posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Truther
This is such BS. I can only guess why they'd enact a law such as this. Not sure about where this car dealership is, but here in Ontario Canada we
pay for our water usage and disposal. Coincidentally, the company that bills us doesn't measure actual disposal, instead using a 100% rule. 100%
going in, must be going back out.
So of course, if this car dealership has to pay for water, the water company is going to get pissy because they don't get to charge for the water
usage, and if the water is not going into the building via piping, they also can't charge the disposal going out.
I applaud this man for trying to do something earth friendly...I'm sure his first thought as a business man was also to save some $$ but so what. If
he were washing a hundred cars a day some environmental lobbyists would probably be picketing him.
In the end you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
My father in law uses a rain barrel system to collect water for his gardens and is in the process of setting us up with the same system. The law can
kiss my bum on this one
edit to add: if rain water doesn't belong to me, there'd better be someone on their way to bail out my leaky basement!! I wonder if I can get fined
for "collecting" rain water in my basement.....
[edit on 14-8-2008 by Michelle129]