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Thank you, president bush part II

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:16 PM
I would ALSO like to thank the president for his 7 1/2 years of service to this country.
I ALSO agree there is so much to acknowledge so here are my thanks to the president. History will judge you accordingly mr president. Memories will not fade quickly.

Thank you mr president for all the off record closed door meetings. We all trust you...

Thank you mr president for all the deaths on 9/11. We know you are the best at keeping us safe...even when the FBI warns you of possible attacks by planes.

Thank you mr president for all the soldiers who died in your quest for oil.

Thank you mr president for all the civilians who died in Iraq. Several hundread thousand...minor collateral damage in your books mr president.

Thank you mr president for controlling illegal immigration and the open border. The parents of anchor babies have pictures of you in every room in their house.

Thank you mr president for alienating the world against the United States. The majority of the world truly loves us it is such genuine love too.

Thank you mr president for setting the secret footwork in creating the AMERO.

Thank you mr president for such great planning AFTER we invaded Iraq

Thank you mr president for catching Osama bin Laden.

Thank you mr president for fixing Social Security

Thank you mr president for fixing Medicare

Thank you mr president for a weak dollar.

Thank you mr president for nearly doubling our national debt

Thank you mr president for the outstanding Katrina response

Thank you mr president for allowing poppy seeds to continue to thrive in Afghanistan.

Thank you mr president for nearly 50 million Americans cant afford health insurance

Thank you mr president for our overstretched military

Thank you mr president for a 1 trillion annual trade deficit

Thank you mr president for record high energy prices

Thank you mr president...dictator in chief

Oh yeah you democrats are no better...the list sucks for you too.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by solarstorm]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Oh geeze, I'd say that I've starred and flagged this thread, but then I'd sound like a whiny liberal that should keep his nose out of other people's affairs.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by mattguy404]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:15 AM
Thanks to BushCo and the evil neocon cabal for murdering 3,000 of your own citizens so you could off another million Iraqis, wage perpetual war, trash the Constitution (that "goddam piece of paper"), destroy American's freedoms and civil liberties and bankrupt the nation. History will NOT be kind:

History News Network Poll: 61% of Historians Rate the Bush Presidency Worst

April 1, 2008
By Robert S. McElvaine

Mr. McElvaine teaches history at Millsaps College. His latest book, Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion in America, has just been published by Crown.

“As far as history goes and all of these quotes about people trying to guess what the history of the Bush administration is going to be, you know, I take great comfort in knowing that they don’t know what they are talking about, because history takes a long time for us to reach.”— George W. Bush, Fox News Sunday, Feb 10, 2008

A Pew Research Center poll released last week found that the share of the American public that approves of President George W. Bush has dropped to a new low of 28 percent.

An unscientific poll of professional historians completed the same week produced results far worse for a president clinging to the hope that history will someday take a kinder view of his presidency than does contemporary public opinion.

In an informal survey of 109 professional historians conducted over a three-week period through the History News Network, 98.2 percent assessed the presidency of Mr. Bush to be a failure while 1.8 percent classified it as a success.

Asked to rank the presidency of George W. Bush in comparison to those of the other 41 American presidents, more than 61 percent of the historians concluded that the current presidency is the worst in the nation’s history.
Another 35 percent of the historians surveyed rated the Bush presidency in the 31st to 41st category, while only four of the 109 respondents ranked the current presidency as even among the top two-thirds of American administrations.

At least two of those who ranked the current president in the 31-41 ranking made it clear that they placed him next-to-last, with only James Buchanan, in their view, being worse. “He is easily one of the 10-worst of all time and—if the magnitude of the challenges and opportunities matter—then probably in the bottom five, alongside Buchanan, Johnson, Fillmore, and Pierce,” wrote another historian.

The reason for the hesitancy some historians had in categorizing the Bush presidency as the worst ever, which led them to place it instead in the “nearly the worst” group, was well expressed by another historian who said, “It is a bit too early to judge whether Bush's presidency is the worst ever, though it certainly has a shot to take the title. Without a doubt, it is among the worst.”

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:18 AM
wow, you blamed the president for the weak dollar. With infallable logic like that I'm supprised youre not pres-o-dent.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:23 AM
Line by line, line a pro!

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for all the off record closed door meetings. We all trust you...

Haha, yep.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for all the deaths on 9/11. We know you are the best at keeping us safe...even when the FBI warns you of possible attacks by planes.

This is obviously Bush's fault. Yeah, okay.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for all the soldiers who died in your quest for oil.

Yeah, quest for oil. That makes lots of sense. Did you hear that on CNN?

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for all the civilians who died in Iraq. Several hundread thousand...minor collateral damage in your books mr president.

Forget that fact that they are no longer living under a dictatorship, or that everyone was fooled into believing that Iraq could deliver WMDs (I still want to know how this happened, whether or not Bush is responsbile).

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for controlling illegal immigration and the open border. The parents of anchor babies have pictures of you in every room in their house.

What do you want him to do? Congress isn't even funding the wall they want to build, and are hellbent on amnesty.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for alienating the world against the United States. The majority of the world truly loves us it is such genuine love too.

Oh yeah, all Bush's fault.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for setting the secret footwork in creating the AMERO.


Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for such great planning AFTER we invaded Iraq

...Yeah, I can't get a comeback for this,

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for catching Osama bin Laden.

Or this.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for fixing Social Security

Didn't Congress write laws? Oh wait, they do.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for fixing Medicare

No, thank Congress.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for a weak dollar.

That makes sense! Oh wait, the president can't do that. That's the economy and the Federal Reserve.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for nearly doubling our national debt

Doesn't Congress control spending? Oh wait, it does.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for the outstanding Katrina response

Yeah, you expect him to be able to micromanage it perfectly? But okay.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for allowing poppy seeds to continue to thrive in Afghanistan.

Yeah, sadly.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for nearly 50 million Americans cant afford health insurance

Yeah, because the President has a lot of say over that! Oh wait, he doesn't.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for our overstretched military

I thought Congress authorized the last two wars? Oh wait, they did.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for a 1 trillion annual trade deficit

I didn't know the President controlled the economy and fiscal policy. Oh wait, he doesn't.

Originally posted by solarstorm
Thank you mr president for record high energy prices

I didn't know that the President had a magic wand that controls the economy, magically changing prices. Oh wait, he doesn't.

You made a fool out of yourself, solarstorm. Can you at least hate Bush for real reasons?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by solarstorm
I would ALSO like to thank the president for his 7 1/2 years of service to this country.
I ALSO agree there is so much to acknowledge so here are my thanks to the president. History will judge you accordingly mr president. Memories will not fade quickly.

Thank you mr president for all the off record closed door meetings. We all trust you...

Thank you mr president for all the deaths on 9/11. We know you are the best at keeping us safe...even when the FBI warns you of possible attacks by planes.

Thank you mr president for all the soldiers who died in your quest for oil.

Thank you mr president for all the civilians who died in Iraq. Several hundread thousand...minor collateral damage in your books mr president.

Thank you mr president for controlling illegal immigration and the open border. The parents of anchor babies have pictures of you in every room in their house.

Thank you mr president for alienating the world against the United States. The majority of the world truly loves us it is such genuine love too.

Thank you mr president for setting the secret footwork in creating the AMERO.

Thank you mr president for such great planning AFTER we invaded Iraq

Thank you mr president for catching Osama bin Laden.

Thank you mr president for fixing Social Security

Thank you mr president for fixing Medicare

Thank you mr president for a weak dollar.

Thank you mr president for nearly doubling our national debt

Thank you mr president for the outstanding Katrina response

Thank you mr president for allowing poppy seeds to continue to thrive in Afghanistan.

Thank you mr president for nearly 50 million Americans cant afford health insurance

Thank you mr president for our overstretched military

Thank you mr president for a 1 trillion annual trade deficit

Thank you mr president for record high energy prices

Thank you mr president...dictator in chief

Oh yeah you democrats are no better...the list sucks for you too.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by solarstorm]

Here here!!!! Great post!!! The last part about the democrats must of taken the wind right out of their sails.

Says the Yomama supporter-"Aaahhh, here I thought this was Pro-Obama thread"

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
wow, you blamed the president for the weak dollar. With infallable logic like that I'm supprised youre not pres-o-dent.

Uh, when you demand congress to pass "X" amount of dollars to fund your pet wars, while you refuse to demand to cut spending, and you've got a Fed that is all too willing start the printing presses. Then yeah, you do indirectly contribute to the week dollar. It certainly does not help.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by solarstorm

Good God!! Lou Dobbs, I didn't know you posted on ATS.

This is a multiple line post

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:55 AM
Can we thank him by perhaps setting fire to him?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:11 AM
[edit on 13-8-2008 by solarstorm]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike

You made a fool out of yourself, solarstorm. Can you at least hate Bush for real reasons?

Its obvious that the president doesnt give a damn of what people think of him and I can care less about what you think of me. Do yourself a favor and look at the old campaign footage. Get your glasses on and turn up your hearing aid. The bigger fool is the president making promises to FIX most and if not all of these things. Now run along and take your Halliburton stimulants cuz there is A LOT of campaign footage.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by solarstorm]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:17 AM
Oh good now you all have a place to call home. A Bush Bash Fest. Awesome.

...and to the OP, what a wonderfully clever and original thread. I've never seen anyone else flip an existing thread around like you have.

Whilst you all commiserate in this thread, I am heading to the beautiful outdoors to enjoy being a citizen of a free country.

Thanks for the chuckle.


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 02:44 PM
Bush has spent more than 400 days on vacation.

He signed into law the Patriot Act - which fundamentally guts 4th Amendment right of protection against unreasonable searches.

He signed into law a bill which allows retroactive immunity to Telcoms, which is blatantly unconstitutional. (No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.)

Conclusion 86/87: .. basically, the White House lied about Iraq posing a direct threat to the United States.

Habeas Corpus.

Free Speech Zones:

HR 1955:

Enjoy living in a free society while you can... It seems people would rather go play outside than defend our Constitutional Republic. Those in charge have already shown they have no interest in preserving our unalienable rights, so it will fall on OUR SHOULDERS to defend them.

FYI: Obama also voted for FISA.

They're 2 sides of the same rotten coin.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:39 PM
no matter what your opinion

Bush will be gone very very very soon.

Thank you, President Bush, for setting the stage to allow a man nobody had ever heard of, Barack Obama, to be elected President.

Thats all.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:44 PM
Yeah,yeah, let's all cry a freaking river. Boo freaking hoo...

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Thank you President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for reigniting the cold war! Feels like the 80s again! (even though I was just a young plucky, I remember it well!).

The "fear" of terrorism was not enough. In fact, with terrorism being the new communism, tis nice to have around terror/communism as well as regular communism, thanks.

Feels like time for panic sex, all this week. So please indulge my 80s cold-war panic sex song (although as a little plucky I just danced to it...), you guys are the best!

[edit on 15-8-2008 by pluckynoonez]

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