 51 and aliens or anything else, am I hurting you? Is anyone here harming you in any way?
OK, I'll get off my soapbox.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 03:53 PM

I use ATS to found out things which happens all arround the world. If you think only Americans read this threads, you are wrong. I am from Europe, so you see... Going all over the world.
I don´t spend my hole day in the web, but I work now a lot on my pc, so I have the time to read, write and find out which signs I saw, are the truth. And ATS helped me... The signs were real, I think.

Be honest

Nia Wind

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

but if I had said aliens exist and I FEEL THEM WHEN I SLEEP. I would get a lot of replies. LOL,
good times.
my mind is not shut..its just in reality.

I assume there are aliens out there for sure.
but people who have seen them..whole different topic.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:15 PM

WHO IS ASSUMING HERE. Me or the rest of you.

and yes, religion and aliens are the same thing. If you are into current theories you can understand that aliens or angels can live on a different vibration and pop in next to you to help and pop back out.
Not that it helps you to survive or anything.

interesting how the word DELUSIONAL gets people angry.

If you are saying I am asking people to NOT THINK. I am doing the exact opposite.

but notice how talking about reality (thinking) gets the opposite reaction from some of you.

as for guidance. here it is. DONT WAste too much time on this coz U WILL NEVER KNOW. 80 years from now when u are lying in your death bed.. THINK back and say "sht, MrJelly was right...I never found out." ahh its brutal but true.

still makes for fun reading though

you are a true thinker. I agree with you (however, psychologists cant write prescriptions and psychiatrists go to med school) big difference.

In fact I dont make any assumptions. I agree there is huge chance of aliens existing..but having come to planet earth. I dont think so. I am not closed minded. I have to say what I think

UFO addiction does harm people. It harms the reality of the world. while I say do what you want (do ast tough will shall be the whole of the law), think about how much more you can get accomplished by doing something ELSE instead of focusing on aliens.
But again, everything in moderation is alright.

The entire human experience is a delusion.

THIS stuff is so FUNNY to me. WHy do people say this? YOU cAN CHOOSE TO make it FEEL MORE INTERESTING but thats all it is. YOU FOOLING YOURSELF. nothing more
BUt again.. IT SOUNDS GOOD DOESNT IT. it feeds the fantasy.

If I want to read about Area 51 and aliens or anything else, am I hurting you? Is anyone here harming you in any way?
OK, I'll get off my soapbox.

THIS IS The best post of all. Love you KIDFLASH2008.
I can not argue against your words. YOU MY FRIEND are realistic. You realize that it is NOTHING MORE than just fun reading and interesting ideas.

thats all I was getting at here, but you all jump on me coz I point out the obvious.
kidflash has his head in the right place.

I have a certain degree of faith for both UFOs and Religion, but by nature I am a scientific animal. I want to believe and hope for concrete proof.

THERE you go bro.. now THAT IS LOGICAL. end of story. this guy is saying it as it is in reality. He didnt even get upset coz he is not basing his ideas with EMOTION.
observe how different he is from the rest of you sheep who just attack because I dont come out and say "oh I KNOW THEY EXIST coz I FEEL THEM AND HAVE SEEN THEM"

here comes another good one

The worst I can say about the true believers is that they are like children blowing bubbles. Having their fun, not hurting me. There are worse ways for people to spend their time.

LOOK at this one people BEAUTIFUL. however, they are hurting themselves coz they refuse to face reality. but u are right, there are worst ways to spend time.

t's the artists, writers, and musicians who are creating the future (and the past).

OH really? I thought it was the illuminati who created civilization and created the safe womb that the musicians can hide in and create songs. FOOLS. emotions are so important to you. FEEL GOOD>

that is different from FANTASIZING. C what I mean.

we have thumbs, and big brains. ALL are physical, not spiritual.
love u all
dont mean to degrade some of you but its how it rolls.
I can always post about crazy dreams and aliens and how the NWO is bad and propaganda and get thousands of replies.
But this is for the NO-blame, responsible, realistic, and most importantly, RESPONSIBLE individuals.

stay safe and enjoy life

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Kruel

Had to reply to this one THIS IS THE besT ONE YET.

reate your own fantasies or live in someone else's. I prefer mine. I don't require an "authority" to tell me what I'm allowed to believe in and what I'm not. I'll come to conclusions on my own, thankyouvermuch!

I'm sure there were people in old times who said that a round world was a "delusion", and the flat world was "reality".

you DO REquire an authority. YOUr own conclusions are delusional. lol. fantasy, not reality.
as for people in the past not believing the world was round..hmmm. YOU really dont see the difference? really? honestly? U CANT FIGURE IT OUT> wow

hmmmm look at the sun..its FREAKING ROUND? look at the MOON? or maybe the sun and moon were not around in the past coz YOU did not create them with the power of your fantasy making mind.
NO, not at all.
YOu didnt figure this out? I wonder why, it didnt fit in with your...we know more now than we did in the past connect? That is a textbook of example of HOW much you actually cant think on your own and require the "flat earth, round earth, hollow earth" ideas to try and give credit to you delusional way of thinking.

PEOPLE did know the earth was round. IT only says different in your books so that you CHOOSE TO BELIEVE despite the OBVIOUS REALITY I just pointed out and has been in front or above your eyes ALL OF OUR LIFE.

u think people didnt know this fact during COlumbus' time or before that time?
what do you think ATLAS is holding on his shoulders? hmmm why is that thing ROUND.
delusional to the max and not willing to face reality and the OBVIOUS.
another perfect example.
but IM sure u all hate me for breaking your fantasy and pointing out what you really NEED TO OBSERVE and admit

oh I forget, u Create your OWN reality. thats right. create your own fantasy instead of others.
SUre, makes sense right.
DONT LOOK at the obvious and dont care about nature and reality because WE CAN focus on the fantaasy where NO ONE IS WRONG. ALL IDEAS are welcomed.

lol. sheeple.
thank god the illuminati provide u with the artificial womb so you dont actually have power to make choices that matter.

so run off little crazy ones. back to your feel good fantasy posts where NO ONE IS wrong and everyone can say stupid things coz "STUPID THINGS are just stupid coz you havent experienced them yet" "they exist in another plane..."

I understand that its more fun to talk about things that are out there and can never be proven.
hell you dont need to go to 6 years of college and put in 3500 hours of clinical psychology (wasnt as bad as it sounds) in order to make wild claim. PLUS, if its YOUR EXPERIENce you can BE the expert without doing ANY WORK. hmmm, sounds like .. lazy. greedy, delusional. 3 traits of the sheeple.

[edit on 16-8-2008 by MrJelly]

[edit on 16-8-2008 by MrJelly]

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Stupid sheepdogs , always letting the sheep run away.

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