Originally posted by Misfit
Granted, it needs to happen, the question is how? How does one/many go about correlating a successful revolt the size of a nation?
Well, there's still one kind of peaceful revolt that I've seen yet to happen...At least with enough numbers of people to make THE difference: There
must be a very large number of people who have woken up to the misdirection & lies that the mainstream media pukes out at us every day...Then they
must remove their consent to be governed: As in, remove our support, deny them the tax-monies, passive civil disobedience (simply refusing to do what
they command).
Removing our support consists primarily of revoking our Federal citizenship...Don't worry, we still retain our State Citizenship status (Yeah, there
are two different kinds of citizenship) & reclaim our Sovereign Citizen status. If you would like to read through
Attention ATS! Know The Hidden Meanings... (it's a long read; 16 pages & still
growing), you can get some ideas on how to proceed (And also feel free to contribute to the topic of the discussion). However, be warned that you
should consult Common Law Lawyers (not BAR graduated
attorneys, because they'll only tell you what they
want you to know) before you
actually proceed with anything. Common Law Lawyers are going to be tough to find, because they uphold the Constitution, contrary to licensed attorneys
commercial law (UCC) & Statutory Law (USC) as higher than the Constitution...Which is wrong of the attorneys in the first place because
the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.
Once you've voided your federal citizenship & if they try to challenge you with their "authority,"
make them prove their jurisdiction over
you before allowing anything to proceed...They're loathe to do so because they
know their limits & will try to trick you into
"consenting" yourself into
their jurisdiction. A good example of what I mean can be found
There are people doing this already & the numbers are increasing...It's just that there's not yet enough people reclaiming their Sovereignty by
Natural Rights. Instead of thousands, it'll take millions & tens-of-millions at least. The key is to
inform as many people as you can because
the more we can help America to "wake up," the more quickly the government will have to shut down...They can't do anything if we don't give them
any support: They cannot govern without the consent of the governed! This approach doesn't necessarily mean "taking to the streets" (or more
likely, "taking to the Free Speech Cages"
), but taking your Affidavits to the Notary Public & then to various Recorder's Offices...But
this approach will not do any significant good unless you also spread the word too.
BTW, the more accurate term would be "rebel," not "revolt."
Originally posted by Spike Spiegle
I have often thought about that same question...
perhasp if we look at other revolts in history that have got results nad to that modern day thinking and tech.
Well, to see about peaceful revolts, we really don't need to look too far beyond Ghandi, the 1960's peaceful protests during the 1960's, Martin
Luther King with Minority's Rights, the Womens' Rights Movement (Womens' Suffrage)...Peaceful revolutions
do have an impact on public
awareness. From cultural awareness & the desire to do better spreads rapidly. My only concern is that I don't think there's enough time for a
gradual "awakening" within the public...All of the policies & infrastructure for Hitler's Fourth Reich are already in place & just waiting for the
proper moment to put into effect.
Still, if we want this to remain
peaceful the quickest way to teach the truth is to actively talk with people...Family, friends, spreading by
word-of-mouth, to build up a "grass roots" support & "grass roots" action to reclaim our Sovereignty (as described at the first link in this
post): Hmmm...Much like
Ron Paul has been doing for a long time already...
[edit on 14-8-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]