posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 05:24 AM
Today was the first time I've properly exercised in around 3 or 4 years. It felt amazing and I still do feel really good now.
I used to go running every night 3 or 4 years ago and I lost a large amount of weight, my confidence and fitness was at it's highest and I felt
awesome, then I stopped running and I gained weight.
Also, I've put on weight in the last year due to drinking too much alcohol and well, being lazy and I decided enough was enough. I bought a treadmill
last week because I know if I just go running outside, I will get bored of it but because I bought a treadmill, I know that I don't want to waste
hard-earned money and I will use it every day.
I'm 100% determined to lose weight and reach an ideal weight of around 170lbs.
[edit on 1/9/08 by xeroxed88]