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Evidence HAARP is controlling the weather?

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posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:05 PM
According to Ken Adachie @, during one day, it went from cloudy skies to clear skies in only 20 minutes. He has photos, with a timestamp to give you an idea, and it really is interesting after 20 mins, there's not a cloud in the sky. He believes HAARP is behind it. More info is available at the Link

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:13 PM
Does anyone live in the Houston area because something strange is definetly going on with the weather. For last two months almost everyday it has been mostly foggy when I wake up in the morning to go to work. Now this is every day almost. This is the first time I've ever seen it stay foggy for this long. It's beginning to be a pain in the ass to drive because sometimes I can't see what's in front of me on the road.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:22 PM
I think that means another prophecy fulfilling, the times of troubles and the changing of the weather.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:39 PM
I live in Toronto, Canada, and over the last 2 years, especially in the winter, the weather has been crazy.
We'd have some weeks where the temperature literally changes overnight from -10C to 2C and then back down to -15C. People used to blame it on 'El Nino', but I haven't heard much about it lately.

I do think that whomever can control the weather will ultimately control life on this planet.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:47 PM
There have been quite a few heavily-discussed topics about the HAARP program and weather modification/control.

Use the Search feature on the navigation bar and you will come across the existing threads.

Alternatively, the URL is

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 12:58 PM
Hi Simon,

I actually did search prior to posting. I typed in 'HAARP, Weather' and I found no results. I searched in all the forums.

Sorry about that.

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 01:37 PM
In all due honesty, the word HAARP is used, on average, about 5-8+/- times a day.....

As such, you simply could have typed the word: HAARP, and with a bit of time and patience, could have gone through the topics that mention HAARP until you found or did not find a thread that would have been related to yours. No biggie.

Here are some that may be of interest to you on what you mention/postulate in your intial topic (weather controlling device), nonetheless:

These are those mentioning 'weather' and I stopped at September of 2003.

I do hope they may answer some questions you may have or help in some degree with your topic.


posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 07:18 PM
i can say this:
the weather is freaky and unusual with large temperature variations and odd weather patterns more than ever

posted on Mar, 15 2004 @ 07:31 PM
Remember though clouds can clear fast pending on the wind. while they COULD have control on the weather I don't see why they would. In New England the weather changes every 5 minutes.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 04:38 PM
One cannot simply 'control' the weather. Temperature and pressure fluctuations are difficult to predict, but to control? I would seriously have to see this machine to believe it.

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by TJ11240
One cannot simply 'control' the weather. Temperature and pressure fluctuations are difficult to predict, but to control? I would seriously have to see this machine to believe it.

I thought everyone knew about HAARP

Go to the above posts that Seeker Of put up you'll see links to plenty of pictures of HAARP and information too

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by quintar
I live in Toronto, Canada, and over the last 2 years, especially in the winter, the weather has been crazy.
We'd have some weeks where the temperature literally changes overnight from -10C to 2C and then back down to -15C. People used to blame it on 'El Nino', but I haven't heard much about it lately.

I do think that whomever can control the weather will ultimately control life on this planet.

Actually my friend Toronto's warm weather the last couple weeks has been from warm Florida winds, we usually get the damned Arctic winds that hail from the north and give us the chills
I pay close attention to the weather patterns because alas, i'm effected by it.

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 03:26 PM
I thought about the possibility of someone controlling the weather before I read about HAARP.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 12:25 PM
I think these quotes are from before HAARP was announced publicly but I thought you might find them interesting...

"For reasons unknown even to weather experts, the temperature at Greensberg, Kansas, jumped 20 degrees in ten minutes." - The Arizona Republic July 8, 1987

"Aug. 11, 1987 - The U.S. Patent Office grants Patent Number 4,686,605 to Dr. Bernard Eastlund, a physicist who is a consultant for the Atlantic Richfield Company. Dr. Eastlund also does work for the Defense Department's ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). The patent is for a technology to "change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns.�"By bombarding the jet stream with high-intensity electromagnetic waves, Dr. Eastlund is able to divert it and alter the weather patterns in a particular area

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:01 PM
OK people, it’s time for a major reality check for a lot of you. ALL of these hurricane "natural" disasters are man-made.

Go here to learn how they are engineering these hurricanes . Go to any national or geo-political website if you want to know WHY they are doing it : CHAOS, absolute political CHAOS is the why !

It's time for a reality check, and high time some of you people begin exiting the denial stage. Time to grow up and except that it is, indeed happening. Everything that those people you labeled “conspiracy theorists“ were telling you is coming to pass now. Those "nutcases" were trying to help you people.

The so-called "natural" disaster named GUSTAV was engineered. So was Katrina, and Andrew more than a decade before that. The earthquake in China last May, the earthquake in Indonesia that caused the tsunami, they were man-made UN-natural disasters, just like the AIDS virus. And, yes, HANNA is as well. Geeze fer Christ sake open your eyes! Look at the satellite imagery! Look at the infrared and visible satellite imagery! It’s on every TV station you turn to. Don’t you see it? If you cannot see it, ask yourself why you can’t. Don't you ever look up at the sky anymore? The signs are so obvious Ray Charles could see it, and he’s blind AND he’s dead. So what is your excuse for not allowing yourself to see the obvious signs of weather engineering that are staring you right in the face, plastered all over the news channels, and right in you face above your head every day, all day long? Why is it you refuse to see what they are hiding in plain view all over the media and in the sky above? It’s because you are in a state of absolute denial. The fact that you simply may not be able to comprehend or handle the WHY, why they are engineering these hurricanes does not absolve you of your responsibility to understand that they are, in fact doing it. These hurricanes are a prelude to the next phases which are

An engineered Total Collapse of the U.S. dollar
An engineered Total Collapse of the U.S. Capital markets and banking system
An engineered global bio-pandemic (probably the avian flu)
An engineered magnitude +8.0 earthquake in the U.S. (likely San Francisco)

And these events are just preludes, kind of like appetizers before the main dish. Are you ready for these delectable entrée’s? Here’s the main course:

Engineered chaos as pretext to invoke martial law in the U.S.
Dissolution of U.S., Mexico and Canada.
Establishment of the NAU - North American Union (new currency is the Amero)
Foreign troops enforcing martial law on U.S. streets
FEMA trains to ship non-cooperatives and resisters to the FEMA camps
Mass extermination of 180-250 million American Citizens
Dissolution of the NAU - Establishment of the Illuminati’s NWO - New World Order

All this is slated to happen in the next 3 ½ years, so buckle your seatbelts. Its gonna be a real bumpy ride for a lot of you who simply cannot allow the truth that is staring you in the face to be true.



posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by quintar

Interesting subject, however.. isn't it a lot of clouds visible in the horizon on the pictures allegedly showing a clear sky? If it's somewhat windy at skylevels it's quite possible for them to blew away into the horizon on short time.
That beeing said it doesn't mean that their's nothing to the HAARP program theories. I myself is deeply interested in the theories about weather control. Just saying that these images in particular does make you think, but personally their not a to convincing evidence. But absolutely a nice find!

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