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I Am An Extraterrestrial, Watch My Video! [CONFIRMED HOAX]

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posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:11 PM
You know after reading your posts IAM_ET. I do believe what you are saying is true. You do know that there are a lot of people who disbelieve in this sort of stuff. Second, lots and lots of people want solid concrete proof nowadays because there are lots of hoaxes going around the internet, and other media sources that want you to believe. Same goes for UFO's. Governments cover it up because well, they don't want other people to believe in them. It's to make people less interested, to have a sense of fear, disbelieve, and gives people a chance to deny it according to their own beliefs.

I truly believe that all of us are alien.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Wow, how many "aliens" does this make, claiming to be this guy in the video? Since I've been here, about 6 months, I think this is like the 5th
Will one of you "aliens" please make a more entertaining video? This one is soooo pre-9/11 least make "I AM AN ALIEN" Part Deux please, thanks!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:24 PM
Case in point; Notice this guy hardly blinks

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by LateApexer313
Wow, how many "aliens" does this make, claiming to be this guy in the video? Since I've been here, about 6 months, I think this is like the 5th
Will one of you "aliens" please make a more entertaining video? This one is soooo pre-9/11 least make "I AM AN ALIEN" Part Deux please, thanks!

Beggars can't be choosers... So they say.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Epsillion70
Case in point; Notice this guy hardly blinks

Given the area from which he claims to originate (the Pleiades star cluster), it's a wonder he can see at all in the light spectrum emitted by our sun.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

Can you further explain how they are harvesting our energies?

What do reptilians eat? Are they using humans for food or is that a myth in your opinion?

Also there are hundreds of thousands of people that go missing every year and never found even after many years later---not even a body, do you think some of these people are taken? If so by who and for what purpose?

Many of the humans on this planet who go missing are taken and used as workers, some are taken off planet. This is all I feel comfortable telling you. The majority would not yet be prepared to hear answers to some of your questions. I have chosen not to go into details on how they are harvesting your energies because it happens on a daily basis and would most definitely interrupt lives and upset many of you if you knew the entire process.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by farther84

The Urantia Book was apparently written by an alien species, is this true or is it something we have written. Also if it was written by an alien species, which one.

Lastly, Boriska stated that the beings which have done and still do inhabit Mars were much taller than us and also breath gases different from our own air (not as much if any oxygen). If this is so then how are we related to them?

There are people that still live on your planet much taller than your races who have separated themselves from your people. Many are found in the northern countries and possess greater technology than your governments will ever be allowed to receive. They are direct descendants of the Lyrians who used to share this planet with your species thousands of years ago at the time of an ancient city you call Atlantis.

As for the people who once occupied the surface of Mars the taller races were also descendants of these same Lyrians, most of your earthly races have been mixed and genetically altered by an extraterrestrial race who believes they are the rightful owners of your species. At one point in time there were much taller races on your planet interbreeding with your species, this was at a time of a past civilization with cities you have named Lemuria and Atlantis and to this day some of those races are still found on your planet but not among your cities or populations. Some of these races you have named as the annunaki and Sirians who originally come from Orion have separated themselves from the Lyrians or Atlanteans/Lemurians who are of the same descendants. These races can be found in many parts of this galaxy and your solar system including the northern countries of your planet and are in continual conflict with those who have claimed you as property and the annunaki, reptilian draconian empires who are in constant conflict with the Lyrians and other benevolent races including our own.

Living outside of your worlds atmosphere requires genetic alteration and adjustment that must be made and can require time. I myself went through this process when coming to your planet. People can live and breath other forms of gases and oxygen at different levels and survive if they are specifically altered for this purpose. This is how many humans on your planet are brought to other levels of density, planets and moons. Those who control your planet have used this same kind of technology to alter people so they can live on both Mars and your moon as there are groups of humans existing in both places at this time under extraterrestrial control. Our people have been monitoring activity on Mars, Earth, Venus, Saturn and the moons where the Draconian empire has been stationed.

As for your question about the urantia book I can give you further details about this at a later time.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by pretty_vacant

Now now, why does the video stop and start all the time?? You couldn't say what you had to say in one take??

What gets me is that the Bible was written by man and yet you quote it as if it were your own??

Before i ask further questions, I implore you to divulge some intergalactic history upon us now.

The video I made is continuous, what you have been shown is not the original footage and has been edited, I am not the person who edited the original message or changed the color and sound.

The only parts I have taken interest in of your earthly bible is in the book of Genesis which talks of the creation, this message has parts of our own records of creation and has been taken from the original creation of all matter that came into existence in this universe. The seven days are not literal representations of time, in the beginning was not the word but thought which is eternal consciousness that has existed forever, this is what created all things before they came into physicality in this dimensional existence or layer of the universe which is made up of all physical matter, spirit and energy.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

First, thank you for answering my question. I rather anticipated this response, but feel it is valid nonetheless. I do want to point out that Bek'Ti, it would seem, was NOT a Gray. From my understanding, he was what some of us would call a Blue. I am unsure which race that is if we have also given them other names.

But the information specifically that I question is of the religious nature. It makes far more sense to me that "Jehovah" was a manipulator, an alien (Gray, most likely) posing as "God," and that "God" (Spirit) comes from within - as Jesus (EA-SU) taught (see the Gospel of Thomas, which was excluded from the Bible, likely for teaching this very thing).

For any "God" outside of me has control of me. Any "God" within is me expressing Spirit - which quantum mechanics suggests is how it really works, with expectations (consciousness) affecting outcomes.

And so here you are, bringing an(other) "outside inward" energy flow concept of God, when my experience, my study, and even Jesus, say that God is an "inside outward" flow of energy. And this of what you say disturbs me therefore.

What some of you call blues are benevolent beings that take on slight resemblance of the greys but are not the same, from our people’s history and observations they rarely interfere with earth activities, they are not part of the grey species and come from a completely different star system, the blues are also in conflict with the greys. The question is what species is not in conflict with the greys? Even the greys themselves are in conflict with themselves.

I use the word Jehovah from your bible as a comparison in representing the great spirit of God or the creation which is found in all things. This great spirit of oneness which is light is connected with all things on this planet and is inside every living person and thing. To better explain this oneness and connection, all things in your world and in this physical layer of existence is created of light. If you were to take away all physical matter from earth or this dimensional layer of reality you would be left with energy, spirit in the form of light. Upon death leaving the physical body your spirit which is made of light can view the world in it’s true energy form of light, all things on your planet rocks, trees, birds, insects, animals, all life is created from nothing more than light. It is the inner drawing and sketch of all physical extension, all things were first created from this light which is made of pure energy and linked with all creation and all other life and light in this universe, light has eternally existed and is always present before anything physical was ever created.

There is only time and age to physical materials of existence but not to spiritual and all things physical must come and go with a beginning and ending which eternally brings yet another beginning of a higher physical extension or dimension of reality. This light is the great spirit that connects all life and is found within your spirit and individual soul, God is within you, around you and in all things. This is the great spirit I am referring to that connects all of us together in the universe whether we are extraterrestrial or terrestrial all life, galaxies and planets alike are connected from this energy source and creation. All energy is connected spiritually and all things made of light are one and the same and will return back to the original source of light upon the final stages and progression of this universe as it has always been.

As for those who have played the role of your Gods, from our observations this has always been taking place on your planet, there have always been those who have played the role of this great spirit that created all things and is connected with all things. Was it the greys as you suggested or other annunaki races that have played this role? From our observation all of them and most of them have played your Gods for their own benefit and purpose as conveniently needed and most of them wish to take credit for being the great architect of the universe, the great creator, the almighty, the Lord or master of the universe according to your bibles, this is observed in many of your different religions, belief systems, educational and societies. I can see this on your planet in all forms, shapes and sizes. The diversification in belief systems has clearly been intentionally placed before you for confusion. There is only one God and great spirit that connects all things and this comes from within your soul and connects you with all physical matter, spiritually connecting you to each other, all life on this planet and in the universe is inseparably connected through a greater spiritual energy. This is the eternal consciousness of God that has existed within you forever as your spirit has existed forever This great spirit is what our people in your language refer to as the Alpha and Omega of creation, the eternal energy of love and light., the creator of all things and existing in all things. This is what we could consider to be God if there was such a word to be found in our vocabulary.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by

For a supposedly advanced extraterrestrial being, you're "showing your lack" of knowledge. Your statement is incorrect. The reality, as those who are educated will tell you, is that humans (and all mammals) use five to ten percent of their brain's capacity, at any given time. The brain requires a significant amount of protein and oxygen-rich blood for fuel, it's simply not possible to fuel all of it at once.

You show a lack of understanding about your own physical anatomy, the human brain is not accurately understood by your people. I would compare your planet and species to monkeys in a zoo while those from the outside are the zoo keepers. I do not say this in a rude way but to give you a clearer picture of how we view your species and world, the human race is locked behind bars in it’s own reality and are kept as prisoners, the knowledge of your true anatomy and spirituality or connection to the universe and all things has been kept from you and you are living in a system of manipulation, your molecular genetics have been tampered with and mutated leaving parts of your brains locked, spiritual access to your physical has been mostly blocked due to your education, religions and belief systems. Some of you have unlocked small percentages of their brains that have accessed these spiritual levels needed for outside world contact, some have gained spiritual knowledge through dreams and OBE’s and time transfer.

Your human brain is the most complex and greatest technology found on your planet and was specifically designed and modified for the level of each soul occupying it. Those on your planet do not yet understand what the human brain is and how it truly functions and are yet unaware of it’s true capabilities. If you feel as if you use more than 8% of the true capability of your brain then perhaps you are one of those with an extra 2% that is accessing the outside world through psychic channeling or OBE’s. If you have learned how to leave at will your physical body in spirit and travel through space and time you are accessing yet a greater percentage. If you have mastered all physical ailments, disease and can cure yourself of all sickness you are yet further along. If you have overcome physical matter, elements, energies fear and can walk on water or yet defy physical and material laws then you are yet even further along. If you can visit other dimensions, sense energy fields, find worm holes and use them for travel or positioning, view other timelines, travel through time, or access the higher consciousness that reveals universal knowledge of creation you are yet further along.

I will tell you in truth if you could enable more than 20% of the true capabilities of your brains than you could do all things mentioned above. Our people have access to these things and more, we are not greater than you we have only learned how. Those who have played the role of your Gods and ruled man have understood this and have intentionally kept this from you, they have used these capabilities in their own favor. They understand thought and the projection of the mind and can hide things from your physical naked eye including altering their physical makeup which is another form of shifting. There is thought projection and then there is physical shifting where you can change from one physical form to another, our people have mastered both. Someday in your future when your people are revealed the truth of all physical things of this universe and your planet you will begin to understand the spiritual makeup of the human body and brain, it is in spirit that you access these things working together with the physical. It is your soul that works with the body. You have a term that you use or say (mind over matter), accessing the higher consciousness is using (spirit over matter) accessing the physical mind.

Our people have seen this because they can look into the future

Can you please explain the mechanics of how this works?

If you learn how to access a larger percentage of the capacity of your brain through spirit you could learn yourself how this works, we access different times and timelines through senses of past, present and future, we also use physical technology to view these timelines through projections that can also predict the most probable outcomes of certain times, events and places from a dimension of existence. In space there is no time, there is no up, there is no down, there is no north, south, east or west. When viewing different times of past, present and future there is no specific direction either, we access these timelines in spirit through the senses and physically through things you call wormholes, star gates or light doors.

I am Pleiadian

Why do you call yourself a name given to the star cluster by earthly astronomers? Is there a name for the planet from whence you came? If so, what is it?

If I were on another planet, I would call myself by the name of my species, not someone else's name.

And can you describe how the Pleiades stars look from the surface of your planet?

We rarely use verbal communication on our planet, we communicate with one another by thought and through projecting symbols or pictures something like your television would communicate. We have a name for our planet and people but it could not easily be described in words as it is a projection of our planetary system. It consists of many colors that cannot be found on your planet revolving around our planets with many symbols we have of love and representations of creation which can also not be put into words, I could only show you the picture but to describe it would be nearly impossible. I suppose it would be like one of your famous artists Leonardo Da Vinci putting into words one of his paintings.

Why do I call myself a Pleiadian you ask? How else would I communicate with your people of who I am or where I come from, after all you have named us the Pleiadians so if I called myself something else or showed you a picture of where I came from who would understand.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

So Mr Alien from the stars ... and correct me if I'm wrong ... but wasn't this very same video of 'you' posted on ATS last year ?

You have me mistaken as this is the first time I have ever been on ATS. This video of me was originally a DVD distributed to many sources who have done their own thing with them. The original footage of the video has been edited and altered by others.

Finally, if you really are an alien from a far away star system then I have to say I am bitterly disappointed and I want a refund NOW!

Funny you say that, I was thinking the same thing upon arriving to your planet. You see your species is of extraterrestrial origin to us so I have been quite disappointed myself with how things are going and setup on the planet. I have truly come for selfless reasons but if I had a choice in the matter I would choose to return at once. Most of our kind literally get sick if they stay more than a day on this planet because of the low energy levels and vibrations felt.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by inxion

Hi IAM_ET, can you briefly tell what will happen on 21th december 2012 or during that year, will there be ascension of some humans, will this time be difficult or easy for us to pass.

I won’t get into predicting too many future events that could potentially be dangerous and jeopardize the reality of your current timeline but I will tell you that a galactic alignment will come that will alter all things in the galaxy and reality as you perceive it in the physical will change, the spiritual density of all things will be altered and all physical matter will become new affecting time, space, the alignment of the stars and energies. Will it be a good or will it be bad? We know that you can expect both good and bad and this is necessary for the shift to take place for the progression of all things. This is a time our people greatly look forward to not in fear but in great hope and anticipation as all things will change for the better. This will be a time that your race may finally have a window of opportunity to be a part of something bigger and become aware of who you really are and what role you play in this great extension of the universe.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:36 AM

Thanks for your reply IAM_ET I look forward to your take on the Urantia Book. Good responses so far.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by IAM_ET

The majority would not yet be prepared to hear answers to some of your questions. I have chosen not to go into details on how they are harvesting your energies because it happens on a daily basis and would most definitely interrupt lives and upset many of you if you knew the entire process.

Hmmmmm I have several websites that discuss these type of things and we thoroughly research various abduction cases and experiences. We do have some reports from abductees that recall being on the moon and others have reported memories of Mars and being taken and shown underground facilities.

Can you tell us where these extraterrestrial bases are located exactly? You mentioned Venus. Saturn and the moons, can you tell us which moons?

You have my attention and I will say I'm impressed with some of your answers as they are uniquely versed, now whether you’re an extraterrestrial or not I want you to know that it doesn’t make a huge difference to me just as long you have some of the missing links to the puzzle, I will pass no judgment. What I am mostly interested in is what you know about the greys and the abduction phenomena, why do the greys have hybrid programs? Where do these hybrids go after birth and what are they being used for?

What is the true agenda of the greys in your opinion?

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:21 AM
..I cannot believe that people are actually buying this..
. No wonder the hoaxers will never stop coming. With morons that believe anything you shove down thier throat, there will always be an audience for them. Why do you call yourselves what we humans call you...thats like a horse calling himself a horse, if they have language I doubt they call themselves the names we have given them.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by riggs2099]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by riggs2099

Why do you call yourselves what we humans call you...that’s like a horse calling himself a horse, if they have language I doubt they call themselves the names we have given them.

If you read over his response he explained they do not use a verbal language, most extraterrestrials do not verbally communicate, they share feelings and thoughts without expression and send images through telepathy. This is nothing unusual, I believe this is why he responded the way he did.

Now I don't know about anyone else here but I personally believe that extraterrestrials are among us and have heard from eye witness testimonies that some of them look almost identical to us. I will not hastily judge anyone without all the information gathered and properly analyzed because what if one day a real extraterrestrial that looks almost identical to us does come forward, who would ever believe him? I honestly doubt anyone would.

What if this person really is what he says he is? I'm not saying that is the case, it doesn't really matter to me honestly but I'm trying to make a point. What if a Nordic or Pleiadian really does come forward? Who do you think would ever listen? Just A Thought.

He does have some interesting information so far and I'm interested in at least hearing this guy out and listening to whatever else he has to say before calling him a moron. If this thread is a joke to you just don't click on it.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:03 AM

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by riggs2099
reply to post by Malevolent_Aliens

Hey I'm not alone in my assumptions and many people with impeccable records and plenty of credentials to show for have come forward and talked about these kind of things. You may have not done enough research. I would ask you to perhaps watch this video for starters of one of many people who have come forward with knowledge of ET’s being among us.

Video #1

I’m assuming you are maybe in your early twenties with all the name calling and from the way you write, I believe in researching and analyzing information before blindly throwing it aside.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:00 AM
I have heard many theories and stories which sound insane and are laughed at by those who are not open minded enough or polite enough to listen and take in. I have even seen a video of a lady claiming to be one of the original reptillians (can't remember her name) from the sumerian texts whome manipulated our dna.

My point is you are never going to get the exact truth when it is passed on verbally or in writing, the only way you are going to know 100% is when something does happen which you see with your own eyes or have some sort of contact with an ET face to face.

Even religious books (such as the bible etc) are testimony to this as they have been edited and re-released throughout our time using words which may have been manipulated.

The best thing to do when you are in this situation is observe and keep an open mind no matter how over the top someones claim is. This way you can use your own brain and follow your heart to the truth.

If you look we are asking questions to IAM_ET relating to subjects we have previously researched giving us another piece to the puzzle rather than continuously posting "this thread is BS" and such like...... you only need to say it once, unless you feel we are not listening to you.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by IAM_ET
I will tell you in truth if you could enable more than 20% of the true capabilities of your brains than you could do all things mentioned above.

You are wrong, and you are hoaxing this website's members.

As I said, there is a confirmed and valid physiological reason why all mammals don't use more than a certain percentage of their brain at any given time, blood flow and oxygen. Perhaps you'd be more informed for your hoaxes if you spent some time studying first. This Google Search will provide you with hundreds of sources that help define the various times at which we mere humans use all of our brain (unless injury or affliction such as autism is involved).

we also use physical technology to view these timelines through projections

How do you overcome celestial mechanics?

In space there is no time

If there is no time, how do you see past or future events?

there is no up, there is no down, there is no north, south, east or west.

Apparently this is how you overcome celestial mechanics... you have no idea what it is.

we access these timelines in spirit through the senses and physically through things you call wormholes, star gates or light doors.

Okay -- you just stated "there is no time," if time does not exist, how are you able to reference the concept of timelines?

Can you explain the influence of a wormhole on time -- or, that concept that ensures everything doesn't happen at once you said doesn't exist?

We rarely use verbal communication on our planet,

You seem exceptionally well-practiced at contemporary slangitized American english for someone from a species unaccustomed to verbal communications.

something like your television would communicate.

Your brains communicate through broad wavelength frequency modulation radio waves?

We have a name for our planet and people but it could not easily be described in words as it is a projection of our planetary system.

Indulge us -- what is the name of your planet and what star does it orbit?

How old is your planet and species?

Why do I call myself a Pleiadian you ask? How else would I communicate with your people of who I am or where I come from, after all you have named us the Pleiadians so if I called myself something else or showed you a picture of where I came from who would understand.

The Pleiades cluster is massive, consisting of many stars -- the possibilities for confusion is endless, and the name "Pleiadian" was first coined by other people concocting hoaxes who didn't understand the nature of the Pleiades cluster. There could potentially be dozens of life-supporting planets within the cluster -- so, which are you from, and what is it's name?

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