posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:59 AM
I made a thread about an hour ago about going outside and having good intentions and really wanting to know the truth for good reasons with a good
heart. I'm calling everybody who is willing to set aside their televisions, phones, internet, daily stress and struggles to take an hour or two and
go outside and just get comfortable and lay down and watch the beautiful night sky. I saw seven beautiful shooting stars that really made my night and
put me in a very happy mood. I didn't expect to see any ufo's but i really wanted to, and thats the purpose of this. I'm calling all people from
the thread last week that tried this and everybody else who reads this who is willing to try something to make a step towards the truth instead of
talking about what ifs and predictions being made about a mass ufos landing sometime in 2010 or any of that. I believe this can happen through mass
consciousness and i get this idea from james gilliland. James is just a human like us, he has no special powers that bring aliens down he just lives
away from society and brings people to have good hearts and there they come! James is a very peaceful guy and the ufo's know he's harmless. What do
you guys say about tommorow night 9:30 pacific? Alone or not, I'll be out there searching for the truth while people who deny search the truth for
there whole life and never find the answers.