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Is this a normal awakening?

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:19 PM
Eight months ago I was just another sheep. Then I had a very powerful spiritual awakening, thanks to Eckhart Tolle. I was elated! I suddenly knew,at my very core, that everyone and everything is connected and that we are all one. I learned to shut up the non-stop, negative and annoying voice in my head. I felt (and still feel) a part of God. All was wonderful in my world.

Then I seemed to be led to 9/11, NWO and UFO's etc. I began to get angry at the US government. I was and still am starved for the truth. I am definetely not as happy as I was right after my awakening. I realize what learning all of this new information has done to me, but I still feel the need to dig deeper.

What I want to know is this: Is this a normal awakening? Will I get over this anger and feel the love and peace I felt right after my awakening? I am very interested to hear other's awakening experiences.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by zippy1958

Hey zippy...good to hear that you went through that, there is a thread about exactly the same thing in the ufo forum right now its the splitting image of this thread, otherwise you are explaining exactly what i went through too,,,,about 8 months ago..and yes it was a kind of high feeling

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:25 PM
How funny, I was just posting on another thread the exact same thing

Congratulations. That's exactly how it's done.

My sister and I woke up at the same time, and we were just talking about how we can never go back now.

Unfortunately, she was just diagnosed with breast cancer. However, she has learned to be present, and most of all she knows she is eternal, so she is much better equipt to deal with it. I'm so proud of her.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:30 PM
I'm new to this site, and I already feel right at home. Eckhart Tolle's message truly resonated with me and I'm still on the high. I really wish he was on Oprah every Monday. Nothing was more gratifying for me than when everyone around the world watching came together for that moment of quiet contemplation.

Some days, the world can be roller coaster, but it does helps to breathe deep, stay in the moment, and seek peace. Feel the feelings, accept them and then release the negative energy.

I'm getting ready to go back to school, and one of the courses I signed up for involves the current political scene. While I know it will be a lively class, this being an election years, I am a bit concerned because politics can often be negatively charged.

This will probably be a supreme spiritual test.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by juedz

Remember not to engage in others ego, or pain body's.

Let your awareness see it for what it is. Bring your awareness to the class, and see if it will actually affect others.

Work that spiritual muscle every day, and watch how easy it becomes to get present.

I do it in the car. I pick a sign down the road, and become quiet. When I get there, I do it again. By the time I get to work, I'm present at my job, and my work is so much better.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by SUMDUMONKEY

Thanks SUMDUMONKEY for the heads up on the other thread. I read it and it was very helpful. I was just very curious about whether anyone had a similar awakening as I did.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by seawolf197


So that is how it's done?? And I thought it was just a spiritual thing...not a wake up, the worlds gone crazy thing.

So very sorry about your best wishes to you both.

And no way would I want to go back to before I woke up. No Way.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by juedz

juedz, I loved the Oprah stuff too. I am forever grateful to her for leading me to Tolle.

Did you find it strange that you ended up here after Tolle? Seems like we have been on very similar paths.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by zippy1958

Hey Zip, you know what? I believe that we are going to need the skills that we have learned to survive in the world ahead. The ability to control your thoughts and emotions when the world goes into to chaos could be huge.

I was riding to work with a young co-worker after finishing the Oprah course, and it hit me. I'm in a different reality now. I watched the ego, and non-stop thought spin cycle of my co-worker all the way to work. It was amazing to see it for the first time in another person.

I have disconnected my pain body. I use the things that used to drive me nuts as triggers to bring me present. What was up is now down. I'll never go back!

Welcome aboard.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by seawolf197]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:05 PM
I cannot say how you, personally will progress, but for me... It was anger, then frustration as I tried to wake up the ones I love, then acceptance that I could not wake them up, then silence, then realizing I had a purpose, then not caring if they thought I was a nutjob, to losing my fear completely (a key aspect), to speaking out again.

And now... I am in the center of that storm again.

BTW, I woke up seeing the control mechanism of the War on (some people who use some) Drugs for what it was, ten years ago. I saw all the research that showed that the natural weed was healthy and good for one, and saw the lies upon well financed lies... And asked, WHY?

Suddenly I was flooded with the answer.

Best of luck in finding your purpose and your center.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by seawolf197

I just hope I have acquired enough skills to survive it.

I know what you mean about a different reality. Occasionally I slip back into my old ways for a short time (usually an hour or two). And it is unbearable. It is incredible to me that I survived all those years with my overbearing ego and that drive me nuts voice in my head.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

OMG Amaterasu, those are the exact steps I am going through. I am currently sitting on the "silent" step with loved ones. Guess I learn my purpose next...Can't wait for that one!

Tolle says the anytime he sees the WAR on anything...he knows it is destined to fail.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by zippy1958

I'm very lucky in that I work by myself most every day. Every day, I work on this, and it's easier for me, because I'm not distracted. However, I try and use the things that get to me as triggers to quiet. My co-worker is my biggest trigger. She is teaching me every day, how to accept the moment and move on. I have had a couple of meltdowns, but they are usually followed by some sort of message.

The other day I had someone post a reply to one of my posts. It was interesting, because it was a reply to how awakened they were, and it was offensive to me because he was so egotistical. It was: "Look at me, I'm so awake, you need to read these books." Funny thing was I had already read them. My first response was to fire back, but it hit me, I would be just like him. So in the end, I could not respond at all. My goals are to be aware when it is my ego talking, disconnect my pain body, and work on being present as much as I can.

This is some really challenging stuff. I've been the other way for 47 years.

Eckhart said there would be day's like these. Use them.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:45 PM
You didn't fire back. Good for you. I have had those moments too when I want to say something but hold my tongue instead. I remember Tolle saying to do that and feel what it feels like. Those are times he says that you really know yourself for who you really are.. But I am sure that you already know that.

And I am 50 so I have alot of baggage to unpack. Better late than never!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by zippy1958
reply to post by Amaterasu

OMG Amaterasu, those are the exact steps I am going through. I am currently sitting on the "silent" step with loved ones. Guess I learn my purpose next...Can't wait for that one!

Yep. It's the process. And if you are going down that road, hold the knowledge that it WILL bring you where you need to be.

Tolle says the anytime he sees the WAR on anything...he knows it is destined to fail.

That is a given. If it succeeded, it would not be an effective tool of controlling the masses.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Is there any way to speed up this process or is it going as planned? I sometimes get the feeling that I am running out of time and need to get on with it. Do you think that things really happen exactly as they should or do we have some control?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:38 AM
Hi Zippy,

Nothing like that surprises me any more. I am, however, always amused at the connections being made with my interests and other people who share them as well as "accidentally" discovering places on the web that hold information about the same.

I am also amazed at how much information I've discovered, written in the late 1800's and early to mid 1900's which connects to much of the information that focuses on "being in the moment". This concept has been around for a while. Kind of like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. . .

"Uncanny" is the word that comes to mind.


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by zippy1958
reply to post by Amaterasu

Is there any way to speed up this process or is it going as planned? I sometimes get the feeling that I am running out of time and need to get on with it. Do you think that things really happen exactly as they should or do we have some control?

Me again. Being in the moment, I responded to your reply right away before I read the additional posts - all very interesting.

Wanted to share something that may be helpful. I'll try to be brief!

The way I came about learning of the Eckhart Tolle, the New Earth book. Remember "The Secret", the movie about the Law of Attraction? I had discovered this movie and purchased it a week before Oprah featured it on her show. I resonated with the basic truths of it (ask, believe, receive) as I think most people do. I had shared it with a friend of mine, who is an avid Oprah show viewer. Months after the original broadcast, she called to tell me about a follow-up show.

During that show, Oprah announced the New Earth web series. A week later, my friend called telling me about the book - how great it was. During that time I was a mess. Trying to find work, not knowing what to do, unhappy with my life in general. It's hard to stay focused on the Law of Attraction when it seems the universe is slapping you in the face! While I do believe in the LOA, there is more to ask, believe, receive you need to understand before you really "get" it.

Since my husband and I often fail to communicate, I decided to go to a therapist - I needed someone to talk to! At our first session, she mentions Tolle's book The New Earth and says it changed HER life! That was an impressive recommendation. In less than a week, this book was in my face three times! So I bought it. The Universe does have its ways . . .

So most of our sessions after that were simply reviews of the Tolle/Oprah series. There is something that she told me that was a true AHA moment for me, however, and something that I think everyone may want to hear.

Overcoming fear. It's hard to stay focused on the positive, when you harbor fear - of anything. She defined fear as the belief that the Universe (God, Creator, Creative Source - whomever) will not provide what you need. This made a lot of sense to me. Fear - a very negative emotion - will erase any positive energy you may have or desire, and it was my biggest stumbling block.

With that new understanding, and the principles in Tolle's book I felt free for the first time - maybe ever! Positive energy does attract more positive energy and I am now on the path of my true purpose. I am returning to college this fall to get my teaching degree.

Hope this helps.


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by zippy1958
reply to post by Amaterasu

Is there any way to speed up this process or is it going as planned? I sometimes get the feeling that I am running out of time and need to get on with it. Do you think that things really happen exactly as they should or do we have some control?

Because the path is so personal, I suspect some zip right through it, while others take years. I don't know of any specific thing to do to speed it up, though I wish I did.

Things happen, and whether or not it is "as they should" I cannot say. But I fully understand the feeling of time running out. What you need, the next step of course, is finding your purpose. It helps to accept that you cannot do it all, but to be ever aware of opportunity. If we all take any opportunity to make even small differences, they will add up. That seems to be the control we have.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by juedz
Overcoming fear. It's hard to stay focused on the positive, when you harbor fear - of anything. She defined fear as the belief that the Universe (God, Creator, Creative Source - whomever) will not provide what you need. This made a lot of sense to me. Fear - a very negative emotion - will erase any positive energy you may have or desire, and it was my biggest stumbling block.

Ah, yes. In my post above, you may note part of the process is losing fear completely (and then I added in parentheses, "a key aspect").

Indeed, letting go of fear will propel one much further than anything else.

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