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DENVER police readying makshift warehouse prisons for mass DNC arrests

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by ItsTheQuestion

Divide and conquer... we should all stand up as AMERICANS.... and kick this load of crap out of office....right ,left, all of em!!@! the hell with democracy.. Where is the REPUBLIC we are supposed to be?

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 05:23 PM
seems like a pretty shanty build. something must be happening soon. doesn't really look like a planned-for installation, but rather a make shift temporary installment.

not sure what to think. DNC or natural disaster coming.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
maybe they are expecting a bunch of right wingers to descend on know the anti-abortion people, the hate-liberals people, reverend phelps and his "hate-fags" church

Unfortunately any high-profile event is going to bring in the extremists, the professional protesters, the worst of the worst from both sides.

I work in St. Paul, and plan on staying well clear of town during RNC week. All eyes are on Denver's streets to see what happens there.

Anyway, there are no signs of mass-arrest facilities in MN so far, but rumor has it detainees will be force-fed lutefisk....

[edit on 14-8-2008 by gb540]

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by DisabledVet

"2 of the photos appear to be from the 2004 DNC Convention in Boston. The detention camp appears based on what was done to the innocents swept up and detained for days in a similar pen after the "block sweep" at the GOP Convention in NYC (2004).

The "speech zone" policy is one invented by a radical left-winger at Tufts University in the late 1980s - and was quickly repealed after protests calling the school a "concentration campus." The Admin. at Tufts backed away in DISGRACE. The protests at Tufts were initiated by real (Reagan era and ANTI-NeoCon) CONSERVATIVES and advocates of LIBERTY (Primary Source and Fletcher Students). It became a cause celebre and a factor leading to the formation of . The latter organization has gotten similar policies struck down in case after case, because the policies are pure evil and fundamentally anti-American.

Advocates of these "speech zones" went into the shadows until the U.S. Department of Justice moved to create a fenced-in "speech zone" at the 2004 DNC Convention. I have become convinced that they -- the leftist "change" agents that have made the long march into the Federal institutions (and into the DoJ under Reno, only to never face a "sweep" after the Bush Admin. came to power) -- are deliberately trying to INCITE and FOMENT what Justice Scalia termed, in a famous opinion, profound "social disruptions." That the Bush Admin. pushes such policies, along with Trotskyite and Brezhnevite concepts of permanent war and democratic internationalism/revolutionary democracy ("global democracy" at the tip of revolutionary bayonets is the language of SecState Rice), is just more proof that the current admin. is run by people who have more in common with the Socialist International than the GOP of Reagan, Goldwater, Taft, and now Paul.

The precedent established in Boston was that conservatives, anti-abortion protesters, nationalists, constitutionalists, religious protesters, and mythical white supremacists got the concentration camp, while ANSWER and communists wearing Che T-Shirts got the streets. Literally! Lefties received permission to march outside the pen, while the former had to set up shop inside a camp surrounded by police with dogs and National Guardsmen. This was the result of a court order from a Federal judge, who called the spectacle a "concentration camp," but imposed the discriminatory and pro-Marxist policy anyway under advice from the DoJ. The WS angle (rather than anarchists) was the main sham pretext in 2004 (detailed in an ABC News report) for a range of violations of 4th and 1st amendment protections.

Kucinich gave an impassioned speech denouncing the zone in..
The video includes footage showing that the lefties got the streets! Everyone else got the camp.

In the end, the "speech zone" policy was pure farce and evil. Even the Boston PD tacitly acknowledged this by backing away, after only 1 day, from enforcing the "speech zone" policy after the spectacle shown in the video."

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:48 PM
there is a choice, either you can be ruled by tyrany or you can uprise and overthrough the tyrants. you all need to try reading a bit of sugestions that president Jefferson wrote on the subject gulags? gestapo's? couldnt happen here.......could it open your ffrikin eyes, or did you forget what your even reading "the article" one day you may have to defend yourselv's against you own government, as the freedom fighter Malcom X said, by any means nessesary...........

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 12:58 AM
The "free speech" zone is pitched to city planners by the police as a "safe" way of dealing with "potential" problems and providing the "safest" potential environment while encroaching minimally on the rights of individuals.

The problem is there is no way to achieve this without at the very very least encroaching on those rights, including freedom of assembly.

It falls more into misusing zoning regulations and fire codes to structure events and control people.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by shellyhk

Are you so sure it's for the color of his skin?

On a more general note of who they might be worrying about...there are a number of regions in this country that are on the verge of taking up arms against a government that has overreached it's delegated power, and especially against the institution of socialism. With Obama as the poster boy of European socialism in the US, there's a decent chance one group or another might try to take action. (That's not even taking into account his numerous Communist ties, which are viewed even less favorably.)

People go on about it being a "race" issue. But I tell you, if we saw a conservative black man, we'd not have this same response. To many, especially in the rural south, the institution of socialism is viewed as treason, and well, Im sure a lot of us are aware of the bounty-hunter mentality of many rural southerners. Support the socialism or not, the reality is that some people in this country are going to rebel against it, and some of those people will choose to do so violently. I dare say that I don't wonder if a black man was chosen to champion socialism, so the detractors could be demonized as racists. After all, that tactic has worked wonders in regards to demonizing the Confederacy. The race card is always, above all, a means of deflecting the real issue, whatever that issue might be.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:12 AM

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:55 AM
i have an observation - why are they `scratch building `an ad-hoc facility to deal with this single issue

for years people have been screaming about the alleged ` newtowk of fema concentration camps `

seems mighty strange that with all those " camps " already built and staffed - they would build another just for this event

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 05:28 AM
I didn't read the whole thread yet but did a search.

Have we already forgotten that Rush Limbaugh was calling for riots in Denver during the DNC?

[edit on 8/15/2008 by Griff]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 06:47 AM
The concentration camps are for something else.
This just looks like a place to put protesters.

Is this near where the DNC will be?

If so its obvious what it is, if its far away then its something else.

I personally dont want a black american muslim as president.
That pretty much finishes off the country for me.

Im not racist, if it was a black muslim from another country it wouldnt
be so bad, but then again he wouldnt be president. I have just noticed that the black american muslim is all about black power or racism in america.

Ive known over 50 and every single one was like that, racist and all about black power. There might be some that arent but I have yet to meet them.
So I can only go on the views of his peers when I look at him.

This also might be a social psychological attack.

Im not sure what the population of hardcore right wingers are in america but a lot of them own guns lol! If Bush decides to become dictator then it wont be hard to get half of the population to hate Obama. Therefore causing a civil war type event. Bush would have a lot of people on his side then. Because a lot of people dont want Obama.

Its totally screwed up that our candidates are chosen for us by the media.
We dont even control the process anymore. This is one election that
theres no one decent to vote for. Atleast last time you could vote for Kerry. He may not have been Ron Paul but he was better then Bush.
This time around its just one big heep of horse poo.

[edit on 15-8-2008 by Memysabu]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:33 AM
Seeing as how Obama has been threatened with Assassination every day by the GOP, some times blatantly on Fox Noise, they are being careful.

I'd hate to be the Secret Service guy who let the Republican in that shoots Obama.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
What I find most interesting is that nearly all protest groups are made up of almost exclusively Liberals and their party is the Democrats. They usually ignore the DNC Convention and only cause trouble for the GOP. This is a unique year. They will be protesting their own Party and Candidates.

Do you really think that they will be out protesting at the Democrat Convention in more force than the Republican Convention? I would think that they would still head to Minneapolis. Obama is Anti War, McCain is not, you know?

To the extent that they need all these cages and such?

Or do you think they are getting all the cages ready for all the roving Clinton-ites who are going to be outraged once again?

I honestly don't know why they are expecting this type of outrage at the Democtratic Convention. Especially all the talk of using the Microwave guns and all that. Thank goodness they backed off of that. I still don't see the need for the cages unless someone, somewhere knows something more.

To whomever said it was for the anti Obama wackos out to kill him, I doubt they would keep them in situations like that. I imagine some sort of Solitary confinement situation. You would not put people like that into General Population.

Maybe all the cages are there for the people who become outraged when Clinton somehow steals the nomination. I imagine an actual Civil War to begin to break out if that happened.


posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by DocMoreau
I honestly don't know why they are expecting this type of outrage at the Democtratic Convention.

Could it be because of this?

DENVER -- Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is sparking controversy again after he made comments that appear to call for riots in Denver during the Democratic National Convention this summer.

He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is not elected as president, and his listeners have a responsibility to make sure it happens.

"Riots in Denver, the Democrat Convention would see to it that we don't elect Democrats," Limbaugh said during Wednesday's radio broadcast. He then went on to say that's the best thing that could happen to the country.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Wait, so the GOP threatens to assassinate him, blatantly on Fox Noise even. Rush Pillbaugh calls for riots. ANother GOP group calls for praying for rain and hellfire and so forth. And you wonder why they are taking safety precautions?

You realize that with the right wingers loading up their pick up trucks and driving to Colorado to kill "Dat der nagro! He a secret Masoleum! Get R Done!" That the Secret Service might just be preparing for that?

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Krieger

Funny how you and those like you say things like this about groups of people...yet if someone were to say something similarly degrading and stereotyping about'd likely be all up in arms over it. The left loves to be "racism" against the middle and lower class white population. Hypocrisy at it's best. At least the racists on the right can be honest about it! But you all are a sorry sort for it.

Limbaugh is an idiot who just stands for anything and everything that gets labeled Republican. But you might be surprised to know that the same definition does not fit all of his listeners. In fact, out of the people I know who listen to his garbage, most of them listen because they share a hatred of those on the left who have made their lives a struggle with their racism and special interest programs, as well as their brand of socialism that benefits the urbanites and drains the rural population dry. You might find it enlightening to try to understand different viewpoints in depth. Especially the viewpoints of those you disagree with. Being able to understand where your opponent is coming from is half the journey to finding a way to live in peace with them.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by saturnine_sweet
Limbaugh is an idiot who just stands for anything and everything that gets labeled Republican. But you might be surprised to know that the same definition does not fit all of his listeners.

I have to ask then: Why? All I have to say is : "Monkey see, Monkey do!!!"

In fact, out of the people I know who listen to his garbage

And you still listen to this man? Hmm.

The rest of your post was vitriol. I have never seen so much nastyness until lately. Vote Liberation party, that's what your so-called "republican" party was based on to begin with.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Griff

I'm kind of confused. I was trying to explain the perspective of the people referenced in the previous post, based on my experience with people that fit the poster's description. I don't see how that really lines up with what you said?

Agree with the "redneck" view or not, that is, for the most part, how they view things. I don't agree with some of their views, and I certainly don't listen to Limbaugh, but I can agree that the Euro-Socialist elites that are currently running the left are certainly a large threat to this country. Anyone with any understanding of the principles by which the US was founded can see that. But I was no means supporting violence or Limbaugh, and I really don't get where you got that impression??

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by DocMoreau

I agree. This is strange in ways I can't understand. Who the hell is even going to this thing? Who in the world gives a crap about these conventions?? The media and a few hundred weirdos in stupid straw hats.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by saturnine_sweet
but I can agree that the Euro-Socialist elites that are currently running the left are certainly a large threat to this country. Anyone with any understanding of the principles by which the US was founded can see that.

Would the Israeli puppets who currently run the right also be a threat to the US? Since they have killed over 4,000 soldiers to defend Israel? Unless you believe we are actually over there for WMD, "liberation", or even oil?

But I was no means supporting violence or Limbaugh, and I really don't get where you got that impression??

I didn't mean to imply you. My apologies for that.

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