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yet...another John-titor alert

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posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 01:57 PM
It looks like they're getting closer & closer to actually unmasking JT & the JT foundation over on the anomalies time travel board...

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 02:06 PM
A guy claiming to be alien showed up on the same board as the "John titor" Fraud posted on.

his posting style was much the same as John titore.

that is just another mountain of evidence that JT was a fake.

and I hope that he is a fake and they find him.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by soothsayer
Why hasn't he named specific people, places, or events, other than his future war? AND with time travel capability, why not just jump back in time, erase certian things (or people), and ensure the safety of the world?

Because, he had said that naming a person might help them avoid death by probability, and he didn�t want that to happen now did he? I think he said something about it going against his morals. He couldn�t erase certain things or people from the past, because it wouldn�t help HIS future. He explained that there were different world lines, each different from the other, except ours was VERY similar to his. That was one of the fail safes of his story, even if none of the stuff like a civil war or nuke fight in 2015 comes true, there will always be someone saying �well he had said that even his presence being here, he could have changed our future.�

How was Titor able to obtain any type of valid ID, or housing for that matter, coming from a time in which he isn't even born yet? Forgeries? How is he able to exist and go about a normal everday life without having any means to survive?

He explained that he was staying with his parents from the NOW, and even saw his own 3 (can�t remember the exact age) year old version of himself. His mother had grown a garden just for him because Titor didn�t trust the food from our time. They provided him with a computer and I�m pretty sure an internet connection as well, he also said once or twice that he had someone keeping his IP all nice and safe, (masked and whatnot.)

Let me just say this last thing... in order for this ATS member to even consider Titor the real thing, he needs to give specific dates.

He also said that he wasn�t looking for belief, merely making what he knew public for the consideration of others, and looking for conversation. He didn�t want people just to blindly except what he was saying, but to research it for themselves. He ALSO said that he didn�t remember the outcome of specific games or specific dates� I think he put it in these words once or twice:

�Would you remember if someone asked you if it rained on a specific day and time way back in 1932?�

Not his exact words, but pretty close I think� I�ll have to check later. I don�t believe anything of what Titor said, I merely took it into consideration and researched a little bit, though only �time� will tell if he was a phony feeding anyone who�d listen BS or a straight-up authentic �time� traveler.

[Edited on 22-3-2004 by Weise]

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:30 PM
Has anyone seen this site yet? The whois is privet.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by soothsayer
Like others have said, needs to give specific dates to these 'events' of his. IF he is from the future, and he's bright enough to operate a time device out of his car, plus his 'training'... you'd think he'd remember a few dates?

Just to say 'something will happen to create tension in the West'... duh. The Western world has had tension and conflicts for how many decades? This prediction is a no brainer. This is why so many people discredit Nostradamus.

You can make a prediction fit anything, as long as the words are vague enough, or have double meanings. A prediction should not read as a fortune cookie.

Now, in his defense, I can see making claim of being from the future on the Internet versus 'going public'. The only shows he'd be able to land would be Springer or other odd ball airings. He wouldn't have been taken seriously, whereas on the Internet, it seems, anything (and anyone) goes... there's enough bizarre-ness on the Internet that anything is possible. And this way, he can make his claims, all the while remaining unknown.

But, however... there is no credance to him. Where is the proof? His technical manual? Geez... I am so sure that a highly advanced project such as his car would have a users manual akin to a VCR guide.

Why hasn't he named specific people, places, or events, other than his future war? AND with time travel capability, why not just jump back in time, erase certian things (or people), and ensure the safety of the world?

I, too, would like to believe that there are future visitors here... but this is just beyond comprehension, and lacking in common sense.

How was Titor able to obtain any type of valid ID, or housing for that matter, coming from a time in which he isn't even born yet? Forgeries? How is he able to exist and go about a normal everday life without having any means to survive?

Let me just say this last thing... in order for this ATS member to even consider Titor the real thing, he needs to give specific dates.

Mr. Titor conveniently explained away having to supply exact dates with a calculated percentage of difference between his "future" and the "past" (aka our present)

I suggest you all read his postings once again, as it seems many of you have just skimmed the information.

I'm not saying I believe him, I'm just saying that he explained away much of what people here are questioning.


posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 01:26 PM
All Titor did was plant a seed. And he let everyone else water it and let it grow.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by energy_wave
Has anyone seen this site yet? The whois is privet.

I see on that website that you can buy his book.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 02:13 PM
Not only that, you can get a special deal if you buy Alas, Babylon with it. That made me laugh my ass off.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 02:31 PM
Actually, I wouldn't mind getting a copy of the book. It looks interesting and JT turns out to be a fraud, it would be an pretty good read. And being twinned with Alas, Babylon doesn't really mean much. Amazon often does that.

Excepts from the book:

John�s mother in our time:

"John began posting online with my husband�s computer and email address. After about a week, he started using alternate names and Internet routes for his activity. We expressed concern about our security but he assured us we were safe. He said that not only would no one believe him but also the technology to locate him would not be used or could be defeated for a short period. He also had an unusual amount of trust with the people he spoke with online."

John, Page 6:

"You do not rewrite history. I can only affect what happens here just as easily as you can. Why do people in this time period worry so much about time travelers destroying their world line when they have no problem doing it themselves every day?"

John, Page 8:

"Imagine you live in the year 1900 and a "time traveler" attempts to explain how a jet engine works. Even though the invention of the airplane is only a decade in the future, he would have to find some frame of reference to explain the basics of flight. Then, he would have to outline the mechanics of how the engine works. As amazing as it would sound, the jet would be invented about thirty years later. "

John, Page 20:

"As far as war goes, I have faith you are quite capable of starting one all by yourself. I am hard pressed to accept any criticism on my outlook on that subject. Growing up might have been a vastly different experience for me than it was for most of you. Personal responsibility, determination, honor, friendship and self-reliance are not just words we try to live up to or fantasize about. "

John, Page: 21

"Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civically ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that."

John, Page 25:

"I like the incredible freedom you have on this world line but I see it as a trap and I fear the cost is the loss of your sense of connection with family and community. Yes, you can self actualize your ambitions but at what cost to the people around you, or yet to be born? The incredible availability of art, literature and limitless resources is hardly taken advantage of as I imagine the number of people sitting in front of their TVs. "

John Titor A Time Traveler's Tale

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 02:47 PM
Read the book and see theJohn Titor Movie I mean come on people this guy is a F A K E

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