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Spirits in my house.

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:44 AM
So, I've lived at my current residence for roughly 7 years, i moved hear when i was 12 (though i'm 19 now), and throughout my time here i've known their was a presence, so did my mom dad and brothers. This presence isn't threating, or it hasn't been, actually they act like they don't even see us or hear us at all.

For as long as I have lived here i've always heard foot steps in the hall, but it's getting more active here lately, i hear people talking in rooms where their is no one at, i here banging on the walls at night, and sometimes a little baby crying, it doesn't scare me because i'm slowly getting used to it. But when I try to speak to these 'spirits' I get no reply, but when i tell them to stop they stop, it's like that's the only time they here me, or when i go to a room that i hear them talking in it moves to a different room. I've even had neighbors who experience similiar things in their house, so i'm trying to connect some dots here, my mom said it could be the possibility of an indian burial ground, but i'm sure that would be noticeable.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

[edit on 8/12/2008 by Uniceft17]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Uniceft17

If it is an Indian burial ground it should be documented in historical achieves of some sort since majority have been since Tribal groups have tried to preserve and regain access and control over them. At least in Montana they are. Please note that if the noises are disruptive then if might be warranted for a psychic or spiritualist to visit and try to figure what kind of spirits they are. It is possible they are "shadow ghosts" who are not interactive to anyone in the living realm. Spirits that damage or harm people are an different category.

What concerns me is the fact that the activity is escalating, which can be more of an issue such as other spirits that have entered that can be more aggressive.

Morigun Constantine

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Uniceft17

Place a tape recorder in the room with the most activity to see if you get any "white noise". Also, contact a paranormal research facility at your nearest college/university and tell them what is going on. They could take measurements to see how strong the activity is.
Also, poltergeists seem to get more active when children hit adolescence. I have read that in many books, including researcher Colin Wilson.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:07 PM

If you have a local library, it would be a good idea to find out some of the history of the land surrounding your property. You can also find out if anyone has died in your house.


EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) are a great way to communicate with spirits. If you have a computer with a microphone, you can download a simple sound editing program and hit record. I would recommend using Cool Edit Pro as it has a free trial version, and a huge amount of filters, so if you catch anything you can clean it up. A digital recorder from Radio Shack would do quite nicely. Here are a few budget friendly products

The way you want to set this up is as follows:

Noise pollution, such as, fans, running water, pets, TV, radio, all should be silenced for your recording. Next, ask out loud if there is anyone here, tell them to speak into this device in order to be heard by you. Place the microphone on a ear-level surface if possible, and hit record.

The amount of time you should record depends on the amount of time you want to review the recording. 1 hour recording requires 2 hours of your time, you feel me?

Search for anomalies in the tape or on your computer, such has mumbled voices, or answers to your questions.


Video cameras are always helpful, however, rarely capture any evidence. If you have one, it would be a good idea to video tape your EVP session.


If you find any evidence be sure to post it here for analysis, as the ATS crowd loves this type of thing.

Good luck to you!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Uniceft17

A similar thing is happening to me.
I have a ghost in my room that won't leave me alone, it is obsessed with touching my head. I made a thread about it but didn't get much help to solve the problem. This is not a visible ghost. Only one time my friend saw it in shadow form peeping at us while we smoke on the balcony.

Lately in the past 3 days it has calmed down a bit with touching me.
At first it started touching my head when I lay in bed.
I told it to leave me alone when I sleep and it stopped touching me at bedtime but started touching me more and more during my time on the PC or watching T.V
It started following me out of the house when I go out sometimes.
When I try to talk to it, it doesn't like to respond, like I would ask it " If your a boy touch my head now" it would not do anything no matter what I ask it BUT when I tell it to stop doing something it stops.

An example is it started following me to the washroom when I take a piss, it rubbed my head when I was pissing and I got rather annoyed and told it don't follow me in here, and it never followed me in the washroom again.
One night I think it slept on me or sat on me while I was sleeping, I tried to turn over to change positions one night and I could not move at all, I was paralyzed for about 30 sec, I think I pulled a muscle or screwed up blood vesicles trying to hard to move, I was scared.

Over time it seemed to have gotten stronger.
I am now a little afraid to piss it off or make it angry because a few days ago I noticed just how strong it really is.

I was in the kitchen with my friend and the ghost started touching my head as usual randomly.
I told my friend "It's touching my head now, come here and see if you can see my hair moving or being rubbed"
He came close and did a heavy backhand where the ghost would be standing behind my head.
When he did that I felt a powerful jolt or shock on my shoulder blade as thought he hit the ghost and it pushed me or got scared, or it might have been trying to push me out the way because the backhand looked like it was coming to me.

Overall the ghost seems friendly and lately it seems to be massaging my head strong as I lay in bed to start to fall asleep. Even thought I told it to leave me alone while I sleep a few weeks back.
It might sound ridiculous but I have begun to enjoy the head massage/rub in bed.
Every so often I lay down with headphones on and it would literally move and shift my headphones to rub the part of my head under the headphone band.
I don't know for sure what it is really doing with my hair/head but it's either friendly touching or something evil trying to manifest itself into my head or crown chakra.

I can make a huge list of stuff I have experienced it doing but I wont continue unless someone asks.
I have EVP recordings if anyone here is willing to analyze them, it talks but it's hard to make out what it says, I'm not great with audio editing.

A tip to temporary get rid of the ghost in my room when I first started experiencing it and was a bit scared of it, I was told by my father to try lighting incense.
The first time I lit the incense in my room I head the ghost literary run smack into my closet and stayed in there for a couple hours and made a bit of noise in there romping around or something.

It has now become immune or something to the incense and is no longer afraid of it or it has learned to handle the smell.

This ghost doesn't care if lights are on, day or night, friends over making load noise or loud music playing, it will play around and touch my head at anytime, and it has become a bit stronger now I can feel it touching my skin now mostly behind my neck a bit or sometimes touch my hand when I sleep.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by buds84

Friendly or not, you really don't want it getting too attached to you - which it sounds like it is doing - you could find yourself carting it around with you for rather a long time. First thing is to protect yourself and prevent this. I would suggest learning some kind of spiritual protection / psychic shielding - strengthening your aura for a start. Then I guess you would have to think about whether you wanted to get rid of it, or whether you were prepared to leave it be where it is.

To the OP - this one sounds more as though it could be one of those 'stone tape' type hauntings - sights, sounds etc that get recorded on the ether / atmosphere / whatever in particular places - rather than any kind of active spirit presence.

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