posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Originally posted by BloodRedSky
Whether shot by humans or killed by transplanted animals brought by humans doesnt constitute natural selection in my view.
I hate how we destroy everything beautiful.
One small point, we ARE part of nature.
It is our own arrogance that has allowed us to set ourselves above nature, or somehow categorize the world as Us/Them.
We have never been separate from nature, and us causing destruction is as natural as if it were caused by some other animal out competing another
species for habitat and resources. It has happened countless times in the history of life, we are just another example, we really arent that special.
And, we wont be any more exempt from nature when we overpopulate our environment, and outstrip our resources. When that occurs, we will be as subject
to nature as any other creature. Sure we have technology, but, it can only do so much. We havent mastered nature, we have figured out an exploit.
If and when that exploit becomes no longer viable, we will suffer the same fate as any other creature that over populated and used up all its
I also wish we could use our technology to figure out another living arrangement here on Earth. I would like to see us control our population not
only so that we dont have to kill off other species in droves, but so that we can assure a good standard of living for every human as well. The fact
is, we have several different "types" of humans in terms of consciousness. (Not ethnicity or race mind you) Some still carry the very ancient
"Kill everything that isnt us so we can make more of us" sort of "Selfish Gene" mentality. For some "us" only includes their individual self, a
very contracted version of the concept. Some of us have realized that humans arent the "us," that the entire biosphere is the "us," a very
expanded version. And there are many in between types.
If humans are going to have a chance to survive much longer, it seems that old consciousness is going to have to go extinct. It appears to be pretty
destructive to both other species and our own. Nature has her ways of getting rid of the maladaptive. Although, we may have already served our
purpose (all humans) in the scheme of life, and it there may be no need for even the more harmonious humans to persist. We will just have to see if
some of us are maladaptive, or all of us are maladaptive in the long run.