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CIT makes thE "OC Weekly"

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:30 PM
Oh man doesnt at all look good for the CIT boys.

Man sooooooo many gems where oh where to begin?
Well lets start with a straight to the point one

Unfortunately, their film, The PentaCon, doesn’t provide any evidence of this. What it does show is a series of interviews Ranke and Marquis have filmed over the past few years on location in Arlington, Virginia, usually within a stone’s throw of the Pentagon building. They’ve interviewed Pentagon police officers, journalists, gas-station employees, local residents, a boat captain and several Arlington National Cemetery gravediggers, all of whom believe they witnessed an American Airlines jet crash into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

I am soooo pleased that after all of the GARBAGE that Craig and Also have spewed against Mike Watler that we here Walter's take on Aldo and Craig

Walter ran out of his car and waited for a USA Today photographer to show up to take pictures. Scattered pieces of wreckage lay strewn across the lawn and several light poles had been knocked down by the jet in a diagonal line pointing to the smoldering southwest wall of the building. “I saw pieces of the wreckage,” he says. “There were people taking pictures of themselves with pieces of the wreckage. The next morning, I was interviewed by all the network shows.”

Those interviews made Walter probably the most well-known eyewitness to what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, which is why, a little more than five years later, in November 2006, he found himself hosting a barbecue for a group of eager young men who were making Loose Change, a documentary about the terrorist attacks. After getting a telephone call from a self-described 9/11 researcher named Russell Pickering, Walter invited Pickering and Dylan Avery, the film’s director, to his house in Fairfax, Virginia.

They showed up with a couple of other people Walter had never spoken with: Craig Ranke, a fast talker with wild eyes, and Aldo Marquis, a heavyset guy who didn’t talk much. The two said they were helping Avery and Pickering with research for their film. Walter chatted casually with the pair, and at one point, he realized that Ranke was surreptitiously tape-recording the conversation.

That was weird, he thought. And increasingly, so was the conversation itself. Although Pickering and Avery seemed relatively normal, Ranke and Marquis appeared to be on a mission to prove that the Pentagon plane crash never happened. They wouldn’t listen to anything that contradicted this notion.

“I understand why people have certain feelings about this government,” Walter says. “There are things this administration did that I’m not pleased with, but facts are facts. I was on the road that day and saw what I saw. The plane was in my line of sight. You could see the ‘AA’ on the tail. You knew it was American Airlines.”

Marquis and Ranke simply refused to believe Walter saw what he saw. “They were saying things like, ‘Are you sure the plane didn’t land [at Reagan airport] and they set off a bomb?’ They kept coming up with all these scenarios.

“Some of those guys [at the party] were young and nice and disaffected [about] their government,” Walter concludes. “And some of them were crazy.”

I am sure that that there are more that is just page 1 of 5.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:32 PM
I cant help but quote the last part of Walters again because it is so telling

“I understand why people have certain feelings about this government,” Walter says. “There are things this administration did that I’m not pleased with, but facts are facts. I was on the road that day and saw what I saw. The plane was in my line of sight. You could see the ‘AA’ on the tail. You knew it was American Airlines.”

Marquis and Ranke simply refused to believe Walter saw what he saw. “They were saying things like, ‘Are you sure the plane didn’t land [at Reagan airport] and they set off a bomb?’ They kept coming up with all these scenarios.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:57 PM
Poor aldo says its a HIT PIECE!

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 15-8-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 06:27 PM
Well, I guess the 162 gold stars for CIT makes this a rather sensitive topic.

I don't suppose you'll get many replies as that's the quickest way to make it disappear off of the front page.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 06:46 PM
Poor Mike Walter. Is he still whining about being sooo misunderstood for saying he saw a "cruise missile with wings" fly into the Pentagon?

Mike, be a man. You've groveled and backtracked more than enough to stay out of harm's way and keep your job.

Just like Jamie McIntyre, these guys have no idea how much trouble they can attract just by honestly reporting what they saw (or didn't see.)

With all their insipid explanations about what they really meant, does anyone believe a single word from these clowns when they're back in their corporate-controlled news cubicles?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Do you think that when Mike Walter was overseas covering numerous wars that this was at the directive of his corporate overlords?
Do you think that the NWO has implanted some sort of mind control chip or used what Jason Bermas has called a "jedi mind trick"?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by TheBobert
Do you think that when Mike Walter was overseas covering numerous wars that this was at the directive of his corporate overlords?

As an "embedded" journalist with the U.S. Army? What do you think? TPTB learned their lesson from Vietnam about letting journalists wander around on their own so viewers could experience the reality of war. Now you see the same stock library footage over and over and over.

For the rare journalist who ventures beyond the Green Zone, if anyone gets out of line, their cameras are "mistaken" for bazookas or their news bureaus are "accidentally" bombed. Check out how many journalists have been killed in Iraq. One of the heads of a journalist rights organization had to resign for suggesting that they were being purposefully targeted.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 07:30 PM
Do you have a link to the story about them being targeted?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Wow, actually it was CNN's chief news executive:

CNN executive resigns after controversial remarks
Friday, February 11, 2005 Posted: 10:14 PM EST (0314 GMT)

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan resigned Friday, saying the controversy over his remarks about the deaths of journalists in Iraq threatened to tarnish the network he helped build.

Jordan conceded that his remarks at the January 27 World Economic Forum were "not as clear as they should have been." Several participants at the event said Jordan told the audience U.S. forces had deliberately targeted journalists -- a charge he denied.

"After 23 years at CNN, I have decided to resign in an effort to prevent CNN from being unfairly tarnished by the controversy over conflicting accounts of my recent remarks regarding the alarming number of journalists killed in Iraq," Jordan said in a letter to colleagues.

"I have devoted my professional life to helping make CNN the most trusted and respected news outlet in the world, and I would never do anything to compromise my work or that of the thousands of talented people it is my honor to work alongside.

"While my CNN colleagues and my friends in the U.S. military know me well enough to know I have never stated, believed, or suspected that U.S. military forces intended to kill people they knew to be journalists, my comments on this subject in a World Economic Forum panel discussion were not as clear as they should have been."

The resignation sent shock waves through CNN -- with Jordan long admired by his peers, from executives to the rank-and-file. Jordan joined CNN as an assistant assignment editor in 1982 and rose through the ranks to become CNN's chief news executive.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:21 PM
Non event dude.
Did you even read what you linked to?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by TheBobert
Non event dude.
Did you even read what you linked to?

Oh, it was just a typical troofer tactic to change the subject because he had nothing to say about the topic.

It's embarrassing to all of those star givers to see their idols get slammed in print for what they are - frauds. Most of them won't even read more than page 1.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:49 PM
Yes the ever present changing of the topics.
The funny thing about the article about the CIT is that it is very straight forward.
He wasnt a reporter who had an agenda or was looking to bash the CIT.
Craig and Aldo must have trusted him I mean after all they invited him to Aldo apartment.
Now Aldo is crying that this was a hit piece?
They even took the time to pose for some Fresh Prince of Bel Aire photos.
I kept expecting Will Smith to jump out.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by TheBobert
Non event dude.
Did you even read what you linked to?

Non event? CNN's chief news executive claiming that the U.S. Army purposefully murders journalists? Whatever you say.

Did I read what I linked to? Uh, yeah, I even posted it in the order it was written and didn't cherry-pick paragraphs in an attempt to mislead people.

Originally posted by Reheat
Oh, it was just a typical troofer tactic to change the subject because he had nothing to say about the topic.

Hi JREF debunker troll. Just responding to questions and non-sequiters. Got anything to add except ad-hominems and childish name-calling?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
Non event? CNN's chief news executive claiming that the U.S. Army purposefully murders journalists? Whatever you say.

Did I read what I linked to? Uh, yeah, I even posted it in the order it was written and didn't cherry-pick paragraphs in an attempt to mislead people.

Duh, double Duh! Apparently you failed to notice that he DENIED making the statement. Since your reading comprehension is uh, uh shall we say deficient, what are you left with when the person ACCUSED of making a statement denies it. Psssst - he says he didn't say it. Comprehendo?

Apparently, you're accusing the man of lying, but also using him to make some kind of point. A bit ironic to say the least.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
Got anything to add except ad-hominems and childish name-calling?

Ad hominem doesn't mean what you think it means.

Oh, you think "star giver" is childish, do you? OK, I won't use that term again.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:55 PM
OMG... this article is AWESOME.... I laughed through the entire thing...

one of my favorites:

After returning to California, Marquis says he started noticing strange clicks on the phone whenever he spoke with Pickering. He also noticed that Pickering didn’t seem to share his enthusiasm for returning to Arlington to interview Turcios, the gas-station employee. “Russell got strange about it,” Marquis says. “I almost got the feeling he was trying to deter me. . . . I think he was put there to be an operative.”

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA heard strange clicking on his phone. OMG this is fresh.

Wait... wait... this is even better.... OMG this is classic:

“We can prove [Walter] is a liar,” Ranke says.

“You want me to cut to the chase?” Marquis interrupts. “He’s an operative. One hundred percent, without a doubt. A deep-cover operative or asset.”

“The point is, it’s not obvious until you dig,” Ranke says.

“They are deep cover,” Marquis says, shaking his head in resignation. “They have to be. It’s obvious.”

“Maybe not all of them, but some of them for sure,” Ranke offers.

“And if not, they’re assets,” Marquis adds thoughtfully. “I hate to even speculate.” =5

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Reheat

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
Non event? CNN's chief news executive claiming that the U.S. Army purposefully murders journalists? Whatever you say.

Did I read what I linked to? Uh, yeah, I even posted it in the order it was written and didn't cherry-pick paragraphs in an attempt to mislead people.

Duh, double Duh! Apparently you failed to notice that he DENIED making the statement.

Apparently you failed to notice that he RESIGNED after several participants publicized his accusations.

Damn, the throat yogurt is flying hot and heavy tonight.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by Reheat

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
Non event? CNN's chief news executive claiming that the U.S. Army purposefully murders journalists? Whatever you say.

Did I read what I linked to? Uh, yeah, I even posted it in the order it was written and didn't cherry-pick paragraphs in an attempt to mislead people.

Duh, double Duh! Apparently you failed to notice that he DENIED making the statement.

Apparently you failed to notice that he RESIGNED after several participants publicized his accusations.

No, I didn't fail to notice that.... Your point is?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 10:56 PM
Like most other people in this forum, I've read the persistent and heated attacks on Craig Ranke and CIT.

A couple of observations:

1. The dude simply must be on to something serious. If two cops say the plane flew north of the gas station and one of them is extremely emphatic about it, I have to take it seriously.

Of the large number of people who were witnesses that morning, few were positioned to determine if the plane was north or south of the gas station. You would almost have to be on the station property at the time to make that determination with any accuracy. CIT has interviewed those people and they all say north.

The administration has a degree of wiggle room no matter how the towers came down. Sometimes weasels can get through the smallest holes.

However, if the Pentagon attack is proven to be fraudulent, the weasels have no place to run and no place to hide.

2. The people who try to discredit Craig Ranke and CIT in such vitriolic fashion have restored my faith in the ATS forums, because the people in question can't possibly be paid disinformation agents. The criticisms are just not effective.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

1. The dude simply must be on something serious.

There... I fixed that for you.

What is funny is that Alpo thinks it was a "hit piece." The author poked fun at them throughout the entire article making them look like loons.

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