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Hardcore Semi encrypted conspiracy site

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posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:17 PM
One thing I would like to mention that I noticed different about her site is the first line [title] in bold print.

1945 ... Satellite Justice Dept.'92 wired 10/7-12

The format is standard, a year, Satellite Justice Dept. '92 wired, but she has never included information after that. It seems this information will be good until the 12 of October. So we may have a time limit on this one.

Again, I am just theorizing, it could be nothing at all, but if we are suppose to choose our words carefully, then I suspect she is choosing hers carefully as well.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by seejanerun

I want to answer some of these things in small parts.

At this point, the blue beams in your head part. Don't be so quick to assume she is talking about PROJECT blue beam.

You're going to have to take my word on this one when I say that it is RUMORED that in earlier years, those being brought to detrick or NSA itself would be shuffled away by way of what they THOUGHT were normal automobiles. However, "blue beams in your head" could reference what can only be described as blue beams that surround the vehicle, shuffling away it's occupants at what seems to be light speed but lasting an eternity. Before they know it, they have arrived at their destination, and typically subjected to many types of human indignities.

Again, it has been rumored that this is true.

This is why I say dont be SO certain that she is claiming PROJECT blue beam, it may very well not be that cut and dry.


posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by seejanerun

As far as Echelon is concerned I would prefer not to get overly specific about it or it's scope, you can even google it, however, here's a small Excerp to give you a brief overview:

The UKUSA intelligence community is assessed by the European Parliament to include the signals intelligence agencies of each of the member states - the National Security Agency of the United States, the Government Communications Headquarters of Britain, the Communications Security Establishment of Canada, the Defence Signals Directorate of Australia, and the Government Communications Security Bureau of New Zealand. The EP report concludes that it seems likely that ECHELON is a method of sorting captured signal traffic, rather than a comprehensive analysis tool


posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:31 PM
Alphabet, let's assume for a moment this woman has had something happen to her that at this point I really can't even imagine. If a person were to write to and/or fax all of the numbers she has listed from Pete Sessions to Mueller at the FBI etc., would a person be likely to receive a visit from people they would rather not talk to or would they just ignore it in hopes it will go away?

Would really appreciate knowing what you think about this because I am playing with the idea of doing this so I can let this go or whatever. If it is happening or did happen to her I don't expect to be told the truth if there was an answer, just don't want a knock on the door.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by seejanerun

What's most likely is that you would be treated tantamount to a citizen calling up their local cops for someone disturbing the peace "we'll get a car out when we can maam"... that kinda thing. I doubt highly you would get any visits.

Now, on the other hand, this woman has done anything wrong nor is she SPECIFICALLY asking or even alluding to needing assistance, not even cryptically. That much would be obvious from the posture of her writing if she were. Right now? Do nothing, I think at the moment, it's a game that SHE wants to determine who will be the grand prize winner.


posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:43 PM
OK people put on your thinking caps... What do we want her to answer. From one post I read she answered over 100 questions from a person or persons, so think hard.

What specifically do we want Mrs. Song to tell us ?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by seejanerun

Ok, so while I was out smoking, I also noted a few other things that I thought worth mentioning.

Blue beams in your head could ALSO relate to electroshock manipulation therapy. It's also rumored that people undergoing this particular therapy tend to have a sensation of beams of light or what may be described as static discharge on their visual cortexes.

The other thing that I find of paramount importance is the distinction (because I DO try to committ as much as I can to memory) that she denoted herself as a federal EYE witness. This doesn't necessarily SUGGEST that she was a witness FOR the federal govenment, but it could indicate that she witnessed something visually on the federal level. This could also indicate that the feds may NOT be her friend.

As far as the questions, for one she seems to be wanting NO bulls__t and definitely specificity.

>>> Do you want help?
>>> Do you need help?
>>> Are you on the run?
>>> Is someone trying to get to you?
>>> Can we help or is there anything we can do?
This next one is something she may or may not understand:
>>> Are laser microphones being used in all the wrong places?

Tell her Alpha Beta One sends his regards


posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Along with "Is someone trying to get you?" I would ask if yes then who, or something to that affect, might give us a little more information. Otherwise I think those are a good start to some questions to ask her. I know more will come.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by ninthaxis]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:40 PM
I think these are great questions. A couple of other things. I am going to go into all of the MKULTRA and other mind control projects and look at what supposed victims of this are saying. I think that data will also give us great ideas as to what to ask her. If you remember my husband had sais look at what she isn't saying.

#2- I asked him about electro shock therapy. He said if it was the same type used for severe depression (and he said he knew at least a 1000 patients this was used on) they don't remember the treatment itself. He doesn't know if it has after effects like what alphabet mentioned he never asked them that.

I was reading up on mind control before I came back to this and it was talking about international law feeling that truth serum so to speak was a form of torture. My husband states in the 70's and 80's where he worked they did it a lot. Not daily but a lot i.e., when a person had problems that were severe in nature but would not talk. Most of the times the shrink suspected abuse of some sort.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:00 PM

.Sam Berkowitz was State echelon

I think Sam Berkowitz is actually David Berkowitz. He was a serial killer in New York City and was in the Air Force. The original case was dubbed "The Son of Sam" this would be why he is considered Sam Berkowitz. The reason I note his military service is because it is claimed the CIA used unsuspecting military personel to test MKULTRA mind control experiments. Although MKULTRA was said to have been done by the time of his service (1971-1974), a CIA veteran claimed that CIA mind-control investigation continues and that the abandonment of MKULTRA is just a cover story.

There are many sites that lay claim to Sam Berkowitz [Son of Sam] being a MKULTRA sleeper.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by ninthaxis]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Reminds me of Frank Chu..

12 galaxies, anyone?

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:42 PM
I was perusing her page a little and came across the following:

".Watch the communists with E-coli"

If I remember correctly the Soviets used to have a rather large dealing with biological warfare research. Could this be a reference to it now that Russia is wanting to become a super power again? As in a resurgence in the research of it again?

Edited for spelling:

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Deson]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:46 PM
I took the e coli mention to mean she was talking about all of the e coli outbreaks in America being deliberate and not accidental. There was spinach, peppers possibly tomatoes, The beef that had to be recalled. There were a lot of incidents with e coli this year.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by seejanerun
He doesn't know if it has after effects like what alphabet mentioned he never asked them that.

For clarity, these are not after-effects, but during-effects.

Originally posted by seejanerun

I was reading up on mind control before I came back to this and it was talking about international law feeling that truth serum so to speak was a form of torture. My husband states in the 70's and 80's where he worked they did it a lot. Not daily but a lot i.e., when a person had problems that were severe in nature but would not talk. Most of the times the shrink suspected abuse of some sort.

Typically, sodium pentathol (the truth serum for the serious espionage agent
) is not harmful if known how to introduce into the system. In fact, it's used in most operations to put people to sleep.

Generally speaking I don't think we (you) are dealing with the garden variety whack job here, clearly she has a message, yet, what that message is remains to be seen likewise the motivation of it.

Personally I wouldn't delve too deep into the specifics of what's "wrong" with her, profiling people like this really requires you to be more broad based and general than too much specificity. If you do, people like that have a propensity to get frustrated very easily because they can very quickly tell that you simply just don't get it; then they shut down conversation with you. Your posture should be one of concern and helping, there will be no way other than that to garner the trust that you need to further delve into her psyche.


posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by ninthaxis

.WM Jackson po was killed after BF Jackson po terrorized Debbie at Cedars

I think you would want to be VERY careful with any line of questioning. Between her 2 replies to you. I know you are trying to possibly help someone, just be careful

stars for you and jane tho, flag for op.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ninthaxis
One thing I would like to mention that I noticed different about her site is the first line [title] in bold print.

1945 ... Satellite Justice Dept.'92 wired 10/7-12

Just found this, I wonder if it has anything to do with the switch to HD.

History of DTH

Satellite's Early Years: 1945, 1962, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975
Arthur C. Clarke makes prediction, Telstar 1 launches and HBO delivers its first satellite signal.

The Beginnings Of DTH: 1976, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1983
Talyor Howard builds a dish, Ted Turner uplinks his superstation and America sees the "Thrilla from Manila."

Piracy Takes Hold: 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
HBO scrambles its programming while signal theft increases.

Finding Competition For Cable: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993
Al Gore unleashes the 1992 Cable Act and DBS begins to formulate plans.

The Small Dish Rises: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 2000
DBS becomes a serious player in the multichannel marketplace.

Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke writes an article outlining the possibilities for establishing a global communications system using three satellites placed in geosynchronous orbit (22,300 miles above the equator). Clarke's article states that satellites would be equal distance from each other.

First satellite TV transmission via Telstar 1 is delivered from France to the United States. Congress approves Communications Satellite Act, and COMSAT is formed.

United States adopts an "Open Skies Policy" to encourage private industry to enter the satellite business.

Canada begins operation of Anik 1, the first domestic geosynchronous satellite over North America.

Western Union launches Westar 1, soon followed by Westar II, the first domestic geosynchronous satellites for the United States.

HBO establishes the first operational satellite broadcast system on Satcom I. The service sends programming to cable affiliates.

Taylor Howard is the first person to receive C-Band satellite signals on his home-made dish.

Federal Communications Commission issues a ruling stating that 4.5 meter dishes are acceptable (previous standard was 9 meters), providing that the terminals attain certain minimum levels of performance.

HBO shows the "Thrilla from Manila" heavyweight boxing match with the help of satellites. Ted Turner debuts America's first superstation. Christian Broadcasting Network (later The Family Channel) launches as the first satellite-delivered basic programming service.

Taylor Howard publishes "A low cost satellite-TV receiving system" manual. DTH industry picks up steam as technology is shared among ham radio operators around the world.

FCC makes licensing of satellite dishes voluntary except for satellite dishes used for international communications purposes.

Neiman Marcus features "his-and-hers" home satellite TV equipment from Scientific-Atlanta on the cover of its Christmas catalog. The two-dish system is priced at $36,000.

National Microtech offers the first home satellite system priced below $10,000.

Satellite Television Corp. requests FCC authorization to construct and operate a DBS system in the BSS band. In the following seven months, 13 additional broadcast direct service (BDS) applications are submitted to the FCC.

Stanley S. Hubbard, who will later launch U.S. Satellite Broadcasting, files for the first DBS license.

Hughes Communications launches Galaxy I, the first satellite dedicated to cable TV distribution.

President Reagan signs "The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984" including Section 705, a provision legalizing the private reception of unscrambled satellite television programming.

HBO announces its plan to market scrambled HBO and Cinemax programming to home satellite TV viewers via local cable companies. Reps. Billy Tauzin (D-LA) and Charlie Rose (D-NC) introduce a bill guaranteeing access to scrambled s

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:14 PM
The only part linked to a bush i could find in all of it.
Congress overrides President Bush's veto of the Cable Act. Legislation guarantees access to satellite-delivered cable programming services by alternative multichannel video providers, such as DBS operators.

General Instrument shows first satellite-delivered digital High Definition Television.

A deal with Hughes gives the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative exclusive distribution rights to DirecTV in rural America.

forgot to link

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:52 PM
A little Report ,actually im dissecting informations i found today, still working on it at the moment, hope i could find something exploitable in matter of infos

and by the way i forgot to invite Troy to dinner front of my computer

too bad was a Korean dinner delivery

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by OTTOKARMA

and by the way i forgot to invite Troy to dinner front of my computer

too bad was a Korean dinner delivery

Ok now my allies in this are talking in code. Reminds me of with friends like that.....

Otto you gotta break this down for me. What do your last 2 posts mean or how do they connect to this. I could google it all, but you can tell me faster so paint me a picture please.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by sickboy1313

I have not yet decided what I think she is referring to with the year and satellite reference. You theory would fit except update before this one includes the year 1933, which your list doesn't travel back that far. But keep tossing ideas out there, something will click with the many people reading/posting here.

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