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McCain-Cant Operate A Computer

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Hate to jump into a debate that is getting racial.....because this SHOULD NOT be racial!

becky, you have certain beliefs, please keep them....or, consider what you read, and think before you react.

I remember reading about the segregation in the Armed Services during WWII. 'Racist'???? Yeah!

See, the prevailing opinion, of the USA at that time, in that era was...."How could those (N word)s be smart enought to do anything?"

I was born in parents were both total racists. My Dad, maybe before he died, figured out his mistake. My Mom....well, she's not convinced....but flows with the times.

You seem to forget that during WWII the blacks....or 'African Americans' who enlisted, or were drafted, were segregrated.

Yet, there is an entire squadron of 'black' pilots, in WWII who performed well, with distinguishment. ( I cannot remember it off the top of my head....somebody help!)

Now, I'll jump to today...actually, back in the early 1990s. The 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy (still in force) is as short-sighted as the old WWII segregration policy.

See any difference? I don't.

Now, how does this relate to the OP's premise?

It is background, so that I can explain....that John McCain is an old man, who is terribly out of touch. YES, he served....FORTY YEARS AGO!!!!

Yes, he's been a Senator....let's ask everyone to examine his entire record, in the Senate. I used to live in Arizona, back in 1992....and I thought McCain was scary THEN!!!

Now, sorry....I see an old, doddering fool with bad, yelllow least Reagan had the good sense to have good choppers.

Oh, and here's a gem! The McCain anti-Obama ad....criticzing Obama for saying, in part, that as well as being a Citizen of the US, he is also a citizen of the world.....

Seems no onee has noticed that another great 'celebrity'....a certain Ronald Reagan actually used a similar phrase....while campaigning.

So, you can say that RR was wrong for saying it, or you can say that Obama was wrong for repeating it....some might now accuse him of 'stealing' it....but WHY would a Democratic candidate 'steal' from a Republican president?????? Seems to be instant death, if mis-interpreted.

Or, just a 'tempest in a teapot'.....

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Yet, there is an entire squadron of 'black' pilots, in WWII who performed well, with distinguishment. ( I cannot remember it off the top of my head....somebody help!)

Tuskegee Airmen.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Grafilthy

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I had a brain fart!!

(can i say fart?)


edit to correct spelling...."Tuskogee" Airmen

Thanks, again.

[edit on 8/12/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

And neither did George Washington.

Its not that he cant operate a computer.

The computer is not the point. Its the fact that he's not "with it" that is being argued, adn the computer instance is proof to back that.

If he cannot and will not learn to use something as simple, modern, and easy as a computer, economics, and racial equality

then why is he qualified to be POTUS?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:25 PM
Computers may be more harmful then good, I think they make us more isolated, may make many lose touch with reality.

people have advanced abilities to manipulate both the physical world and worlds of illusion. Everything from the physical environment, and from the world of images or simulations, becomes raw material, that we can appropriate and re-create in our own image. We end up living inside an artificial environment that caters to our desires, in which we constantly manipulate technology in ways that expand our freedom and power, and allow us to transcend many of the limits of existence. The computer scientist, manipulating images to create virtual worlds, and the physical scientist, learning how to manipulate the elements of this world, become archetypal figures of the age.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I disagree

Computers have made the world a much smaller place.
You only loose touch of reality when you allow your self to fall into intellectual voids like "obama is the antichrist" threads in places on the internet like ATS.

You have to take responsibility for your own sanity.
The internet today is no different from the traveling politician from yesterday.

It tells you what you want to hear because you let it. If you want to be objective, you need to look into it a lot more than at its face value.

just like anything else.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

Andrew, it's not only here, on ATS.....arguments on many, many other Internet sites are continuing.

We have multiple 24-hour News channels....(I should have put the word 'News' in quotes....hmmm, I just did!)

AND, I'm not just talking about the explain to folks, from the US, there are 24-hour News channels EVERYWHERE! Not just here in the USA!

I once thought there were too many every newstand you happen to pass much info, but what is TRUE? And what is....ummm....junk?

NOW, we have the Internet....for the last decades, getting bigger and more diverse.

It's a lot to digest. No single individual is likely to be able to encompass it all.

NOW, to my point of the OP.....if a person we wish to elect as the POTUS doesn't even know how to USE a computer, HOW will this individual know how to intrepret what various advisors tell him/her??

I think the most dangerous scenario is a POTUS who is isolated, and only fed information, with no way to substantiate what he/she is presented.

(hint:....GWB...'nuf said)

Maybe I shouldn't add here, but....can't help myself. If the POTUS is so dis-connected from real life, then he/she cannot make valid decisions, necessary for a true leader. We see this, already, with GWB. McCain, well, that's the point of this thread. Obama? I don't know....what do YOU think????

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:59 PM
wow shocking eighty year old POW camp vet. pres. candidate who could die at any moment cant even find the power button on a computer!

[edit on 12-8-2008 by Lazy Skeptic]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Lazy Skeptic

Lazy....well, not 'Eighty'...but close enough!! Laugh!

No, he's in his seventies. Still, your point stands.

I'm in my fifties....and, even without any Military experience, I think I'd do a better job than any of them....IF elected, but that's the hurdle...getting nominated, after the vetting....the vetting that's suppose do happen before the Nomination 'nod'.....I could not care less about the Political System....
It used to mean something. Today? Not so much!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:23 PM
I am as anti-McCain as the next "Ron Paul Republican", but this is totally irrelevent...

As if he doesn't have 100's of aides and confidants who can't use the computer if necessary...

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Of course he could have always followed the plan of Barry Boy, and avoided service altogether.

Born August 4th 1961......I don't think he would have scared too many V.C.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by iamcamouflage
Raise your hand if you think a presidential candidate should know how to use a computer?

And if the President didnt have entire departments of the US government dedicated to providing him with the information he needs to make a decision thi might matter. Otherwise all this means is that hes less likely to surf porn sites at the office.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:27 PM
So...i ask again.

Since you conservatives hold it against Obama.

1.) Have you ever served?

2.) Since when did "serving in the military" become a pre-requisite for being an American Citizen?

I have never served and never will - does that make me a piece of *snip*?

[edit on 8/12/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by iamcamouflage
... it would be very difficult to work in the Senate...

Work? In the Senate?

Isn't that sort of like "frog hair" or "chicken milk"?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by jsobecky

Hate to jump into a debate that is getting racial.....because this SHOULD NOT be racial!

becky, you have certain beliefs, please keep them....or, consider what you read, and think before you react.

First of all, weedwhacker, my userid is jsobecky. Now the fact that you choose to emulate Andrew Wiggin and massacre it means that you are as ignorant as he is. But we have come to expect that from Andrew. It seems we shall expect that from you also.

Now the second thing. If you want to discuss the fact that race has been introduced into this discussion, at least be aware of who inserted it. Once again, it was the ignorance of Andrew Wiggin:

Orignally posted y Andrew E. Wiggin

Personally, i find it more impressive to be a black male like Obama in today's world, where you have to fight off white christian males LIKE mcCain in order to get a piece of the pie.

Andrew insinuated that Obama is somehow a better candidate because he is black. Pure racism.

Is it so difficult for you to see that? Or are you blocking it because you are an Obama supporter and Andrew is an Obama supporter and therefore what he says is OK?

So before you make any remarks about my beliefs, or suggest that I "keep them", maybe you should not be so obviously ignorant and supportive of a racist.

And making remarks about McCain's teeth was really childish, weedwhacker. Grow up.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

..that John McCain is an old man, who is terribly out of touch. YES, he served....FORTY YEARS AGO!!!!

Yes, he's been a Senator....let's ask everyone to examine his entire record, in the Senate. I used to live in Arizona, back in 1992....and I thought McCain was scary THEN!!!

I could have sworn that McCain is still serving his country as I speak. Oh yea, he is United States Senator.

You lived in Arizona in 1992, could you tell me what legislation it was that made you think McCain was scary or are you just basing the scary stuff on his looks. You seem to be very opinionated on your view of McCain.

See, the prevailing opinion, of the USA at that time, in that era was...."How could those (N word)s be smart enought to do anything?"

Please give me a source for this.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:13 PM

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:23 PM
Come on! It takes the period of a week or two to learn just about everything (about windows, word, and internet) on a computer. I don't think its an issue.

Yes its on the job training, but far less than Obama needs in respects to other factors.

You're using something like computers to try and make a case against McCain? I think we've seen a new low on ATS.

As for his knowledge on Economics, I've seen the video mentioned. Yes, hes said it, but it was greatly taken out of context. More along the lines of not being an expert.

The low blows keep on coming!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by jsobecky


It is common, I thought, to shorten ATS usernames, in responses....when we RESPOND, and your full user name shows up at the top.

So, sorry if you were offended.

For instance, call me WW....won't hurt my feelings. Call me 'weed', or any other derivation.....

I'd think my avatar would make it very clear, the humor I try to convey. I have no idea how you came to your screenname, and I would never knowingly mock it. Sorry if it happened unintentionally.

I have found that responding to another member's personal attack is, usually, futile. There is, however, a point when an ego must react.

Here is MY reaction: What I posted, up above, I do not retract.

This is an issue about John Sidney McCain III, not ME, nor anyone else (except other Candidates).

My opinion is clear. I do not like John Sidney McCain III

Not sure I like Osama Hussein Obama, either.

But, these ore the TWO choices thrown our way, and we have to deal with that....hold your nose, and vote for who you wish to vote....but squabbling over them is unlikely to change any attitudes,

This thread is about whether McCain can operate a computer. NO ONE has mentioned whether or not Obama can??? Fair and balanced?

I have my opinions....I wish to see others'

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Tomis_Nexis

It should be, it's not that hard to get the basics down. If he can't take the time to learn the basics of use something as easy as, lets say...Word, or the internet, or email, then how the heck can McCain tackle bigger issues?

I'm pretty sure he does know those things, at least some, but if his wife is better at these things than him I don't blame the guy for asking someone better to do it.

Example - I don't pay the bills or manage the money at my house. My wife does it. I CAN do it, although she is vastly better at it than me so I don't waste my time doing something she can do faster, better, and with greater effect. It has nothing to do with my grasp of economics (which seems to be the extrapolation some are drawing).

And computers are a part of this world and day and age now, and he's not taking the effort to learn something of it. What kind of example is that? Laziness and like you said he's 72 and traditional, that's not what this world needs, we're looking ahead to growth not holding back.

I still don't see how using a computer has anything to do with, um, reading a book, learning, providing positive policy ideas, looking into problems and thinking out solutions or speaking with experts.

A computer is faster and easier for what younger people are doing, but if he has no need for it I'm pretty sure he won't use it.

If I was rich and could afford a driver, I would get one even if I forgot how to drive eventually. It doesn't make me stupid, inept, or lazy, especially in the areas that are his focus...

i.e. policy and governance

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