IMO, there's a difference between "Illuminati" & "NWO" kinds of people. Most people use a negative connotation with Illuminati that I don't
have...I take the word
literally from its definition in my copy of Webster's Universal Dictionary & Thesaurus:
a name given to persons professing special spiritual or intellectual enlightenment
Of course, I'm aware that not all "illuminus" bearing the name are
truly enlightened & don't actually
use their "special wisdom"
for the betterment of humanity...After all, if one truly is enlightened then that should be the primary goal.
Of course, my opinion of "false" illuminati is quite different: Those who actually seek positions of power & ridiculously-irreverent levels of
personal wealth for selfish reasons cannot therefore justly claim the name of illuminati.
Over on page 5 of
this thread I posted an 8-part multiple post that delves into the
deep psychology of "false" illuminati that delves into the "why do they do nothing but spread suffering" question of their actions: Yet the
actions of "false" illuminati prove to me that they do not equate with Natural Law. Since I don't feel it to be right to re-post any of it here,
I'll just pack it in a nutshell: False illuminati live their lives on reliance of their mid-brain features (instinct & primary id), using their
forebrain features (higher-order thought, rationality, compassion & altruism) only to intellectuaize & justify the actions they take based upon their
mid-brain features. Thus, false illuminati may think & truly believe that they work for the betterment of humanity, but instead work at
counter-purposes that, in truth, are only selfish & greedy.
Since the Natural Law allowed humans to develop the forebrain, then those people who disregard
using it are "evolutionary throwbacks" because
they still take action based on more "animalistic" behavior. That's when they violate Natural Law & seek to dominate others into behaving
appropriately...As subordinate to them in a strict hierarchy.
true illuminati act as an extension of Nature, but it's still a wise idea to be wary of
false illuminati when you meet them.
Further, you'll also find that false illuminati gravitate into the perverted systems of Big Corporations & high-level government offices because the
perverted tend to thrive in perverted systems...
Gee...Does this sound at least a little like Bush, who has unjustly & unlawfully claimed unprecedented powers from the rest of the government?