These photographs are taken at 10.08.2008 and are from different angles.
I do not know what this is and I do not think that this is some random cloud formation because the circle is very good. Maybe it is somehow connected
to the 2012 events or not. I would like to read your opinions.
Sorry for my bad english it is not my first language.
Wow... very cool photos. Some force definitely creating the circular pattern. I've seen some other bizarre cloud patterns which IMHO there is NO
WAY could be considered random formations. Almost like there is some intelligence in the clouds. Thanks for posting the pics.
If I remember correctly, they are called hole punch clouds. I've got several pictures of them on my phone from a day they were all over the sky. I
don't know how it happens, but it's cool.
How does the hole occur in the clouds ? - The puffy clouds were likely composed of ice crystals and very small super-cooled liquid water droplets.
Studies have shown that very small supercooled liquid water droplets can exist well below freezing (as low as -40 degrees (C, or Centrigrade) ). The
temperature in the cloud layer was around -24 deg (C) at the time of occurrence. Sometimes...when ice and the supercooled liquid droplets coexist
within a cloud...a process occurs whereby ice crystals grow at the expense of the droplets. If the mixed cloud is agitated...the supercooled droplets
freeze instantaneously. It is understood through microphysical arguments that water vapor must evaporate from the surrounding supercooled droplets
and flow towards the ice crystals. This would start a cycle whereby newly formed ice crystals cause the surrounding droplet to evaporate...resulting
in a circular form void of clouds with a mass of crystals in the center. Many photos taken that day seem to represent this process.
In reality they don't really know what is causing them to occur.I myself have seen them on one or two occasions here in the Washington DC
metropolitan area.
They are called hole-punch clouds. There are a couple of theories behind their formation, the first being virga (precipitation not reaching the
ground) falling from cirrus clouds and punching a hole within a cloud of a lower layer. The second occurs when an aircraft flys through a layer of
cloud, displacing the water droplets
There are hundreds of photos of these clouds all over the internet, nothing new here