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when are people going to snap?

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Misfit
Granted, it needs to happen, the question is how? How does one/many go about correlating a successful revolt the size of a nation?

Well, there's still one kind of peaceful revolt that I've seen yet to happen...At least with enough numbers of people to make THE difference: There must be a very large number of people who have woken up to the misdirection & lies that the mainstream media pukes out at us every day...Then they must remove their consent to be governed: As in, remove our support, deny them the tax-monies, passive civil disobedience (simply refusing to do what they command).

Removing our support consists primarily of revoking our Federal citizenship...Don't worry, we still retain our State Citizenship status (Yeah, there are two different kinds of citizenship) & reclaim our Sovereign Citizen status. If you would like to read through Attention ATS! Know The Hidden Meanings... (it's a long read; 16 pages & still growing), you can get some ideas on how to proceed (And also feel free to contribute to the topic of the discussion). However, be warned that you should consult Common Law Lawyers (not BAR graduated attorneys, because they'll only tell you what they want you to know) before you actually proceed with anything. Common Law Lawyers are going to be tough to find, because they uphold the Constitution, contrary to licensed attorneys uphold commercial law (UCC) & Statutory Law (USC) as higher than the Constitution...Which is wrong of the attorneys in the first place because the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.

Once you've voided your federal citizenship & if they try to challenge you with their "authority," make them prove their jurisdiction over you before allowing anything to proceed...They're loathe to do so because they know their limits & will try to trick you into "consenting" yourself into their jurisdiction. A good example of what I mean can be found here.

There are people doing this already & the numbers are increasing...It's just that there's not yet enough people reclaiming their Sovereignty by Natural Rights. Instead of thousands, it'll take millions & tens-of-millions at least. The key is to inform as many people as you can because the more we can help America to "wake up," the more quickly the government will have to shut down...They can't do anything if we don't give them any support: They cannot govern without the consent of the governed! This approach doesn't necessarily mean "taking to the streets" (or more likely, "taking to the Free Speech Cages"
), but taking your Affidavits to the Notary Public & then to various Recorder's Offices...But this approach will not do any significant good unless you also spread the word too.

BTW, the more accurate term would be "rebel," not "revolt."

Originally posted by Spike Spiegle
I have often thought about that same question...
perhasp if we look at other revolts in history that have got results nad to that modern day thinking and tech.

Well, to see about peaceful revolts, we really don't need to look too far beyond Ghandi, the 1960's peaceful protests during the 1960's, Martin Luther King with Minority's Rights, the Womens' Rights Movement (Womens' Suffrage)...Peaceful revolutions do have an impact on public awareness. From cultural awareness & the desire to do better spreads rapidly. My only concern is that I don't think there's enough time for a gradual "awakening" within the public...All of the policies & infrastructure for Hitler's Fourth Reich are already in place & just waiting for the proper moment to put into effect.

Still, if we want this to remain peaceful the quickest way to teach the truth is to actively talk with people...Family, friends, spreading by word-of-mouth, to build up a "grass roots" support & "grass roots" action to reclaim our Sovereignty (as described at the first link in this post): Hmmm...Much like Ron Paul has been doing for a long time already...

[edit on 14-8-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:46 AM
Yeah, agree with past peaceful protests mentioned. My point to clarify would be peaceful protesting in today's national dabacle gets nowhere.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by MidnightDStroyer

Great post. I agree that with enough people it's possible to bring peaceful change.

You suggestion to void your federal citizenship off course only applies to US citizens, and the problem is larger than just the US. But if a big change happens in the US, citizens of other western countries will find a way follow. I know that a lot of people are waking up. Anybody read "The tipping point"? It's all about creating a critical mass.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by FreezeM
You suggestion to void your federal citizenship off course only applies to US citizens..

If you'd read through the first thread-link I provided above, you'd find that a person's Birth Certificate is the key that makes people into Federal citizens...Which is defined by the 14th Amendment, as compared to the State Citizenship that we're born with. This is what I was referring to when I mentioned the two different kinds of citizenship...The State Citizenship retains all Natural Rights, whereas federal citizenship leaves out some very important Rights, being traded for federal "benefits," such as Social Security & other federal "welfare" programs. The Birth Certificate itself stands as a "contract of Adhesion" that actually grants Rights, as compared to the in-born State Citizenship: The State Citizenship doesn't grant Rights, but defines (through the Bill of Rights) & guarantees upholding Natural Rights. Natural Rights are in-born, granted by the Creator of Natural Laws...The 14th Amendment turns Natural Rights into legally-defined "granted privileges" instead & doesn't even include all of of what is described in the Bill of Rights.

What the 14th Amendment doesn't do is replace the citizenship standards written in the main body of the Constitution...It merely grants federal citizenship to those people who did not already qualify for Constitutional citizenship...As in the newly-freed slaves, for example. This is why the 14th Amendment cannot supercede the main text of the Constitution...It's unlawful to do so & the government knows that.

The Bill of Rights is merely an incomplete list of Natural Rights (other Natural Rights are enumerated by Supreme Court Rulings, such as the Right to Travel Freely, for example). The 14th Amendment instead is a declaration to remove Natural Rights & replaces them with Civil Rights...An entirely different species of animal. The key lies in the Birth Certificate. It's the Birth Certificate that stands as a Contract of Adhesion for the child that was born & the parents are not given "full disclosure" of the the terms & conditions. These T&C's that were not revealed are what grants the child with federal citizenship, but as the T&C's were not fully disclosed at the time your parents signed it, the Remedy & Recourse clauses of the UCC (1-207 & 1-203) can be invoked to void that contract. Read the thread I linked in my previous post for further explanation.

BTW, much of what I've described also applies to Canada as well...There are only some minor differences, but the main procedures are very much the same thing.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:22 AM
thanks for the great posts midnight tho like you said..for it to work the world would have to do the same.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by Spike Spiegle]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Spike Spiegle

There's nothing in the Constitution that obligates America to act as World Police or Big Brother...Even so, before we can truly help the rest of the world in any positive way, we first have to concentrate on purging the corruption from our own Nation. When I joined the military some decades ago, my Oath of Office included the phrase, "I shall defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign & domestic." It's the Oath of Office that's required of all government Officers at both State & Federal levels. Therefore, since I still take that Oath seriously (even though I've long since been discharged of my duty & no longer legally obligated), my first loyalty is to the Constitution...And by proxy, my country (though that doesn't mean there's any loyalty to a corrupted government). I cannot serve two masters because the Constitution (indeed, Human Nature also) forbids it. "A man cannot serve two masters. He will come to serve only one & despise the other."--I don't remember who said that...

Once I see that America is back on track, then I'll worry about the rest of the world. Just helping to fix America is going to be a big enough job as it is anyway.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by MidnightDStroyer

I did read it. But your constitution (state or federal) does not apply where I live

It's a subject I've been thinking about a lot. Is it possible for me to cancel the 'contract' with my Goverment? I'd be willing to give up all my 'rights' if that means don't have any obligations either. I think it would be a net gain for me.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:53 AM
There's a lot of hyperlinks in that linked thread that leads to info that applies to America & Canada. If you're anywhere else, you'll have to do the research for yourself...My research didn't cover for anywhere else. Depending on which country you're in, you may not even have any recourse to do this.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Well the only way we got a change at work was to organize a walkout, we all got up at exactly 420 just before lunch said "$$$$ this $$$$ we'll be back when we get some real clients!!!!" and walked out, like 50 employees, lol... they couldn't punish the entire center so they interviewed us all and eventually got change in our office to better suit the employees... hilarious but with a bit a of swearing it works perfectly fine... lol

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:03 AM
I'm in youre saying if I do as you say it's our best chance to get change above all other options?
Perhaps it is..i'm really not sure atall.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:09 AM
This is what I was talking about & what the thread's about too...People first must start to see through the lies of mainstream media & their government, but instead of "snapping" & going hogwild, it's best to remember one of the Laws of Nature as Set Forth by the Creator: No one can govern over another without their consent. This has been a valid truth down throughout the entire history of human civilization. The key is finding out how to remove your consent! Any government will collapse if it doesn't maintain enough of the Peoples' consent! Then the People can restore a government that they hope will use their consent well.
Born of the truth in history & reiterated within the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence is one of the Natural Rights born to all people, everywhere in the world:

...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...

All through history, there's evidence of this Natural Right...Witness that every time a government acts in a manner that the People can no longer tolerate, there comes the revolutions & revolts that overthrow that government. I just consider the US to be lucky in the respect that there are too many countries that don't have peaceful recourse built into the very structure of Law, before people reach that "snapping point."

[edit on 14-8-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:39 AM
I mostly agree with youre logical view of things.
I just dont agree with youre view about a "creator" setting "laws" for humankind man governs man from my angle ...
respect tho.
and thanks again for some great posts.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:46 AM
The best way to react is be sarcastic impersonaly to gas clerks. when you get a crowd at the station filling up, say something politicaly not PC about some lame politcal figure people might like.

If the government shlups can steal hearts and minds with a reichstag in America on 9-11. And then convince them that mocking others who arent as suicidal and inasnely driven as them arent patriotic and therefor ruinable. Then we can take it back by the opposite method.

This country is being deliberately ruined by those in power now. Both nationaly, locally , in your schools and churches its a boondoggle, and your all better off ditching these wanna-be losers and doing something better.

Overcome this friends, we can do it together.

[edit on 14-8-2008 by mastermind77]

[edit on 14-8-2008 by mastermind77]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:50 AM
Well, whether or not you agree with any religious viewpoint about the idea of "intelligent creation," makes no difference. The Constitution did indeed originate from Judeo-Christian principles: However, there's clauses in the Constitution that make no respect of any religion or the denial to worship with any religion...Even so, all scientific investigations agree on one thing in common: There are the Laws of Nature...You hear about the various branches of the sciences every day, such as physics, photonics, biology, etc. These Laws of Nature are uniform throughout the whole world & the universe...At least as far as we can understand the Laws of Nature from scientific scientific observation & investigation.

It is these Laws of Nature that form the basis of the Natural Rights seen in the Bill of Rights. The main body of the Constitution was written to form a kind of government that upholds the primary duty to govern over people without violating the Natural Rights. The Founding Forefathers viewed the Governments of Men as a "necessary evil" but established that a Republic government operating under a strictly imposed set of Laws that kept ultimate Sovereignty with the People would be the least onerous form of government that could be conceived.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Sadly, Im afraid the complacent,segmented,misinformed citizens of this so-called "free"american police-state will sit idly by worrying more about who will win the next "american idol" than who will win the next rigged presidential race. they will sit idly by while thier country attacks,pillages,
loots yet another soverign nation to take its oil too,after the next
"terrorist"attack (911 2.0)gets sold to the sleepwalking american public as
the next rallying cry to bomb the crap out of Iran,Syria,Russia,China,...
They will sit idly by and believe whatever the media waves under thier collective noses. until the american public wakes up from this corporate controlled mass hypnosis,the citizens of EVERY nation will be slaves to the interests of the global banking/corporate/scientific/military oligarcy.
Its not too late, a shadow government cant operate if exposed to the light.
get the word out. tell the people.let people around you know whats going on behind thier backs(especially in the political arena).the revolution must start with each of us,but not with violence but with knowledge. -Peace

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Blueracer

What a wimp!! As long as we sit here and do nothing, nothing is going to change!! Unfortunately, we the people need to make a statement! If it means violence, then so be it!! We have a voice!! We need to be heard!! Prices are never going to go down until we do something about it!! How the heck are we going to pay to heat our homes this winter???? I don't know anybody that makes enough money to pay a 40% increase to heat our homes. Food, Gas, Natural Gas, Phone Bill, Internet, TV, Electric!! If one company raises prices, everybody raises prices!! Only we, the people can make a change happen!! The rich government could care less! We need to find a way to hit them right in their pockets!! The days of happiness and peace are long gone my friend! Grow a pair and do something about it instead of hoping for a peaceful existence that is not reality. Rise up people!!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:17 AM
Powerful words the question the basic question is.... how can we the people rise up...fight?hmmm single shot rifles and hanguns vs tanks,jets,organized detention centres etc etc....
I feel like running for the hills!
And im not even in the united states of america.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:34 AM
While I agree that we need to be responsible for our own futures and take action now, I don’t see how that can happen. The reason for this is because we have no cohesion as a group. In this board alone you can find grand numbers of people that are unhappy with the way things are, but each have their own reasons. We can all agree that the price of living is to high, or that the government can’t be trusted, but we can’t agree on the reasons for this or what could change it.

For example, some here might think that disclosure of government secrets would lead to a better society, while others think that our government officials are only puppets controlled by a secret society so disclosure would not fix the problems. While I might find more happiness with lower gas prices and an unbiased media, others might only care about corruption in the electoral process, or the disintegration of our civil liberties.

Until we can find common ground, and a common goal, we will never see change. So before we can form any kind of movement, we all need to be moving toward the same thing. As long as we have multiple goals and multiple ways of attaining those goals, we won’t have any real power.

IMO, it would be better to come together with one strong idea, perhaps settling the accounts of 911, control of our own currency, or the ability to elect a candidate that was not handed to us. If we were successful with that central goal, so many others would become easier to achieve. We could tackle all of our problems one at a time and in great numbers at one time.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:42 AM
wise words cameoii I agree with you.
I think you all gave us something to think about there...

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:59 AM
We will never snap we are conditioned to shut up and merely moan, that's why the news is always filled with articles that piss you off so that your rage is exhausted each morning rather than allowed to build up. Those who don’t read or watch the news are more likely to commit crimes and riot IMHO.

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