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Orbs-what do you think?

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:51 AM
I took this picture with a digital camera,I took several pictures one after the other,but this one for some reason is showing these Orbs
There were none in the pictures before or after this. It was taken in my living room and the dogs (one of which has sadley since passed on) are looking at my daughter.
I have had this picture for a while now and not known who to ask,so thought this maybe a good place to start

Anyone any ideas

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:19 AM
Your dogs are thinking you should have dusted better! I think if a ghost was to materialize for the camera, they would try to look a bit better than an "orb". Cute dogs though. The cat isn't as interested in your housekeeping.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:48 AM
I think you need a better camera.

and a roomba

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:37 AM
can you exlain why they only appeared in this pic if dust particles when I took several pics together?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by tigpoppa
and a roomba

sry,but what is this?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by special
can you exlain why they only appeared in this pic if dust particles when I took several pics together?

well, because dust particles are very small, and actually what your capturing is the reflecting of light off of those dust particles, dust is usually dead animal skin and the like, but there is also silica and glass that float around. How old is your house? What kinda insulation do you have? Did your A/C or heater kick on? Did you move?

You see there are many reason why this occurs. Usually for me when Im outside, in an old building or when Im around animals. Have you ever watch the dust come off your dog when he moves a little?

I can go on, but I wont because what you are seeing is dust.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by nuffsaid420]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:42 PM
Ok, Thanks at least I now know....

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:29 PM
it wont happen everytime sorry i sounded curt it was early in the morn and I was on my way out the door for coffee. So yea my firrst camera did that and I hated it sometimes it would ruin perfectly great pictures. that was why I said to get a new camera since that is what I did and problem solved.

In reference to what is a roomba.

Its a robot vacuum cleaner and mine is a 530 5th generation. their great I wrote a review here if your interested in learning more about my experience with this product and others.

plz u2u me any questions so we dont go OT.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:47 PM
I have always believed orbs to be the usual dust particle, lens flare and on.
I have moved house few months back due to we as a family were not happy at that house. A beautiful home, in a nature reserve but things went bump in the night. No orbs though.

Now at the new place, about two weeks ago (we are 5 people) our front door opened, i rejected the others opinions and submitted my own, i locked the bloody door. It still opens when unlocked, day or night, time is of no issue. Door is faulty, end.

That night we all felt "Well is there something here? Did it follow us?" I grabbed the camera and shot away during the night. I have two photos where there are orbs, and one where it really stands out. To us we find that a "scary" one as 3 of us said/thought almost simultaneously take a pic by the shelves..i pressed away before the others could mention it.

Yes it could be dust, what i always believed, but those 2 pics (out of a 149 i took) are eerie. I will say i do believe orbs, in ways, are energy of some kind.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by qonone
Yes it could be dust, what i always believed, but those 2 pics (out of a 149 i took) are eerie. I will say i do believe orbs, in ways, are energy of some kind.

This is what I mean as I took several pics before this frame and after of the dogs in that room but "orbs" or "dust particles" only showed up in the one picture,so I don't know
strange one....
I will say this though,we have a teaspoon thief in our am always buying new ones,I guess whoever it is likes the shiney new ones

I have been followed around by strange happenings all my life so it doesn't bother me in the least,but would love to know what they want in them spoons

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by special

They are easily explained as dust. If you can find some actual evidence that suggests they are not dust (as in you took a photo in a dust-free fabrication room, say at Intel or AMD), then we can take this discussion further. Without that evidence, you are enagaging in a discussion of hypotheticals, which will never get anyone anywhere.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:23 PM
Also if you are taking pictures outside beware of high humidity conditions.
Mist and fog are a known offender in some alleged orb photos, in fact I might just post one I took the other week of fog during the night...all I ended up with was the flash reflecting off millions of water droplets in some kind of orb orgy, lol

Im still uncertain on the existence of orbs, but I believe that genuine orbs are generally opaque rather than see through, and some possibly have a glow

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:27 PM
Orbs should be emitting their own light source some would have you believe, and these don't look as though they are. Instead, they are reflecting the light at different angles and distances, hence why some are brighter than others.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 11:15 AM
Thanks everyone for your replies I didn't know anything about Orbs but feel I have learnt alot now by reading your thanks for the information

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 07:12 AM
if you would of asked me 2 and half years ago i would of said the same thing that they are just light petrusions,but i dont know what to believe,they cant be proven to be dust,i have done my own experiments throwing dust into the air and tryng to get an orb on camera ,no dice,yet some people still claim that they are perticles of dust?my sensible question for them is ,how does dust reflect light when it has nothing to reflect of,i dont think it is dust,it could be moisture though on the lense or film reel when you take the actual picture,this seems more to me than aything else what it could be.

i would say the common ord photo like the one up there on the original post with the cat and 2 dogs are quite common but if you have a pet who looks up at something your eyes cannot see and chases it around the room then i dont know?just type in on google cat orbs and look at some of the pictures where a cat is looking directly up to where one orb is.i have witnessed for myself seeing an orb but it didnt look like the common ones you seeon photos,it was like a rugby ball size and like a cloud in itself grey colour,i dont think there is one definite answer as how these appear at certain times.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:33 AM
Cute picture! I love how all 3 animals are looking in awe at them haha.

But yes, as many people have already said, these look like typical dust orbs. These orbs only appear in pictures when you use a flash with your camera... I've never seen a photo where flash wasn't used with orbs.

There are some very interesting orb photos where they are weird shapes/streaks, or glowing red/blue, but as far as orb photos go this one is pretty ordinary.

The dustier the place, the more orbs you get. When I took some pictures at a graduation in an old theatre, there were 50+ orbs in every single picture pretty much, even outside afterwards as all the people moving drew the dust out front as well!

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:48 PM
I went to Majorca in April and 1 night I was recording in the street and I could see a few little lights appear in the screen but in the corner of my eye I could see them still then they disapeared.I stopped recording and looked back then started recording again and they came back.To this day I dont know what they were because I see them with my own eyes.

Also want to say to Special I really dig your signature,in the last 4 days Ive had a tarot card reading saying about dreams coming true,my horoscopes also said it,a song that I downloaded has them lyrics in and now Ive seen it in your signature.
Wanna ask you a question

Do you think coincidences could be Destiny catching up with the present time? Because everything seems to be all going the right way to what Im thinking as well.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Alienmindflare
Also want to say to Special I really dig your signature,in the last 4 days Ive had a tarot card reading saying about dreams coming true,my horoscopes also said it,a song that I downloaded has them lyrics in and now Ive seen it in your signature.
Wanna ask you a question

Do you think coincidences could be Destiny catching up with the present time? Because everything seems to be all going the right way to what Im thinking as well.

Why not? I am a firm believer of destiny and life has had many twists and turns...I feel we are all given paths to follow with choices, sometimes we make the wrong choices sometimes the right....but one thing I will always say is listen to the voice within (we all have one) the one that in your mind and heart is telling you the right choice....our instincts......when I have chosen to ignore this, things nearly always go wrong,but listen and they go right....think about it all animals have instincts but we as humans choose to ignore ours maybe we should listen more to them....just a thought.....
Hope you find what your looking for Alienmindflare

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 03:41 AM
Thanx for your reply I feel much the same about Destiny/Fate as you just decribed.

To me it'll be a miracle to get exactly what I want,I aim high but I would say not impossible so thats why I still aim for it and is hopeful

Best Wishes to you Special

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 03:36 PM
I saw an orb pop out of my daughters bedroom wall one morning. It was a bright summer morning and my daughter was watching her TV. As we were chatting a ball of what i can only describe as liquid mercury, the size of a meduim sized ball barren came spinning out of the wall. I watched it as it passed my field of vision spinning in mid air, dropping at one point and continue spinning, until it dissapeared. I went was jumping up and down asking my daughter if she had seen it too? As cool as a cucumber she told me she had seen at least two come out of the same place in the wall and she said that she thought that she had already told me before. I have never seen anything like it!

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