posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:50 AM
As reported in this thread,
Problems with the U2U database -- some messages are lost,
we experienced an event on the database server that resulted in damage to the U2U storage. Upon completion of an intensive repair routine, it appears
as though nearly 40,000 total records were lost... some members, including myself, lost everything.
Since then, we've relaunched a new-and-improved U2U system that looks and operates exactly like the old system, but has a much improved core storage
design that should function much more efficiently, and greatly reduce the risk of data corruption, if not completely.
Also, for a limited time, we're providing access to the damaged system to give our members time to recover lost messages. Limited access is provided
in a new
Member Center menu item, Damaged u2u Access. Any messages that
were not lost in your inbox or saved box should be available for individual recovery (since access to the damaged system causes server strain, we're
not enabling outbox access). This access to the damaged system will expire on September 1, 2008.