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posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 06:50 PM

The Hydrogen bombs and Neutron bombs can be focused and directed as can most types of energy, if you know how (the Stealth bomber, B-2 is based on carefully directing the radar energy beams –radio wawes- away from the radar transmitter/receiver. The Stealth fighter, F-117 merely is a smaller target and absorbs that energy). This means thermonuclear shaped charges are possible and do exist. 4th generation thermonuclear weapons and directed energy google (Swiss researcher) Andre Spooner and read all his weapons-related material you can get.

Mini-nukes like those neutron bombs are not monitored internationally. The nuclear explosion tests can be camouflaged so they are indistinquishable from small eartquakes and similar event. Their energy signatures also, while test explosions being made in abandoned old mines are very small. It looks it has been internationally agreed that small nuclear explosions in the class of fusion energy powerplant pellets are called "thermonuclear devices" so the nasty word "bomb" is not uncomforting this reality. And only leading hi-tech nations can produce these "devices". No need to monitor them, right? Still better, no need to publish the whole matter, just cover it up?

Geiger counter, the common method of spotting radioactive residues is useless here. The output of neutron bomb aka thermonuclear device will mostly be neutron and roentgen rays in addition to tritium, alpha radiation (helium nucleus) and some beta radiation (in radioactive decays).Also note that you can absorb much of those residues by simply spraying tons of water on them. Those very light elements will free themselves and float skywards or some will be absorbed into water and then you will get "tritiated water" which was found in several locations at the wtc (but not elsewhere in New York at 9/11 time –see UCLA report on this). All matter including the air at ground zero will instantly become super-hot –millions of degrees are available, but absorption rates vary and in practice10 000 C will be enough to disintegrate anything including humans, computers, concrete, steels and so on... This fireball of millions of degrees C will also have significant secondary effects. It will expand explosively, and it will form longer-wawelength radiation like light and tremondous heath radiation.


Mod Edit: External quote tags added and large quote trimmed. Please see New Site Tag For Quoting External Sources and Posting work written by others. **ALL MEMBERS READ**. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 11/8/08 by JAK]

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 09:02 PM
Bone dust "excess of 700 human remains found on the roof and from air" found on the roof of the Deutsch Bank...this was no gravity collapse...smoking metal?...high tritium levels...huge cancer spike rare cancers, from the onsite workers...molten metal fires for 3 cameras allowed on site...metal evidence quickly shipped overseas for smelting...buildings foundations get a cement cap...30 micron dust...weakest link is the EM pulse wave...what film, what video has been shown that expressed a EM pulse wave...

I am a 911 family member and I better not get banned for writing here.

The Finnish military expert's claim that a mini hydrogen nuke being involved is a compelling one.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:04 AM

Observations Suggesting the Use of Small Hydrogen Bombs

1) The concrete pulverized into fine dust, 70…300 micron particles (just this could take more energy than the total gravitational energy available).

2) Very energetic – hot – dust after the explosions. (Demolition charges would produce white clouds of dust, which would not move much, and a gravity-driven collapse would produce much less and more coarse dust.)

3) Brown shades of color seen in the air – these are produced by nuclear reactions of a thermonuclear device. The reactions use (gamma radiation caused by free neutrons, N2, O2, H2O > nitrid acid, NO2, NO3). These clouds soon get their usual white color after some minutes as the heat and fast movement of the clouds cease becoming ordinary clouds with some water.
Note: many of the pictures taken regarding the WTC Towers and the clouds seem to have been developed too blue, killing shades of brown. (This may have been an attempt to suppress the evidence.) Also there was supposed to be 200 000+ gallons of water on the roof of each tower – this water was spilled into stairwells etc, but was later all converted into water vapour reducing the brown color.

Continued at source


Mod Edit: External quote tags added and large quote trimmed. Please see New Site Tag For Quoting External Sources and Posting work written by others. **ALL MEMBERS READ**. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 11/8/08 by JAK]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:13 AM
The Bombs in the WTC
Note: This drawing is schematic only. The actual towers were much taller and the observed arch of destruction of the energy-directed thermonuclear device was correspondingly more narrow.

The Ground Zero here is in the original sense of word, a nuclear blast site. The thermal energy may absorb heat at a rate of 10 E 23 ergs / cm2 sec and near the bomb all surfaces may heat to 4000 °C or 7200 °F igniting or vapourizing violently. Source: US Department of Defense & US Department of Energy, Glasstone – Dolan: 'The Effects of Nuclear Weapons' (1980).

The thermonuclear bomb used was a 'pure' hydrogen bomb, so no uranium or plutonium at all. The basic nuclear reaction is Deuterium + Tritium > Alpha + n. The ignition of this is the fine part, either with a powerful beam array or antimatter (a very certain way to get the necessary effect of directed energy in order not to level the adjacent blocks of high-rise buildings, as well).

the above web site has the schemantic

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:35 AM
I've said this a couple of times before in this forum, but it's worth repeating because it is right in front of everyone's eyes in all the collapse videos.

Something very very unusual is going on in those collapses.

Every piece of wreckage that falls off those two towers as they collapse is trailing large volumes of smoke but no flame. There is some exotic process involved here. Anyone who writes this event off as a normal collapse is just not realizing what they are seeing with their own eyes.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:20 PM
If the steel is boiling at 5000-3000 degrees farenheit then it would be vaporizing as it fell and cooled.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by fmcanarney


What's more, there is a shot of the last of the North Tower core columns disappearing (not collapsing) into dust. This moment is part of a longer piece of footage that appears in many of the 9/11 videos, but unfortunately in these videos the shot is edited to end prematurely so that the reality of this phenomena is left open to doubt. I think the video editors just didn't realize what they were looking at in many cases.

Here is a link to one of the better ones out there. This seems to be a non-professional shot of the scene and it is poorly exposed because the camera cannot compensate for the contrast between the ground and the sky in the view, however, just at the moment I am talking about, the picture clarifies sufficiently to make the vaporizing steel phenomenon apparent.

There are other professional videos that show this but not as definitely as this one (which is absent a professional editor with a possible axe to grind.)

The sequence in question happens at about 8:10 - 8:15 of a video clip that is slightly over 9 minutes in length.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:20 PM
I've always had a problem with that spire.





as it collapses. It appears to disappear, because it is out-accelerating the dust resting on it from the rest of the collapse. The dust then gives the appearance the spire just "disappears", but it doesn't - you just can't see it falling into the rest of the wreckage.

We're talking non-trivial amounts of steel. The sheer scale of the thing lends itself nicely to nothing more than an optical illusion.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by mirageofdeceit

I agree with you about the potential for the eyes to be deceived here and I'm not saying this is slam dunk evidence. I don't agree with your interpretation though. You may be right. The collapsing spire may have been jarred in such a way as to shake loose a lot of dust as it collapses, and there is no doubt that it is descending at that moment. All of which would tend to support your explanation, and yet I can't accept that as sufficient to explain what I am seeing. I really believe there is a possibility of something more happening here.

Another of the "tell tale" signs of what I am talking about is the large pillar of black smoke rising from the center of the collapse zone all the way down. Although this is not necessarily evidence of exotic methods of destruction, I have no doubt that the original fires near the aircraft impact zone could never account for the presence of that pillar.

But on the original point, I certainly can see how others can come up with a plausible non-exotic explanation for what we see as that core column disappears. It's just that to my eyes, it doesn't look right. To me there is suddenly too much dust and not enough spire.

Here is another look at it from CNN Live. The relevant clip is found at roughly 5:24 of the video. If you watch this one you can see the dust move up the spire from the bottom. If the dust were being caused by a shock of some sort I think it should appear at all points along the "spire" simultaneously.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:57 PM

Geiger counter, the common method of spotting radioactive residues is useless here. The output of neutron bomb aka thermonuclear device will mostly be neutron and roentgen rays in addition to tritium, alpha radiation (helium nucleus) and some beta radiation (in radioactive decays).Also note that you can absorb much of those residues by simply spraying tons of water on them. Those very light elements will free themselves and float skywards or some will be absorbed into water and then you will get "tritiated water" which was found in several locations at the wtc (but not elsewhere in New York at 9/11 time –see UCLA report on this). All matter including the air at ground zero will instantly become super-hot –millions of degrees are available, but absorption rates vary and in practice10 000 C will be enough to disintegrate anything including humans, computers, concrete, steels and so on... This fireball of millions of degrees C will also have significant secondary effects. It will expand explosively, and it will form longer-wawelength radiation like light and tremondous heath radiation.

This is so stupid don't know where to begin...

First - thermonuclear weapons are not triggered by radar (radio) waves
require small fission device to generate necessary heat and pressures
to overcome electrostaic repulsion of the hydrogen nuclei. Requires
(according to declassified reports ) minimum of 250 tons (.25 kt)
to initiate the thermonuclear reaction

Second - Stealth works by absorbing or scattering radar energy by
shaping the wings/fuselage to avoid sharp angles and covering the
air inlets of the jet engines with grilles to avoid reflecting radar energy
A special paint is applied to the skin to absorb radar waves to prevent
being reflected. Has nothing to do with thermonuclear weapons.

Third - nuclear weapons emit large amounts of radiation which is lethal
over great diatances. Small devices emit larger proportion of energy in
form of radiation. Smallest nuclear device fielded by US was 10 ton
(.01 kt) warhead for Davy Crockett Nuclear recoiless rifle.

Lethal distance (500 rem) for this weapons was 350 meters meaing
anyone in WTC complex would be exposed to lethal radiation. As there
were no radiation casualties

Fourth - Tritium is a heavy radioactive isotope of hydrogen (1 proton,
2 neutrons), the traces of tritium came from sources other than nuclear
weapons. Tritium is used in luminous paints and coatings for "glow in
dark" signs. Aircraft emergency lights use tritium .

It was determined by the Federal Aviation Administration that Boeing 767,Serial Number 21873, operated by United Airlines, Tail Number 767-222 N612UA, was delivered in February, 1983, with 43.2 Ci of tritium in emergencysigns (34). The 43.2 Ci of tritium was contained in four EXIT signs (10 Ci each)and four slide/raft handles (0.8 Ci each). The same activity of tritium waspresent upon the April, 1987 delivery of the second Boeing 767, Serial Number22322, Tail Number 767-223ER N334AA, operated by American Airlines.Since neither of these aircraft were modified after delivery (34,35), the totalactivity from the aircraft was 34

Additional sources of tritium are luminous gun sights for pistols/ submachine guns. 60 police officers died at WTC, US Secret Service, ATF
Port Authority PD maintained arsenals in several WTC buildings. While
unknown as to total number can assume weapons being equipped with
tritium sights.

Luminous wrist watches also contain small traces of tritium.

Complete report from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory +tritium+wtc&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=us&ie=UTF-8

Fifth - Thermonuclear reactions emit large quanities of neutrons. On
striking normal susbstances, the neutrons are captured by the nucleus
and become radioactive. Zinc is especially good substance to measure
induced radiation from this source. Case several years back of nuclear
accident in Japan. To measure radiation exposure in surrounding area
scientists used brass coins and measured radiation from it to calculate

Use in nuclear accident investigation
Following the nuclear accident at Tokai, Ibaraki in 1999, physicists Masuchika Kohno and Yoshinobu Koizumi showed how this coin could be used to estimate neutron dosage to the surrounding population, by measuring its zinc isotope ratios. They write:

The Japanese 5-yen coin is about 22 millimeters in diameter and 1.5 mm thick, weighs 3.75 grams and has a central hole 5 mm wide. We chose this coin for monitoring neutron exposure because it is widely circulated, the zinc content is precisely controlled, and the 65Zn generated has a convenient half-life (244.1 days) and gamma ray energy emission (1,115.5 keV). To obtain a record of the dosage of neutrons released as a result of the accident, we collected exposed coins from people's houses at distances 100–550 m from the facility.[1]
They concluded that the coin could offer information about the total neutron effect during the accident, and about shielding by modern Japanese houses, given that the coins were recovered from indoors.

The common penny minted after 1981 is almost all zinc (covered with
copper coating) No residual radiation was detected at the WTC after Sept

Clear from post have no idea what you are talking about. Simply parroting
some idiotic nonsense from conspiracy kook....

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by thedman

(Clear from post have no idea what you are talking about. Simply parroting
some idiotic nonsense from conspiracy kook.... )

You dont need to insult the posters on here thedman you havent solved what happened to the WTC.

My opinion is thermonuclear devices should be look in to.
Better than the pan-cake therory.

(This is so stupid don't know where to begin...)
Like we all understand what thermonuclear weapons really is.

(according to declassified reports )
Well what about the new classified report of the new thermonuclear weapons?

(Third - nuclear weapons emit large amounts of radiation which is lethal)
Maybe but was the air at ground zero tested for tritium, alpha radiation or
thermonuclear elements? (I dont think so.)

Why would they test the air for all these elements and incriminate their selfs.

That might explaine all the strange illness that everyone has from being at ground zero when the event happened.

[edit on 8/13/2008 by cashlink]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by thedman

GREAT post thedman! So much information packed in that post, it;'s staggering! Starred for sure!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by gavron
reply to post by thedman

GREAT post thedman! So much information packed in that post, it;'s staggering! Starred for sure!

Yes he basicaly says neutron bombs dont exist.

misinformation is indeed information, so your ruling stands.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Something very very unusual is going on in those collapses.

Every piece of wreckage that falls off those two towers as they collapse is trailing large volumes of smoke but no flame. There is some exotic process involved here.

Anyone who writes this event off as a normal collapse is just not realizing what they are seeing with their own eyes.

you name it.
1. no steel building this size has ever crashed from a fire.we know that.
2. assumed, it WOULD, how can a building desintegrate completely into particles? its not just dust.
3. IF a tower would collapse ( we are talking of 100 of thousands of tons of steel and concrete) HOW can it NOT damage the concrete´bathtub´underneath?
answer: normally, the Hudson River would have flooded Manhattan!
that would have been ´a little ´too much. (not cynical)

perhaps we have to consider some unusual possibilities.
there are weapon systems we even cant imagine.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:26 AM

(Third - nuclear weapons emit large amounts of radiation which is lethal)
Maybe but was the air at ground zero tested for tritium, alpha radiation or
thermonuclear elements? (I dont think so.)

Why would they test the air for all these elements and incriminate their selfs.

That might explaine all the strange illness that everyone has from being at ground zero when the event happened.

Air/dust samples tested for latent radiation afterwards

Ionizing Radiation

A survey of the rubble pile was conducted on 10/22-10/23 to check for latent radiation with particular attention to alpha radiation. Results show no elevated levels of concern from either known building latent radiation sources or any terrorist origin source materials.

Read complete summary here

There was plenty of other things in the dust (silica, asbestos, heavy metals
alkalines, etc) to make people sick who inhaled it for long periods.

I live in NJ and for weeks after 9/11 could smell the dust/smoke fro WTC
if wind was blowing from WTC - acrid burnt smells.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:33 AM

IF a tower would collapse ( we are talking of 100 of thousands of tons of steel and concrete) HOW can it NOT damage the concrete´bathtub´underneath?
answer: normally, the Hudson River would have flooded Manhattan!
that would have been ´a little ´too much. (not cynical)

"Bathtub" or basement was damaged - debris which filled it up after
collapse resisted hydrostatic pressures from Hudson River. As debris
was cleared engineers had to insert additional "tiebacks" in wall
to support it.

Long article about damage to "bathtub" ments/1424.pdf+wtc+bathtub+damage&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=4&gl=us&ie=UTF-8

Visual surveys indicate roughly 50% of the seven-level basement structure of the World Trade Center is now rubble as a result of the impact of the collapse of the twin 110-story towers. Outside the tower footprints, the section of greatest concern within the so-called 1,000 x 500-ft bathtub is along its south side. There, a 200 x 30-ft hole from 40 to 70 ft deep sits between the tub's perimeter slurry wall and the remains of Two WTC. "A significant part of the south tower fell in and collapsed everything," says Joel L. Volterra, an engineer with Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers, the city's local engineer on the bathtub.Engineers are busy drawing up emergency tieback, bracing and shoring schemes so that contractors can start mobilizing tieback rigs this week or next to anchor the south perimeter of the 70-ft-deep slurry wall

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:45 AM
sorry, your link doesnt seem to work.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:58 AM
I thought I should just give my 2 cents worth here but I had to stop chuckling to myself before I could type. Although I dont believe for a minute that the WTC towers came down as the result of the 2 jets hitting them,(jet fuel,thats a GOOD one, as one of our fellow members says) spouting off yet another ridiculous theory does not help at all. Freaking nukes now? For the love of Bob Crane dude, do you really even entertain the slightest notion that not one, but two tactical(very low yield) nuclear devices were used to bring down the towers? I bet the government people spying on this website are laughing their evil little butts off. There is not one possible way that two nukes were detonated in downtown New York city during rush hour and no residual radiation is present. A hydrogen device actually requires a "regular" atomic bomb to be detonated in order to create a critical hydrogen reaction. There is simply no such thing as a tactical hydrogen bomb. There is no way that high frequency radar will cause a nuclear device to go critical and detonate, and there is no way a laser beam will either. A neutron bomb uses mostly super fast gamma ray emission to destroy organic matter,and can leave structures fully intact, a favorite concept of the former Soviet Union with their insane long term communist plans. Get flippin' real dude, you are not helping. Nut job theories like this one only perpetuate the idea that we conspiracy types really are just crazy,and should be ignored,good job, it worked really well this time.

[edit on 13-8-2008 by spookjr]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:37 AM
nice dog..
I ,too, dont believe it was done with a bombs like that, although nuclear emission was found. that should still be exlained .

whats your ´theory´? what caused the towers to collapse as they did.
(because no steel building has done so bacause od fire. we all know that.)


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by anti72

Thedman explained perfectly why very low level radiation was detected,there just is no other explanation. Nukes? Come on... I have two words for you, NANO THERMATE.

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