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I want concrete evidence that Bush lied

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:03 AM
Can anyone pleaes give me concrete evidence that G.W. Bush lied?

Please back it up complete concrete evidence.

I will then do my due diligence to debate this topic, and I hope others?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:16 AM
I guess video is the best concrete proof....although if you ask UFO skeptics they will say otherwise.

And here is his administration web of lies

The list is so long and I feel I would run out od web space if I listed all of them.

I am going to quote something here I said in another thread that seems appropriate here as well:

Let history judge correctly that Bush is at the heart of all the bad policies to have come out of our government these past 8 years. The buck does indeed stop with him and none other. His legacy is a failed Iraq. His legacy is a failed Afghanistan. His legacy is legalizing torture. His legacy is secret spying on Americans. That is the legacy of George W. Bush. His legacy is not peace. His legacy is not a stabilized Middle East. His legacy is not success. It is failure.

[edit on 8/13/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 8/13/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:17 AM
ok. i'll bite

for starters, how about the fact that he has twice in public told the same story that he saw the first plane crash into the tower on tv BEFORE he entered the classroom.

1. That would imply foreknowledge of the event and waiting for it to happen

2. That footage wasn't shown until the following day so he could not possibly have seen it when he twice publicly claimed he did.

please debate that for starters

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:23 AM
You could start with a little research

Bush Lies

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:25 AM
This one is my favorite

Sorry for the one line reply....but my head was about to explode.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:28 AM
Try ringing Bugliosi!

The strongest evidence against Bush, Bugliosi says, is a speech on October 7, 2002 claiming that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the security of the United States and was capable of attacking America at any time with his stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. However, a National Intelligence Estimate of less than a week earlier stated that while Iraq did have WMD capability, it had no plans to use it except in self-defense. Moreover, according to Bugliosi, the president and his administration edited the "White Paper", or declassified version of the NIE released to Congress and the public, in a way that made the Iraqi threat more ominous than it actually was. In addition, Bugliosi says that the Manning Memo shows that, far from making serious efforts to avoid war, Bush considered the possibility of provoking Saddam into starting a war by sending U2 reconnaissance aircraft, falsely painted in UN colors, on flights over Iraq along with fighter escorts. He also argues that Bush pressured intelligence agencies to find proof that Saddam somehow helped al-Qaeda plan the 2001-09-11 attacks

The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

Hey standingby what more evidence do you need? This group of vids says it all. Bush and crew have publicly contradicted themselves more times than I can count. LIE upon LIE upon LIE. PERIOD.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Standingby

I hope you are reading through the information posted. I also hope that you follow through with your statement and actually debate these LIES that he and his administration have told. Over and over. It is the psychology of leaders to tell a lie so many times that it becomes the truth in the minds of the people.

Another important act that displays lying or the intent to do so is clearly displayed by his denial to be questioned on the events of 911 without Dick Cheney in the room with him and without being under oath. He refuses to go under oath and to testify on his own!

Why is this pointing towards his inclination to lie? Well, if I really have to answer that then you aren't honestly looking for a true debate.

However, he it is.

He had to make sure that both stories came out the same. Thus he refused to allow for testimony to be taken individually.

Two, he didn't want to testify under oath in case the FACTS come out later and he gets tried for more than lying.

Seriously, this has been debated back and forth. One side will say it's propoganda from the other and is not backed up. Well, if you watched the video's you will see over and over how he twisted the truth to fit the moment.

They told the adminstration to keep the 'Iraqi threat level' low while they invaded Afghanistan so that it would remain the focus. Then, once that was well under way they changed their tune. They started to state that indeed Sadaam did have WMDs and that he was going to use them. Sadaam never threatened the U.S. yet they used this fear mongering to get everyone behind them. It's a sick joke really once you realize the amount of lying that has been going on.

It's about creating fear and about profiteering off of it. They are criminals. Plain and simple.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:05 PM
I had to just post one more.I think this one pretty much shows how blatantly
they had lied.This is the best one.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:16 PM
This is like asking for concrete evidence that birds can fly.

The only campaign promises that he kept were those he made to his contributors.

I would ask you to provide concrete evidence that he did not lie. Are you still convinced a stockpile of WMD's will be found in Iraq?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo


i was going to post that too

If you want any proof that it was a lie - apply common sense to the video posted above

common sense will tel you to read between the lines

reading between the lines will tell you that they're lying

if they're lying

what are they hiding?

Iraq was nothing more than a way for jr to tell sr "i did it, heh heh heh"

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:26 PM
I know that this isn't a lie per se, but he was so focused on finding Osama Bin Laden then a few years later said he doesn't care if we ever find him. What???? The mastermind of 9/11 and he doesn't care anymore?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Here is one about Bush not accepting the surrender of Osama just months before 9/11.

I hope I posted this video correctly, if not could someone please help me out. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:34 PM
People thought we were crazy to point at G.W. as an accomplice, I see they are changing their tune.

The big tip off was not finding these WMDs. Right then we should have been able to understand bussiness.
9-11 was the disturbance of the market. Bush is trying to use bin laden as the "go to" guy in the oil bussiness. No one understands the trust level and what could be offered to bin laden, since he pretty much has been a leader in that region.
We sent troops to remove hussein, cover the attack angle, now we must pull out to stabilize the market.
Oops! No WMDs! Foreign investors, who are only worried about Iraq"s nuclear capacity pull money off table. The middle class begins to pay for the instabilization.
Oops! Can't pull out troops! U.S. Generals say "more people must die". Bush's belief that the military is fighting for his political campaign isn't so. Middleclass lose their investment in oil due to instabilization. The price begins to balloon out of control.
Oops! I'm fighting my partner! Due to war, partner sells away gold for ammo, price starts to plummet, infringing on profits of american upper class.
The commodity must be stabilized to allow growth. Bush's interim goverment of Iraq is to unstable. Take all of the facts being supplied to you and understand bussiness. One of the post refer to a book that wants to try Bush for murder. Gee, why did they say we were so crazy?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Standingby
Can anyone pleaes give me concrete evidence that G.W. Bush lied?

Please back it up complete concrete evidence.

I will then do my due diligence to debate this topic, and I hope others?

Now we are going to get to that debating part soon aren't we? I believe we have presented you with concrete evidence to a degree.I mean yes I know it is youtube and all that but these videos are from the horses mouth so to speak.
So lets get that debating going Standingby.

P.S. Just for the recored I actually voted for GWB in the first election and was coned into believing the Bush lies.Then things started coming to light that this guy was a BS artist.I as well as many others feel betrayed by what in many of our opinions was someone who was to bring respect back to the oval office.

[edit on 8/13/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:11 PM
lol, looks like Standingby got what he wanted. Too bad he is so overwhelmed with all this information that he now needs time to digest.
Don't feel bad Standingby everyone makes mistakes, humans are so gullible we believe everything they tell us because it is what we want to hear.

I hope you find the energy to respond to some of this posts after taking in all the Lies you didn't know about.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 03:36 PM
Concrete it is....Bush said

From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.


US officials said

Despite six years of promises, U.S. officials say Saudi Arabia continues to look the other way at wealthy individuals identified as sending millions of dollars to al Qaeda.


Bush rewards nation that helps support terrorist

The Bush administration has announced plans to sell Saudi Arabia around $120 million in sophisticated bombs. The sale would come as part of the White House’s $20 billion military aid package to its Gulf allies.


Case closed.

This just goes to show that all politicians lie.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by jam321

How true how true that statement is you made about politicians. There is a great line from the movie "The Hunt for Red October" the politician in the movie describes a politician perfectly.He said "I am a politician, when I'm not kissing babies,I'm stealing their lolly pops when there not looking"

[edit on 8/15/2008 by CaptGizmo]

[edit on 8/15/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:01 AM
It's not really the lies of politicians that you really have to worry about, it's the deception. It's much harder to detect, and is the reason why good actors make good politicians. Body language is an important thing.

Why do you think it is necessary for them to wear "good" suits? To give a "good" impression. Otherwise, you will judge them by who they are. It's nothing more than a distraction.

Do you think less of good people you know well when they don't wear "good" suits?

All politicians may lie, but that is a last resort.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by cdoug1

Wow guys watch this and check him out at 1:56 into it. What does hes say? It's like he is talking to someone under his breath or to himself.

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