posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Badge01
Maybe, Greys are from our future. That being they are indeed evolved from Humans and have developed a level of technology that allows them to travel
back through time to ensure their own survival.
That would be where the Novelty comes in, and the Universe is a novelty-conserving engine. Therefore should we assume that intergalactic travels is
possible, we must also then presuppose that time travel is also possible as both are ideas so far removed from Levels of Novelty currently allowed
withing the limitations of our Space/Time.
We currently do not know whether or not Artificial intelligence is possible, but surely when it comes into existence a New period of novelty will have
been entered. We could then rightly assume that both the problems of time and space travel will be solved with the aid of this new Entity.
The AI will then create advanced simulations of the Universe and Calculate that 'Human' Time travelers are indeed responsible for the inexplicable
changes in the Humanoids on this planet over the past 500 000 years - changes pointing towards an unavoidable conclusion.... That Mankind is a
Genetic Experiment perpetually conducting itself as a Direct Result of the Laws of the Inverse Square and the Conservation of novelty.
Edit: And we all know we can't go back in time to our own universe. It will be a different universe, one of the multiverse infinitatum wherein we
exist, and it is the future of that universe which will be altered.
The same will probably happen to the universe you originated in, as a YOU from yet another Universe travels to the Past in your Universe of origin.
And so on and so on - to infinity and beyond...
[edit on 22-8-2008 by TruthTellist]