posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 09:30 PM
This so called revelation is just another in a long line of misinformation. Do any of you really believe that the multitude of scientists involved
with the project were not smart enough to realize why the rocket went higher ? What was wrong were the parameters used in the calculations. There was
and is no need to re-invent physics. I have yet to see calculations that address all of the parameters that govern the flight of a rocket. All I have
seen are childish high school level physics formulae that supposedly address the issue. It is far more complicated than certain individuals would lead
you to believe. However, ignorance is just what the charlatans are hoping for. When all of the operational parameters are correctly accounted for, the
rocket made a normal flight.
No need for new physics here. Newton is pretty safe at the speeds these rockets travel. Einstein is safe for sure. What is not safe, however, are the
easily manipulated minds that attend the carnival side shows that represent themselves as truth.