posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:11 PM
I was just reading a thread about obama and his "kill whitey racist church" which got me thinking about something that has had large meaning in my
I wuld be interested in hearing others thoughts on the possibility of using anger as a catalyst for positive change in life
Rev wright really isn't all that far off with much of what he says, he just happens to say it in a very inflammatory way.
Since most people are not going to start rioting and taking to the white neighborhoods with pipe bombs and machine guns this anger and rage can be
channeled into positive change within themselves and their community.
Sort of a screw this Im not going to be the victim anymore and this is what I am going to do to show them.
Sometimes we as humans seem to have to get riled up and pissed off to create the catalyst for real change.
When you are oppressed and feel like a victim you are frozen in a state of intertia, you feel powerless to initiate positive change and fear and
helplessness can soon overtake you.
In my own life I was married to an abusive man, I was terrified and feeling sorry for myself and walking on eggshells all the time just trying to
placate him and keep myself from getting hurt again.
That tactic didnt work instead it made me more available to be beat up and emotionally and verbally berated.
So finally I got angry, really truly angry and that anger gave me the strength to stand up and say screw you im out of here. I left not out of fear
for my own life but because I was angry enough to have visions of flinging hot bacon grease on his face, and that wasn't an option in my life, but
neither was being in fear all the time and being someone punching bag.
It gave me the drive to make my own life and the fire in my soul to succeed at it.
I was no longer a victim, I was angry, but since Im not an abusive sociopath who beats up others to feel better I directed that strength and anger
towards positive change in my own life.