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Notice On All 911 Truthers

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 01:31 AM
wanted to add:

Where did these recordings actual come from?
Where were they recorded?
What type of hardware were they using?
Were these tracks on the same ADAT?

Also i haven't synced the audio yet, but just wanted to say loss of sync can happen for many reasons.

Improperly set up timecode, machines that aren't synced correctly,dropped frames, different bit rates and or sample rates between machines etc........
and a small difference will gradually get larger and larger.

just saying

[edit on 18-8-2008 by drock905]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 02:44 AM
The recordings came from the Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) in Rome, NY. Here is Major Kevin Nasypany, who was one of the ranking officers there on 9/11, and whose voice is on several if teh audio tracks, mainly the MCC (Mission Crew Commander?) channel, inside of NEADS:

As you can see, NEADS looks a lot like the CTU on "24".
At various points on the MCC track, you can hear Maj Nasypany talk to a General at CONAR (Continental United States NORAD Region).

Anyway, the tapes were recorded in digital form, so I doubt there is "time drift" from 1 channel to the next. The tapes were first released to a few reporters, who wrote lame articles about them. Then Jason Bermas of Loose Change fame somehow obtained them, and put them on the Internet, in torrent form.

"The Complete 9/11 Timeline" is an excellent resource when analyzing the tapes:


A reporter who first received the files said this:

I would ultimately get three CDs with huge digital "wav file" recordings of the various channels in each section of the operations floor, 30-some hours of material in full, covering six and a half hours of real time. The first disc, which arrived by mail, was decorated with blue sky and fluffy white clouds and was labeled, in the playful Apple Chancery font, "Northeast Air Defense Sector—DAT Audio Files—11 Sep 2001."

Presumably, the files now lie in the public domain (?)

I have been through these files before (although not all of them), and if nothing else, they are indeed quite interesting. But unless you are looking for something in particular, I don't know how much help they'd be.

BTW, I recommend "Audacity" (a free audio player/editor) to analyze the files. It shows you the waveform, so you can skip over the many large chunks of silence in the files:

Some knowledge of radar and aircraft navigation is also necessary. For instance, with a transponder off, it is not possible to measure the altitude of an aircraft.

Other stuff you may or may not have already figured out:

Huntress == NEADS. Giant Killer == Navy ATC facility controlling the area over the Atlantic. That entire area up and down the coast has numerous Warning Areas and MOA's all owned by the Navy.

Whiskey-10X [perhaps a grid reference] is a aircraft training area over the ocean. You hear how the jets scrambled from Langley are "accidentally" redirected to Whiskey-106, meaning they were diverted a few hundred miles over the ocean instead of DC (which was just a few minutes away)....

Flight levels are in hundreds of feet, so flight level 290 is 29,000 feet.

Sqawking is another nuance you'll need to know. For example, an aircraft sqawking 7777 indicates the a hijacking (a pilot would set their transponder to 7777 to notify the FAA/military). Modes 1,2, 4 & 5 are military only. It becomes apparent that their inability to get a "mode-3" (ie, the transponder setting) for flight 11 greatly hinders their ability to track it., or even find it. I highly recommend you read this which explains sqawking "modes" and how to identify a flight from its sqawk:

Wiki on transponder codes

Also, NUMEROUS times, they will rattle off a lat/long for a location, in which case google maps or earth will do the trick. ie, 4115,7346 refers to 41.15 degrees north, 73.46 degrees west (this is the location they give to the Otis AFB fighters to intercept flight 11, because they have no transponder code for flt 11, they only have a likely Z-track).... Just goto, and enter "41.15 N 73.46 W". HOWEVER, a few minutes AFTER the first WTC strike, they still have this craft on radar, "20 miles south of JFK".

[edit on 18-8-2008 by The Dispatcherator]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 04:50 AM
If you were concerned for your life - you’d have posted the material in one day and closed the post after you saw enough replies (so you know it wouldn’t die out) and then have left, never to be seen or heard from again.

To come to this thread - post a little *taste* as you say, in hopes you’ll have people on the edge of their seat just drooling for the rest of your *pie*?
Well my friend - that pie your speaking of isn't apple and it ain't berry or chocolate or cream.
The ingredients are 1-2 parts someone who wants/needs drama/attention.
A part or two of dope smokin.
Main ingredient.

Just look at the way you type my friend.

(Example 1) “any prosecutors will tell you they cannot show to the world all the evidence during a discovery Rule 26. General Provisions Governing Discovery; Duty of Disclosure.

(Example 2) “2nd if you spoiled the beans before a trial it will be destroy. once a trail done then its open to the public.”

Am I the only one that sees someone here that is trying - too hard- to show just what a horrible writer they are - (example 2) - but clearly can write when they need to (example 1)?

“you guys will get a taste of it not the whole plate. period “

If you’re going to give a “taste” and not the whole plate” - then find someone else to read your post. This mish mash of passive aggressive BS your spouting is just absurd.

“i don't have to "proof" "Convincing" to no one in this site.”

Now you’re flip flopping.
You say you have proof that will convince everyone - then you state the above.

“this is disturbing information and i don't expect anyone to believe it, i don't expect one you to believe what im about to show you and i knew that when i came here.“

Then why did you come here?
Let me give you a hint.
For attention.
For drama.
For a joke.
A lil voice in your head said to you (while you were holding your smoke filled breath) “Leet me go” - (sip of air) “and write out some BS” (sip or air) “to post on ATS for those idiots that will believe anything” (explosive laughing and exhalation of air)...

"i have an obligation to inform the public and once that's done ive done my job from then on its up to you not me. im doing this because i want the Constitution where it belongs. you could throw it in a trash can if you like. debulk or what ever."

Your obligation to the public? You? An ex jailbird now feels an overwhelming obligation to the public?

And what's this about seeing drones??? (In your previous post)...

“that's not import was is very import is that 2 days before 911 everyone in the joint sean the 2 drones in a war exercise on the 9th and 10th. same time same area .”

You and your jail mates saw drones? Is this while you were bending over or standing up?

"that's one thing its been bugging me for a while is that alot of truthers can bring the whole plate to the table...thats y the CIA have a station at cnn to filter the truth, and rub it off. if you put too much out there it gets filtered."

Dude, if you put out the truth, the whole shebang - the whole pie - it isn’t going to get filtered - Not Here...

“you may disagree or don't i respect that. my ass is on the line here and so the rest of the people.”

Your ass is on the line? LOL, not going to go there...

“i truly believe the elements of surprise,”

If you believe in the element of surprise, boy did you screw up!

“i can take care of myself, and if they make a move they will lose. i have backups and plains covering from a to k, ill be fine. even if they kill me it will be out there.. you can put me in a box pushing Daisy but still its out there”

All I see in the above is delusions of grandeur and more a that main pie ingredient. That and I bet you laughed like a loon over the “pushing up Daisy” part...

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:50 AM
Take some Ritalin dude,you are way to unfocused.You sound like your babbling.Im sorry to write this dude but You could of made this allot shorter,I mean -I might as well of listened to a 7 minute cigarette break as well.You wasted my time and that is not a big deal but you bored me and ruined my buzz and that sucks.I heard you say, - "go f yourself" - in the recording at one point and my only reply to that is I wish I would of gone straight to pornhub and done that first.

There are allot of people that want to be special or whatever,so they post.I know that this guy may sound like "the real deal" to some of you and (he may be) one thing that he did is yell and sounded pissed and I think that he could be pissed because allot of you called him out and simply don't think that this post amounts to sheeeit..... That tends to piss people off.

The Specialist

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by The Dispatcherator

Thanks The Dispatcherator, you have answered a few questions I was not sure about. I have listened to only DRM1 DAT2 Channel 4 ID Op.wav, and is crazy how while this was unfolding even after the first tower was struck, the girls that I was listening to seem to be laughing and giggling and totally unaware as to what was going on. Glad to know these people take this stuff so seriously.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:33 AM
pistures of pentagon after the incident. send me e mail i will ask if you can see them. [email protected] i really do not care to be anonymous.
i have not seen these pictures published.but after seeing them i changed my mind about things. i think you will too.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:55 AM
I'm sorry but this just sounds 'off'. You begin this entry by asking for forgiveness for being terrible at writing, and indeed you go on to sound like someone that perhaps struggles with spelling or punctuation, etc, but then pop out with perfectly spelled and perfectly worded gems like this:

2 drones in a war exercise on the 9th and 10th. same time same area . McGuire Air Force Base (Burlington County) , Federal Aviation Administration (right next to Atlantic City) and Fort Dix.

-and this-

basically Evidence tampering.obstruction of justice also Obstruction of criminal investigations

-and this-

my lawyer is trying to contact other prosecutors around the country to round up other well know producers and Engineers. as soon a new investigation kicks in i have to testify with other producers and witnesses.

Your entry sounds as if it was written by two different people, or perhaps ONE person attempting to fake an urban accent in between very well-worded sentences.

Sorry, but this just sounds fishy. If not, my apologies...but...hmmm, well, we will see.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 02:00 PM
I've been following this thread for a couple days now and at least it's an interesting read. I had to give silo13 a star because his/her post summed up my thoughts quite nicely.

I fail to see how the information being provided by hardstyle is something to get all excited over, like no one else has tried to piece together the puzzle before. But, somehow, an ex-con with disco dj skills is able to solve the mystery as long as you don't piss him off.

However, I'm sure I'll keep checking in on this thread because it's quite amusing.


posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 03:16 PM


posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:09 PM
The torrent has 18 audio missing channels 9, 11, & 20.

I found all 21 channels, in mp3 format, here:

(The links are inside the PDF. Approx download speed from these links is 200 KB/s)

Additionally, the tapes are now on usenet, in alt.binaries.conspiracy

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 05:27 PM

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by drock905
I think I got what hardstyle is doing, If im confused let me know.

If I take

DRM1 DAT2 Channel 4 ID Op.wav

DRM1 DAT2 Channel 5 ID TK.wav

Open these 2 files to two unique tracks in a DAW, sync thier start points to both be at 00:00:00:00.

I guess at some point in the recording, which is supposed to be unedited and linear, the two tracks will drift out of sync with each other. Now if these two tapes were unedited there would be no loss of sync.

Hardstlye is saying that the loss of sync is the obvious tipoff that these tapes were edited. If that is the case i'd have to agree...........

I am downloading the files now, if i have time tomorrow at work i will load them into my software at the studio i work at and see what i get.

Am i missing anything?

If anybody was wondering what an ADAT is

I brought them into protools last night and yes...after a few min it goes out..then I resync, and a few min later it goes out again...but it's worth messing with


posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 07:21 PM
If only the likes of rob gee or delta 9 stumbled across this, the pre existing backbone would have made things interesting.

So mr Hardstyle.

Are you utilising the international underground network of dirty ravers/promoters and thier subsequent hiding holes on the net to disclose your situation? You would get results without interference I would imagine.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 08:28 PM
In regards to this "time shifting"...they found a similar anomaly in the raw RADAR data provided by the 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron ("the sole unit allocated to evaluate and optimize ground based radar systems for the Department of Defense.").

Here's an analysis of the radar data:

I’ve been seeking the assistance of a number of highly qualified engineering professionals, including Ph.D. heads of Electrical Engineering departments with the time anomaly waveform. I have even requested assistance from the 84 RADES staff in identifying the time anomaly in the NEADS data, although to-date they have failed to respond. So far, I have had limited feedback with a lot of head-scratching. One EE department head offered the following, which simply reiterates what I’ve already deduced.

Details are too sketchy to do much with this … could be a number of things related to processor architecture including multiprocessor issues …

Initial comparisons of the radar data from the USAF and the FAA showed that an offset in time was present. The 84th RADES found that the clock for the North East Air Defense Sector (NEADS) lagged the clocks for the other sectors by 25.3 seconds… The other sectors were all in agreement with the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) time. Therefore, 25.3 seconds must be added to the radar data from the 84th RADES.[1]

The source of the time anomaly is beyond the scope of this study; however it is known that multiple “war games”[4] were being conducted on 9/11 which NEADS was a participant in at least one of these. It seems reasonable that as part of those exercises the radar data was being processed through some synthesizer which permitted the injection of “false” exercise targets. The description above of how one such synthesizer operates, may explain the multiple waveforms (separate clock generators).

As each new simulation is loaded there is a “wait time” involved which may explain the obvious step changes observed.

All of the official times reported by the NTSB were adjusted to fit the NEADS data. The correction applied was according to them 25.3 seconds. This is a problem since the time differed by 0.094 seconds every 27 minutes! It is inconceivable to me that the NTSB was unaware of this time anomaly, yet they reported to the 911 Commission ONLY the average time difference without elaborating that the root cause of the time difference was suspect even when pressed by the Commission staff to elaborate[7]. To conform ALL of the time estimates to time data that exhibited such extreme special cause phenomenon is grossly incompetent at the very least.

[edit on 18-8-2008 by The Dispatcherator]

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 09:26 PM
Can the OP explain in laymen's terms what exactly he is trying to convey with this thread? I am not quite following his explanations as the technical jargon has muddled this for me to a great degree.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by KTK


only the people that i trusted that work in making music only. the prob is the culture , the people are really good people, the prob is the drugs. not All ravers do drugs in the public view.

i know what your coming from and your trying to make it look like the 60s, you dont have to trust me at all, i need the people that are legit today. i was done with it because i knew for a fact its not working,

i love playing music, making music and dancing. back then it was really bad because allot of my friends died. people change time goes
i have a to take care of my baby girl, and im concern about this country that we live in. you know what tho you don"t know the culture. i was there you was not, i had to do the right thing, im so p@st off.
with myself for doing stupid drugs. i read the some Mk-ultra files it was sick. if i got of hold of those files then i don't think i would been in a f@uk suction. so if im going to be attack about may background its note worth it. i give you my word. P.l.u.r.

to make it clear im not a freaking psy-op or what ever. to everyone
People change. you can take it as it is. its a good thing you guys are trying to make sure that you don't need. now to tell you the truth if people read this right now from back then and now, let me tell you they will be upset because they are hurting too. and your wrong.

alll of us are hurting, does not matter who you are, what you are people change. but of right now i feel bad because in the past i was nutty hay days. you or anyone can judge me its ok. in the long run maybe in the back of your head... at least hes coming forward.

it is sad for me to hear what you told me. and i respect what you just ask me. im hurting. if you was hear right now most diff i wont to give you a hug,

i disrespected alot of cats in hear . and im sorry. the mp3 was crazy and confusing. if you was hear right now and see my face its hard.
because when i look back and the past i was slipping big time,

i don't even want to live anymore in this world but i have my baby,
girl. i jump at times always looking over my shoulders, having a hard time trusting people,im sick of it i get mad her in there, because everything is rock bottom, i wish the whole country came together, as one. to tell you the truth i will die for my country, and for the children of tomorrow.

if there was a law. right now and for the sake of this great nation.
i shell sigh it what happen on 911.

if congress finds me that im wrong i will be placed to death.

you CAN post this anywhere and tell anyone.


[edit on 18-8-2008 by hardstyle]

[edit on 18-8-2008 by hardstyle]


posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by hardstyle

I think you missed where I was coming from. The point being that if this had happened to a producer a bit more mainstream with nothing to lose, then those connections would be invaluable as they travel cities states and countries, without much fuss. Its no different to the gay/jewish/mason etc birdwire. I just wish it had happened to someone else able to take it on. You seem like a decent enough fellow and you dont deserve this crapola.

My enquiry was have you released any of this amongst the "international electronic music" birdwire on the net. I hope you havnt thrown all your eggs in one basket on ATS alone. Its a bit like how the net geek community are behind Gary Mc Kinnon.

Im not American either so I am having bother keeping up with what you are getting at as are other people on this thread. A brief summery, maybe a time line would help us denser folk get our head around what is going on.

No need to be so defensive either, just ignore the negative posts. I dont go round posting in threads I disagree with just to cause fights. I wonder if these people realise no one cares that they dont believe the OP. They must have alot of time on thier hands.

posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Gary Mc Kinnon

this man got balls i most tell you because i been checking out some info about him for a hot min. hackers . i have good people that know him the need to now basic. i leave it as that. man has a good heart he only want the truth out. that's all.

all be back hold on ok

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:39 AM
ok guys Im going

this is a key thing here.

this is for all the guys that are looking around... That have the
every fades coming in drop a marker on all fades coming in, out,
even the gaps between... if you have all 18 ch.

don't worry about the girls it was funny at first .. find the coast guard because you have Brits coming in our country. that's some serious stuff ,
because the ship aurora and

you will get the answer.. and NO ONE IN THE MOVEMENT NEVER PICKED THIS UP . the TRUTH to THE CORE.


two choppers brong down the towers. trigger finger (Pulse)

before i get bashed up if you have the time check it out.

the mp3 statements was off and i sounded like a d@m F@ck. but when your mind goes 14 diff directions


to ... The Specialist


i have a prob ... because i use to be on that crap but guess what its not good for anyone..

just because i be a mean cats on my first F.@f up mp3 i have a hard time breaking this down
taking to dam long , jump,what ever. my mind gos to 15 direction yes .

I am a really a good person. you just got to know who , i am now
enjoy Cheating with your left....

it will be a waste of time bringing army's to this form...because are so p@st off about what happen about 911... its hard to explain.
you 2 would be the first! person to be destroyed.

i leave it as that.

I don't need attention it may sounds like that!!! and also for posting i will explain to the people but who can i trust?

i am the same person. it took balls to come to this form . the info i posted will be listed. when i do write i have to take my time and break things down easily. i only can do one thing at a time. if im off on the mp3 is for a good reason . if i Pist you off im sorry.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by hardstyle]

[edit on 19-8-2008 by hardstyle]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 01:54 AM
No doubt, there is alot going on in this thread. So much so, that I had to go back and re-read all the posts from the beginning. Incidentally, I found that to be very helpful. To me, the most important post of this thread is the one by hardstyle on p. 4 in which he breaks down a summery of the information being presented as it is understood by another poster. In this post, he gives several clues, but what I have noticed is that everyone seems to be hung up on the doctoring of the NORAD tapes, but it seems like there is so much more to look into based on the particular post I am referrring to.

As I have stated in earlier posts, the technical stuff goes over my head. So, I am not going to focus too much on that. Personally, I have downloaded the NORAD wav files from the loose change link, and I am listening to them on media player. That is about the extenet of my knowledge. So as far as the doctoring of tapes, I will leave that to you more technically inclined people (and you can put it to me in laymen terms when you figure it out).

However, I have decided to look into the other points in the above mentioned post, and that is where I am at right now. Looking more into one of hardstyle's intitial points: "2. its not just track 4. track 4 is a very important section. the point is the ship, and how the girls are being manipulated when they get the calls from Boston."

So... I am about 1hr 10min into DRM1 DAT2 Channel4. So far, no referrences to ships (unless I missed it); but at 1hr6min into the recording, the operations manager from Boston (he gives his name, but I couldn't make it out) contacts the ladies at Huntress/NEADS. He is very friendly with ladies and encourages them to ask him questions and contact him directly. The ladies make an offer to update them on all the information, which they have gathered, and he accepts. He then says, "LET ME TELL YOU THIS STORY" (I don't know. It's interesting phrasing... why not say, "Let me update you on some of the facts that I have"?) The operations manager from Boston then precedes to them about how American Airlines Flight 77 is lost. This is the flight that crashed into the Pentagon, one of the most heavily disputed crashes from what I read (is he setting up a coverstory?)

Now, I have two questions:
1. Is the operations manager from Boston one of the scumbugs referred to in previous posts?
2. And is this an example of what hardstyle refers to as "the girls being manipulated?"

I'm willing to bet that at this point in the track is when that "manipulation" begins. and that there will be many more examples as I continue to listen to it.

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