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If it's really Bigfoot ...

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posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Hey y'all please ... as much as I appreciate the points...

They're discussing whether or not this is a hoax, and if bigfoot is real, and all that, over in the other thread, as I pointed out before.

Bigfoot Found??? press conference sched...

In this thread we are pretending that Bigfoot is real and the evidence proves it, and I want to know what effect you think that will have on cryptozoology, etc.

Please, as there is another thread which was started before mine that is discussing whether or not this is a hoax and whether or not Bigfoot exists,
please take that discussion to the other thread.

Thank you.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:56 AM
If this is a hoax then it will kill the subject permanantly for alot of poeple,especially if the mainstream catches this(wich i doubt)

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:59 AM
They can't prove it's bigfoot because it's not - so the question is moot.
It will not help any serious research in the future at all!

It's a suit!

close up of head in freezer

a suit you can buy!
notice face - eyes and nostrils


[edit on 13-8-2008 by 2 cents]

[edit on 13-8-2008 by 2 cents]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by TheEnlightenedOne

No disrespect to you for the above mentioned but to answer your query, UFO is a bigger deal than Bigfoot is, so it may not change a thing.

Whoa.. I seriously disagree.

Do you realize how many people use Bigfoot as an example of "what a lunatic believes"?

If we have found a rare species that used to be folklore and that which skeptics swore never existed, this can be leveraged in a huge way to open up the possibilites of so much more, and to discredit a skeptics ability to perceieve what might be.

For example, let's say that a skeptic says "There is no bigfoot, there are no ufos, there is not grand conspiracy".

Then, Bigfoot is found. That basically discredits anything eslse that skeptic has said because now that skeptic is a bafoon.

I think this is a HUGE thing along the lines of opening up the possibilities of the unknown and will go miles towards silencing skeptics.

"Oh yeah!!! Thats what you said about Bigfoot!!! and NOW we have a body!!! You were wrong about that! Why should anyone believe you about this now?"

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:32 PM
Well Heike, I think you have your answer.
Not much will change. We rather recently found out about giant squid, yet there are still those who are JUST SURE that we've covered it all and there is no way that Mother Nature has anything else up her sleeve.

Some believers will believe ANYTHING that is spoon fed to them, there's a sucker born every minute. You could dig up Elvis and run extensive DNA tests on his rotten corpse and yet the reports and sightings will still keep pouring in.

These people are silly, but understandable.

What mystifies me are the hard core skeptics. The ones that run around shooting down others people's experiences out of hand. In another age these are the folks who would be burning other people at the stake for saying that the world is round.

I myself have never been to China, but that doesn't mean that China doesn't exist. Other people have been there and I'll take their word for it.

We know what we know but IMHO saying that anything outside of what we know cannot exist is the height of arrogance.

Nobody has to believe anything until it passes their own personal acid test- I just cannot fathom what would drive a person to run around make all kinds of effort to take away the validity of some else's experience.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Arbydol

You have a very jaded view of scepticism. Science is sceptic by its very nature, yet I see you still use your computer.

Your China example is a bit flawed, as I can tell you that there's a gateway to the underworld in my basement, and by your logic, you have to believe me. See how that works? Without scepticism, we think we know more, but we know muuuch less.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Have to say from the pictures published the arms etc look to have a serious suit texture, ie clumped fur that you get on those cheap scatter cushions. Gorilla fur on the other hand is normally pretty neat as with most primates as it's in their nature to groom and be groomed.

Even for a freshly thawed body that looks too shabby to me..

As for die hard sceptics saying no evidence = no proof, well we round fairly safely back to religion then. Show me a clear photo or video of God, the Virgin Mary etc etc, nope images in clouds won't do nor visions in fruit, toilet paper of crying statues.

Yet, it's a safe bet to say you believe in a religion without ridicule..


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:38 PM
Since no one here actually read the opening statement of the thread, I guess I'll be the first to answer. I consider myself a skeptic but do not consider myself to be one those hardcore ones; both sides have thier bad apples. I keep an open mind on these subjects, and I have always said that if something can be proven to exist than good. It will not change my stance on other subjects I feel there is no hard proof for. To all the posters on this thread maybe you should all read what it is about. The op is asking hypothetical question and not asking for your input on whether you believe it to be a hoax or not.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by Arbydol

You have a very jaded view of scepticism. Science is sceptic by its very nature, yet I see you still use your computer.

Your China example is a bit flawed, as I can tell you that there's a gateway to the underworld in my basement, and by your logic, you have to believe me. See how that works? Without scepticism, we think we know more, but we know muuuch less.

Science, by it's very nature, can also be censored. Since pier reviewing and lifetimes of devotion can be conflicts of interest, there's room for corruption.

I actually don't know if there is or isn't a gateway to the underworld in your basement, so without seeing it with my own eyes - why would I assume your lying before believing you? I would probably base it on my opinion of you or others that corroborated your story. There's a billion people who claim China exists, so even though I haven't had the pleasure of a visit, I'm going out on a limb and believing it does.

But your garage sounds pretty interesting, instead of dismissing your claim, I'm filing it away till I know more about you or meet more visitors to your garage.

For me, it's all a question of keeping an open mind and not dismissing anything without at least looking at it. And especially looking harder, the more denials, disinformation and threatened nay sayers suround about the possibility. If everyone is nonchalant, the sheep are just following the path laid out for us

[edit on 8/13/2008 by trusername]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Solarskye
I'd say there will be hunters all over the world going out to catch the" BIG ONE " ( BigFoot ). People will see a bearded hunter in the woods and bullets will start flying and mass killings will take place deep in the woods. I can hear it now. " I sah' em thair in the woods and he looked like the hairy Big Foot pictair I sah' so I shought em', but win I got closer I knew I had messed up and shought a real human".

If it were true, I hope that somehow we can stop hunters from making them extinct, but hunters will do what they like to do and that's hunt. I imagine BigFoot would go for some big dollars.

This would be just one legend out of many to come true and for me and I don't know about the rest of the world, it would not change the way I think of Lochness, ghosts etc... It would make me think about all the other territories that this species would be.

i did not know every hunter on the planet was back water mountain folk keep talkin loke that and it may be open season on solarsky ^.~
anyway i usually dont like to do the skeptic thing but isnt big foot like the proverbial dead horse how many failed expaditions, dog, bear, bunny hair, and foot prints that look quite frankly like poorley done kindegarten clay bs do we have to sit through

[edit on 13-8-2008 by constantwonder]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:05 PM
Thanks for all of the on topic replies. Personally I don't consider myself to be either a skeptic or a "believer." I've seen a UFO and I have a personal friend who once came almost literally nose to nose with a Bigfoot which was going through her garbage. But I can't say as I believe that POTUS and the Queen are reptilians or that Batboy is real.

I am open to the existence of chupcabra - possibly two different species of chupa even, Mothman, Nessie, the Jersey Devil, etc. I'm not really sure that proof of the existence of Bigfoot should make that much difference to Ufology or ghosts .. they are rather different things in spite of so often being lumped together.

On the other hand, I would like to think that Bigfoot's reality would cause crytpozoology and cryptozoologists to be taken much more seriously. We've found the giant squid, we've found Bigfoot, chupacabra is waiting in the wings ... surely Mokele-mbembe, Thunderbird, Nessie and Champ, and others won't be far behind?

If a breeding population of gorilla-sized primates has existed all this time in Georgia (which isn't NYC but isn't Alaska or Wyoming either) and avoided us so successfully that we only now have proof of their existence, how can anyone continue to be so sure that other unknown animals can't exist in the depths of certain lakes, in the remote jungles and rainforest, and in the skies?

What will it take before some people can admit we don't know everything there is to know about this world?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Arawn

It looks fake to me, but we shall have to wait and see after the tests have been carried out - I take it the body will be handed over for testing?

IF, and I mean if, this is proved to be genuine and a new creature, then the stories of a second human race living in the world could be true.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by infinite

No, as humans are "homo sapiens", and this thing clearly isn't that.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by Heike

There were no primates in North America before homo sapiens turned up. Simple as. The notion that massive groups (which would be needed to sustain a species for as long as bigfoot would have to have lived) could survive in North America without leaving any evidence what-so-ever, including scat, is quite frankly retarded.

retardadtion isnt something to make fun of.
please dont be so crude.

Dr Jeff Meldrum and several other very qualified MAINSTREAM scientists have stated that they do in fact believe a large primate could exist undiscovered in the PNW.
unless you can show me your evidence or credentials that can convince otherwise.. Id say your statement is less than valid.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Heike
Do you think people will say "Well, Bigfoot is real. We were wrong all this time. I guess some of these other things are real, too."

One thing at a time is the best way to go. If Bigfoot turns out to be real, that doesn't mean leprechauns are automatically real, or anything else that doesn't have good solid evidence that proves it true.

Nothing wrong with being skeptical without good proof. It's a good way to avoid being a total sucker.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by dave420
No evidence = no belief. It's that simple. It is illogical and irrational to believe in something without evidence. You can imagine it, but to even suggest it's real without evidence is childish.

Actually, believing in something requires a lack of evidence, not the other way around.

You got three things. Belief, Evidence, and Proof. If you have a little evidence, like stories, but don't have anything else, you can believe. But once you have enough evidence to prove something is real, you don't have to simply believe, you can know it is real. I don't have to believe I'm sitting on my chair. It's real. If you doubt it's real, I can provide you with proof so you don't just have to believe me.

If this hoopla turns out to be a real Bigfoot, then great. If it's just a big joke, well, since we didn't believe just blindly believe in it in the first place, we can laugh along with it.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:38 PM

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Someone should post a new thread on here! Namely, "How will they cover this up?" Personally I think it's as fake as a huge fake thing wearing a T-shirt with "I Am A Huge Fake Thing!" written on it. However I eagerly await Friday...

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Arbydol
Nobody has to believe anything until it passes their own personal acid test- I just cannot fathom what would drive a person to run around make all kinds of effort to take away the validity of some else's experience.

Because someone dropped them on the head when they were a baby.... idiots like Michael Shermer. They have some deep insecurities and perhaps should see a psychologist or start meditating.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:00 PM
Once I heard Tom Biscardi was involved I knew it was a hoax. He's the guy that claimed he had a bigfoot in a cave a few years ago and was charging people money to supposedly view the beast online, Apparantley he was banned from the George Noory Coast to Coast show for this.
Unfortunately this reaks!

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