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Do Great Pyramid Internal Structures Indicate 6.5* Earth Tilt?

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:32 AM
An interesting aspect of the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid is that a circle circumscribed around the base, through the "projected apex", reveals the axial tilt of the Earth. From the centre of the circumscribed circle (which happens to land on the apex of the Queen's Chamber roof), we extend a line through the circle intersected by a horizontal at the GP's final course layer. When measuring this against a vertical line extended through the Queen's Chamber, up through the "apex" of the GP, we find it registers at 23.5* (fig. 1) - the present axial tilt of the Earth.

Fig 1: GP Missing Apex "Encodes" Earth Obliquity:

But what of the "raised roof" of the King's Chamber (fig. 2)? It has often been asked why the roof of the King's Chamber was raised far above the actual chamber by a series of so-called "relieving chambers". All manner of explanations have been posited to attempt to explain this curious arrangement. Given that we find the the GP missing capstone "encodes" Earth's axial tilt, might not the apex of the King's Chamber roof then have been elevated in this manner to present another "apex angle of obliquity"?

From the centre of the circumscribed circle a line extended through the apex of the roof of the King's Chamber registers at 17* (green line) - a difference of 6.5* from the present Earth axial tilt of 23.5* (red line). By lowering or raising the KC roof would generate a unique angle, so perhaps the KC roof was raised to create this very specific 17* angle (fig 2).

Fig 2: The Great Pyramid Internal Structures (Great Pyramid Drawing courtesy of Gary Osborn)

But why?

Well, an interesting fact about the GP is that the Grand Gallery presents to us the angles 63.5* (and its inverse of 26.5* - fig. 3). This 63.5* angle of the Grand Gallery also happens to be the highest point at which the sun will reach at the summer solstice. This is useful to know because if we also know the angle of obliquity (i.e. Earth's axial tilt of 23.5*), we can use this information to determine our Earth latitude thus: 90* - 63.5* (highest point of sun at the summer solstice) = 26.5* => 26.5*+23.5* (Earth's axial tilt) gives us the latitude of 50*N (or south). Now, note in Fig. 3 below how the Great Pyramid rests on course layer 50 and the that the Queen's Chamber rests on course layer 23.5 (fig. 3).

Fig. 3: The GP Course Layers - KC on Layer 50. QC on Layer 23.5:

So, assuming then that the summer solstice high point of the sun is a constant in our equation, what latitude would we be at if the Earth obliquity was tilted to 17* as perhaps indicated by the (green) line through the roof of the King's Chamber (fig. 2)? We have, 90 - 63.5* = 26.5 + 17* (hypothesised axial tilt) = 43.5* latitude.

Could it be possible that we are being presented with information that latitude 50*N was somehow instantaneously shifted to latitude 43.5*N - a difference in latitude of 6.5*?

Intriguingly, there is a further clue to this possibility with the so-called 'air/star shafts' of the King's and Queen's chambers of the Great Pyramid.

In the year c.10,500BCE, we can hypothesise that the shafts of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid would have targeted the pole star Vega in the north and Alpha Centauri (the brightest star after Sirius) in the south (fig 4,5, and 6).

Fig 4:

Fig. 5:

Fig. 6:

Now, Giza is not located at 23.5*N but at 30*N - again a difference of 6.5*. So, if we view the SAME 2 STARS at the SAME TIME (i.e. c.10,500BCE) but from Giza's present latitude of 30*N, then we have to change the angle of the shafts as follows:


Fig. 8:

Fig. 9:

Once again, using an entirely different set of structures within the GP, we are being shown a difference of 6.5* in latitudes. So we have one set of structures demonstrating a shift of 6.5* in the Earth's axial tilt and then a second set of structures demonstrating a shift in latitudes of 6.5*. Each data set corroborates the other.

Could this be the "message" of the Great Pyramid - that a sudden and instantaneous Earth Tilt of around 6.5* took place in remote times?



posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 03:41 AM
The diagram below shows all 4 shafts of the Great Pyramid (GP) targetting 4 different stars c.2,500BC as proposed by Virginia Trimble [Thuban & Kochab via the northern shafts) and Robert Bauval (Sirius and Alnitak via southern shafts).

I am not interested here or wish to question the veracity or otherwise of the Trimble/Bauval proposals per se, but can you spot the deliberate mistake I have placed in the diagram I have created below targetting these 4 stars? Angles are not important nor is the positioning of the GP on the Earth - the diagram is merely for illustrative purposes only and obviously not to scale.

There is a reason to all of this which I will come to once someone spots the deliberate mistake in the diagram below:

Kind regards,

Scott Creighton

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:33 PM
I couldn't help but notice when looking at your chart of the four star systems and noted that perhaps the Great Pyramid acts in some way when the Earth axis shifts like a top to balance the earths shift to no more than the 6.5 degrees.
It could imply that any pole shift would be no more than 6.5 degrees.

The fact that this information in on the apex of the pyramid makes me think that the pyramid or even the star the GP aligns to in some way acts to stabilize the Earth whenever forces reach a point where a pole shift occurs. If the Great Pyramid discharges the Earths energy or uses it in some way then what the GP could represent is a device that could protect the planet if indeed the GP is working as designed.

Therein lies a rub. If the GP does serve to discharge energy or helps to prevent pole shifts greater than 6.5 then that alone would be historical and of great importance to humankind. Any just a thought. I enjoyed the posting. I just wanted to throw out some thoughts that came to mind.

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:44 PM
I wonder if this tilt would effect the spin of the earth which changed the year from 360 days to 365 days?

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

The fact that this information in on the apex of the pyramid makes me think that the pyramid or even the star the GP aligns to in some way acts to stabilize the Earth whenever forces reach a point where a pole shift occurs. If the Great Pyramid discharges the Earths energy or uses it in some way then what the GP could represent is a device that could protect the planet if indeed the GP is working as designed.

I often wonder that.Sort of like the hole in the side of a bowling ball that helps with the spin of the individual bowler.It's called the pap(positive axis point)

I would like to know your opinion as well as Scotts.

[edit on 31-1-2010 by genius/idoit]

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Is it the location of the stars that you are referring to? This post is intriguing and would love to hear more on your thought process here. The GP is obviously a type of machine. The power plant theory seems to be the most plausible.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Awakenme
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Is it the location of the stars that you are referring to? This post is intriguing and would love to hear more on your thought process here. The GP is obviously a type of machine. The power plant theory seems to be the most plausible.


SC: Some of the material I have presented in this thread is now several years old and my ideas have evolved somewhat since first posting them here. It is now my view, for a variety of reasons, that the four shafts of the Great Pyramid make reference to only ONE star--Al Nitak in Orion's Belt in order to demonstrate a shift of the Earth's polar axis in remote times. This is consistent with ancient Egyptian beliefs that the soul of Osiris was associated with only ONE star in the Orion constellation. And in terms of demonstrating a shift of the Earth's axis, one need only make reference to just one star.

You can see more clearly how this works here: The Shafts of the Great Pyramid Indicate a Pole Shift. There is much more detail and evidence to support this conclusion in my previous book, 'The Giza Prophecy' (Bear & Co, 2012).


Scott Creighton

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

Thanks for sharing this secret about the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It’s amazing that the builders of the GP were able to precisely position the top of the queen’s chamber to create an angle of 23.5 degrees, which coincidently matches with Earth’s axial tilt.

I don’t know if you’ve read the book of Enoch before but I think you’ll be interested in a passage found in chapter 64 (LXIV).

“1. In those days Noah saw that the earth became inclined, and that destruction approached.”

After perceiving this incline Noah became fearful and searched out his great grandfather Enoch for answers. Enoch explained to him about the coming judgment due to the acts of the fallen angels.

I believe this tilt Noah witnessed was more likely a vision of what was yet to come. Noah’s son Ham would eventually be the one to calculate the axial differences between pre and post Flood worlds. Ham would have passed on that knowledge to his descendants.

Please read the entire chapter if you haven’t done so already. It may prove useful.


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