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International Terrorism Does Not Exist

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:49 AM

International Terrorism Does Not Exist

...In this context, if we analyze what happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States, we can arrive at the following conclusions:

1. The organizers of those attacks were the political and business circles interested in destabilizing the world order and who had the means necessary to finance the operation. The political conception of this action matured in the face of emerging tensions in the administration of financial and other types of resources. We have to look for the reasons of the attacks in the coincidence of interests of Big Capital at global and transnational levels, in the circles that were not satisfied with the rhythm of the globalization process or its direction. Unlike traditional wars, whose conception is determined by generals and politicians, the oligarchs and politicians were the ones who did it this time.

2. Only secret services and their current chiefs, or those retired but still with influence inside the state organizations, have the ability to plan, organize and conduct an operation of such magnitude. Generally, secret services create, finance and control extremist organizations. Without the support of secret services, these organizations cannot exist, let alone carry out operations of such magnitude inside countries so well protected. Planning and carrying out an operation on this scale is extremely complex.

3. Osama bin Laden and “Al Qaeda” cannot be the organizers nor the performers of the September 11 attacks. They do not have the necessary organization, resources or leaders. Thus, a team of professionals had to be created, and the Arab kamikazes are just extras to mask the operation. The September 11 operation modified the course of events in the world in the direction chosen by transnational mafias and international oligarchs; that is, those who hope to control the planet’s natural resources, the world information network and financial flows. This operation also favored the US economic and political elite that also seeks world dominance.

The use of the term “international terrorism” has the following goals:

1. Hiding the real objectives of the forces deployed all over the world in the struggle for dominance and control;

2. Creating a public demand for a struggle with undefined goals against an invisible enemy;

[edit: clipped quoted content and added required EX tags]
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[edit on 14-8-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

[edit on 14-8-2008 by anti72]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:21 AM

3. Destroying basic international norms and changing concepts such as: aggression, state terror, dictatorship or movement of national liberation;

4. Depriving peoples of their legitimate right to resist aggression and to reject the work of foreign intelligence services;
5. Establishing the principle of renunciation to national interests, transforming objectives in the military field by giving priority to the war on terror, violating the logic of military alliances to the detriment of a joint defense and to favor the anti-terrorist coalition;

6. Solving economic problems through a tough military rule using the war on terror as a pretext. In order to fight in an efficient way against international terrorism it is necessary to take the following steps:

1. To confirm before the UN General Assembly the principles of the UN Charter and international law as principles that all states are obliged to respect;

2. To create a geo-strategic organization (perhaps inspired in the Cooperation Organization of Shanghai comprised of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) with a set of values different to that of the Atlantists; to design a strategy of development of states, a system of international security, another financial and economic model (which would mean that the world would again rest on two pillars);

3. To associate (under the United Nations) the scientific elites in the design and promotion of the philosophical concepts of the Human Being of the 21st Century.

4. To organize the interaction of all religious denominations in the world, on behalf of the stability of humanity’s development, security and mutual support.

This article was written (January 22, 2006) as a follow-up to the Axis For Peace Conference, Brussels, 2005

thanx to Mod

[edit on 14-8-2008 by anti72]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:37 AM
Communism faded, so a new global bogeyman was needed.

Enter Osama bin Laden, al-CIAduh and the Islamic "threat."

Synthetic Terrorism is the only billion-dollar product that's still made in America:

BBC's "The Power of Nightmares -- Part 1

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:44 AM
I saw a documentary here in Canuckistan on the CBC that if I remember correctly the gist of it was: Al Qaeda doesn't exist. It had some pretty compelling evidence, and I think they said that the term Al Qaeda loosely translates to: the database.

I think it's entirely possible...considering 100% of the people I know who think they know what they're talking about when they talk about Al Qaeda have never been to the Middle East, or outside North America for that matter. Most people see stuff on CNN and have no difficulty parroting it as if they saw what transpired with their own eyes.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:59 AM
interesting, can you post something of that info?


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:55 AM
I looked for a link for the documentary that I watched but I wasn't able to locate for sure what I'm thinking of. It might be this one but I'm not positive. I didn't see the entire documentary, as I had started watching it after it started so I never saw the title. It was something I just happened across while flipping channels while I was playing video games

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:40 AM
I dont get it.Just yesterday 3 Canadian Aid workers were killed by Taliban fighters in Afganistan.Canada has lost 90 soldiers to the conflict in Gani.America has lost over 4000 in Iraq.Who is killing them?What about Hamas?Islamic Jihad?Hezbollah?
How about that terrorist attack in western China?Two attacks actually.Reported by Chinese media no less!They suspect the Vighurs in the area also to be supported by AL-quaida.If it a hoax wouldnt the Chinese just come out and say so?Better yet wouldnt Osama bin Ladin say so for himself?
No.The threat is real enough.
The CBC as well as most canadian media have a profound leftist slant.Dont believe me?Ask any canadian student in university.Even they see the leftist slant.This is what bothers me about media going on about human rights abuses and then basically say we cant do anything about it.Why even report it if we cant take out that dictator responsible for it?
You know what conspiracy i put forth right now?That the extreme left in cahoots with the Wests enemies seeks to destroy democracies from within because of their intense hatred of capitalism.Im not talking about moderates of the political spectrum.Im talking about those who would resort to violence and enslave or kill you if you dont agree with them.Ive been threaten by one person with this,

"Theres nothing you can do now.We own this campaign now(US elections) and theres nothing anyone can do to stop us."

Now i dont know if this was a leftist or and islamist or communist but whoever it was is no friend of free speech or debate.I wish i saved it(i got so angry with them i deleted the message and logged) but with a little tact i bet i can get one of these #tards to say something like this again.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by Justice11
I dont get it.Just yesterday 3 Canadian Aid workers were killed by Taliban fighters in Afganistan.Canada has lost 90 soldiers to the conflict in Gani.America has lost over 4000 in Iraq.Who is killing them?What about Hamas?Islamic Jihad?Hezbollah?

I see you've learned all the NWO/media buzzwords that guarantee endless hatred and war. Who's killing the soldiers? Is it possible they're just ordinary Iraqi citizens whose country we've occupied for five years and who are disgusted with rogue paramilitary forces like Blackwater shooting first and asking questions later? Or could it be they're tired of being run off the road by military convoys, having every door in the country kicked in, seeing less gas, electricity and clean water than they had under Saddam while the Americans live in their fancy, well-supplied Green Zone? Also the enormous Halliburton corruption with unfulfilled reconstruction promises and inhaling depleted uranium that's being spread from one end of the country to the other. Or who knows, maybe they're just a little cranky from seeing 800,000 - 1 million of their relatives killed and a couple million more homeless refugees.

Just a bunch of ingrates who don't appreciate their newfound "liberation."

BTW, that "extreme left" you hate so much is just a different side of the same corrupt political coin. All politics is manipulation, fear-mongering and self-serving. Although it may seem that way, the media doesn't really have a "leftist" slant (even though journalists as a whole tend to be more liberal), it really has a military/corporate/industrial slant that advances their owner's agendas. The proof of this is the lack of U.S. media who questioned Bush's lies and phony justification to invade Iraq. There was practically none, as noted by former Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan. The media aren't government watchdogs, they're lapdogs.

[edit] Justice11, here's a couple of CIA quotes gathered from books:

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
--William Colby, former CIA Director, quoted by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month."
--CIA operative, discussing the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. Katherine the Great, by Deborah Davis

Be careful about believing the steady propaganda drumbeat you hear in the media -- their constant fear-mongering of al-Qaeda this, Taliban that and their favorite global bogeyman, Osama bin Boxcutter. Most people don't even know that bin Laden is probably long dead and isn't even wanted by the FBI for 9/11. How f'ed up is that?! I don't know about Canada, but I sure wouldn't trust any corporate media source in the States.

[edit on 15-8-2008 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:36 AM
BTW Justice 11, I came across another one of your posts:

More America bashing.I know enough people from the US that will argue with you and win rather easily.There is no threat of govt towards americans.There is a threat of radical Islam and extremists period.Whether they are religious ,ideological or political.They can be communists(political),athiests(ideological) or radical islamists or desert islamists(religious).Religious radicals can also be Christian,jewish ,Buddist (think of those who set themselves on fire during the Vietnam war),or Hindu(ghandis assasins).Jewish-i believe Rabin was assasinated by an extremist israeli settler if im not mistaken.

War is upon us and has been since sept 11 2001.I also believe this to be world war 3 since it encompasses the entire globe.Say what you want about the CIA ,FBI or the US govt ,it all falls on deaf ears here until this war is won.Islamic extremists estimate they can have control of America by 2020.

Yikes, "radical Buddhists" who set themselves on fire in protest of the war? While I respect your opinion and agree with you about religious radicals, I can see you're diametrically opposed to what the OP is saying. You truly believe radical Islam is the world's greatest threat. Based on our research, we believe some of that threat has been manufactured to keep us in a state of "divide and conquer."

I hope you'll keep an open mind and research topics like the Lusitania, FDR's advance knowledge of Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Northwoods, JFK, RFK, the USS Liberty, Waco, Oklahoma City, TWA 800, WMDs in Iraq and even 9/11. I don't hate my country, but some U.S. governments (both liberal AND conservative) aren't always as they seem.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 12:33 PM
I live in Canada...I watch American AND Canadian media all the time. Canada gets all the same channels the US does and more (except Faux news, thankfully you can't get that in Canada as I really don't miss it, but I catch the high-lights on Jon Stewart.) Canada is just as susceptible to the propaganda as any other western-nation. Just because it's colder here doesn't mean all the evils of our society don't make it north of the border. Plus Stephen Harper (the Canadian Prime Minister for the most of you who probably had no idea who was leading Canada) is so far up Bush's backside you can barely see him.

Canada has 2 news networks:

CTV: Was more of a conservative leaning station. Although I think Stephen Harper may have pissed them off somehow. They've been less conservative lately and when he (Stephen Harper) was giving a live speech the other day they didn't show it live, although the CBC did. They also covered the Bilderberg Group when it met in Ottawa a few years back. I remember seeing the coverage at the time and sitting there with my mouth open and turning to my husband and asking, "Am I dreaming right now? Pinch me! Did I just hear Lloyd Robertson ask if this group is bent on world domination?

CBC: Government-owned news network. While the liberals were in power for 13 years the station was notoriously liberal. The worm seems to have turned a bit now though, and I suspect Harper may have been reading them the riot act. They've been a lot more kind to him lately than they were initially and while the liberals were power.

Global: not a network but it does have a national news show. Kind of liberal leaning, I guess.

Please note: conservative-slant and liberal-slant in Canada are a lot more reality-based than in the United States...and the center is somewhat further to the left than back home as well.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Malynn
I looked for a link for the documentary that I watched but I wasn't able to locate for sure what I'm thinking of.

Was this the one?

Al-Qaeda Doesn't Exist

[edit on 15-8-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Yeah, I think that is probably the one I'm thinking of. Thanks for providing me with the title
I was able to go back and watch the parts I haven't seen.

[edit on 8/17/08 by Malynn]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by anti72

Yes it does. American imperialism. America imposing itself on the world in all its guises is international terrorism.

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