posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Religion is the result of a denial of the power of God.
True spirituality starts with the power to shape ones reality literally.
Once the awareness of the holy is lost, it is no longer possible for a person to understand or receive anything from the spiritual; we are abridged to
the natural way only, to relying on senses knowledge alone.
Religion seeks to deny spiritual power from the hand of the individual; if you practice your religion, that is if you make a religion your faith, it
reduces you to powerlessness and dependence upon others.
Your power becomes the power of the system of worship that you have made yourself a part of, nothing more.
If your religion has no power then you will have none.
We are born knowing instinctively that there is power and might missing from within us; we feel that we should be able to do more than what we can, we
are like the bird before it learns to fly it knows within itself it was born to be more.
We never stop looking to empower ourselves, that is where science comes from.
It is our feeble attempt to give ourselves power through natural means.
The power available for us to exercise through the spiritual is never fully developed, usually we don’t come to know it even exist, mainly because
we give up on living and walking by faith surrendering ourselves rather to a religion and religious practices or to nature alone.
Science and religion are not the same things the way I see them, however they both are vain sense knowledge efforts at acquiring things that only
exist in spirit.
Religion is a fleshly attempt to control, pacify, and prevent people from manifesting any real power in life, can’t have the lowly little folks
exercising more power than the lofty ones, and rocking the boat if you know what I’m saying.
Science is greater than religion in my opinion, because it is an attempt to gain real power, but it is limited by the physical world which it looks to
understand, for that reason it used against us like religion.
Science without the guidance of God can only give us the means to destroy ourselves, and religion without the power of God can only give us an excuse
to exploit the means of science.
Together science and religion make the perfect trap for humanity to fall into.
This is a side note, but the way I interpret the bible, the son of perdition is born as a result of the mingling, the coming together sexually
metaphorically speaking, of science and religion.
Science is the father of the bastard child of Moloch, science provides the seed of life, religion is its whore mother, religion provides the body from
which it can be born, suckle, and grow.
Both religion and science are used to deceive us.
By focusing on them as the means to find truth outside of ourselves, we stay trapped in our natural mind, the mind which is of the flesh and of
There is objective truth, and it cannot be hidden when we look, but it is of the inner mind the spiritual mind, the mind of the spirit and of God.
Religion and science are being exploited by Sabir from among the Ruwach, since after the flood.
Religion and science are used against us, they keep us continuously using our natural mind, we never look inward to find our spiritual mind so we are
deceived by our five senses perceptions of things.
There is so much more to life that what we can see.
The Sabir posses the power to give men the spiritual mind of their God Moloch, by implanting his seed in a person, it is called the seed of eybah, the
seed of enmity in the bible.
These men who are born of the seed of eybah to be the children of Moloch rise to positions of power and authority within all our systems of control,
religious, political, cooperate, financial, all the governing systems of this world.
If we try and turn to the one side away from religion, because we don't believe it holds the truth, we end up looking to science to find the truth,
and if we try and turn to the other side away from science we end up looking to religion.
We must turn to the inner mind to see what is true, the things of the spirit are spiritually discerned.
We cannot see the things of the spirit through the outer mind’s eye of the senses.
Only by turning to the inner eye to see the things of the spirit and of truth, can we free ourselves from Moloch, the Sabir, and the children of the
seed of eybah.
The purpose of all the seed of eybah is to be stewards, to keep the world prepared for the return of Moloch, the god of the air, of all things
Once you see science and religion agree and become one, as a married couple becomes one flesh, then Moloch will soon return to rule over the world for
a thousand years as God on earth.
[edit on 26-8-2008 by newday]