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Everything went dark for about 9 seconds

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:21 AM
I woke up at 6 AM to shower and the sun was out and it was pretty bright. This morning at around 7 AM, usually the time I head out of the house to work. I stepped out and noticed that everything was pitch black. I live in Milford, Connecticut in the US. I looked up at the sky and saw flashes of light like lightning, but it was complete darkness other than the flashes.

I freaked out because I've been reading threads on here about this happening it other people in the UK. If anyone can please confirm this, please let me know I'm not hallucinating. Around 7:05 AM EST, everything was dark for about 9 seconds. It seemed like alot longer for me when I was in it, but when the light came back, i realized that it was a very short period of time. There are clouds in the sky, but I don't think a shadow would make it go pitch dark.

Any explanations or anything helpful would be much appreciated? My fear and curiosity overwhelms all my emotions right now. I dont want to tell my co workers, they will think I have a brain tumor or I'm a weirdo. Thanks guys!

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:36 AM
When you say pitch black, do you mean nightime darkness, or just dark. When we get storms the sky gets very dark, the clouds can be black. Once dusk comes, the streetlights go on, did this happen when it became dark? Streetlights don't come on here when it's a darkened sky from a storm.

I suppose I'd have to witness this for myself to be satisfied it's that dark, or that bright when it shouldn't be. When snow is coming the sky gets very bright and white, even if it doesn't actually snow in my exact location or lower elevation.

Why are all these events not reported anywhere else but ATS?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Uday, what was the weather like at that time?

Sometimes big dark clouds pass by.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by violet

The whole situation was really creepy. I've tried running it through my head and thought maybe I just imagined it. But I remember clearly not seeing any stars at all. It was as if I was standing there at 2 AM, except none of the street lights were on.
I have 6 solar lights on my lawn and they were the only lights that were lit.
I did see one of my neighbors lights on in his house, no cars on the street at the time.

It was really eerie silence. I only know it was nine seconds because I stepped into the house and looked at the clock on the wall to make sure my watch wasnt mistaken, then stepped out and all the lightning type flashes in the sky stopped and the light faded back in.

Any theories as to what this could have been?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by calibanvov

It was pitch black. There were clouds, but it wasn't a shadow I think. It was pitch black. Just nothing. I dont know, there is no other way to explain it. I couldnt see anything, except my neighbors light and my solar lights on my lawn.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Fear and curiosity is consuming me. Please help!

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:47 PM
ive seen a similiar thing myself a few months back.

theres nothing to be curious about,there here its obvious!!!!.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 12:54 PM
Did you kept looking at the sky? If so how did the light/sun reappear.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by broli
Did you kept looking at the sky? If so how did the light/sun reappear.

The sun faded back into normal within 1 second. It sounds abrupt but it looked like a smooth fade in.
The really creepy thing was I noticed that the flashing in the sky stopped, then the sun faded back in and the darkness crept away.
Please let me know if that helps us try to find the culprit.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 01:27 PM
You have your sunglasses on at the time?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 01:30 PM
Unless you're a skeptic by heart and believe there's a comfortable answer to everything then you can't be helped much. You have to get out of the box accept that there are things that are beyond your ability of comprehension and should just accept them and live with them. Sure it could have been a thick cloud or a huge space ship passing by. Since there's no visual material I cannot tell how significant the happening was. Panicking and being afraid is a normal human reaction but you should just accept it as it is and see it as an extraordinary experience in your life.

If your hometown is a social one there should be no problem going around and asking around people whether they experienced it as well.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by broli
Unless you're a skeptic by heart and believe there's a comfortable answer to everything then you can't be helped much. You have to get out of the box accept that there are things that are beyond your ability of comprehension and should just accept them and live with them ...
Panicking and being afraid is a normal human reaction but you should just accept it as it is and see it as an extraordinary experience in your life.

There's nothing wrong with trying to find out if there is any logical explanation to a mysterious event, or should the OP not have posted this or included any questions? When possible explanations have been ruled out and the observer and the rest of us reading this is satisfied with that, then they can decide if they want to accept it as a mysterious event and live with it. I think this person was only asking for answers, to eliminate his/her concern. If you're prone to panicking by nature, it does no good to say stop panicking and you're beyond being helped.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by violet]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:06 PM
the net is breaking and we'll be free very soon but all the reptillians must die first.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by bseven

no, no sunglasses

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Sblazed

what net? Please explain.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by violet

I'm not prone to panicking. I just like being prepared if something catastrophic is going to happen.

When India got hit with the psunami, I remember reading an article where the water at the shore had disappeared and most fisherman did not know what is happening, so they just went further out to sea. The only ones that were able to escape its wrath were the ones old enough to have experienced this omen of the water disappearing very quickly before the large wave swept through.

The older ones have experienced and been under the same situation and knew that they had to get to higher ground or they will die.

I just want to be the fisherman that is running away, not the one that goes further out to sea. Hope that helps.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by udayr1

Oh, I didn't mean you personally might be prone to panicking.
I was defending the logic and right to explore other possible reasons ...

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:33 PM
You know, last night, everything went dark here for about 10 hours..I think someone caught the whole 10 hours on youtube too....
Go check it out.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:52 PM
Hey guys, I'm sorry to be the 'pig-in-the-poke' here, but I'm having a hard time accepting the theme of this thread. Any unusual meteorological occurrences would be recorded by meteorological stations around the world, especially something as significant as the loss of daylight covering such a wide swathe of the globe. I cannot find anything reporting such an occurrence of temporary loss of daylight.

On some other thread the 'op' (of that thread) has (speculatively) connected this occurrence with the testing of the LHC at CERN...something else I doubt very much.

However, back in '69 (if I remember rightly?), I was sent home from school (with the rest of the kids) due to darkness occurring in the mid-afternoon. It lasted for about 12 minutes, and after it had passed, we had a almighty storm which created extensive damage and flooding. I think the darkness was caused by an eclipse?

Best wishes

[edit on 11/8/08 by elysiumfire]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:25 AM
My 2 cents?... You almost "stepped" into another dimension (localized distortion in the earth's mag field due to mag variation in which you were caught, thus distorting the light around you). Could be caused by the side effects of the S waves from various earthquakes (maybe the one here in Cali recently) or we are going to have a major earthquake soon. BTW, keep your eyes peeled for any "strange" looking creatures or reports of them in your area.


It could have been a very, VERY large dark cloud...

Edit to correct S wave

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Flux8]

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