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"Montauk Monster" Was a Hoax

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posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:11 PM
Apparently, after having people racking their brains for a while trying to figure out what the hell the "monster" was, it is revealed that this was a little "Viral Marketing" for an upcoming "monster movie".

Was the Montauk Monster Viral Marketing For Splinterheads Movie?

According to and seconded by Gotham News and now Gawker, the creature might be a viral marketing prop for an indie movie about carnival subculture entitled Splinterheads, currently filming in Long Island. The film stars Lea Thompson, Rachel Taylor (Transformers) and Christopher McDonald (above photo, Fanboys, Dutch). On the director’s photo blog, Sersen Park, there is an implied shoutout underneath the monster’s pic to Rachel Goldberg—evidently the sister of the film’s producer Darren Goldberg—who “discovered” the monster and went to the press. See: this giggly interview.

Giggly Interview

Montauk Monster: Fact or Fiction?

Did you notice that the girl name sitting next to the interviewer? It's RACHEL!

BREAKING NEWS: Montauk Monster Truths Revealed (Splinterheads!)

“Tonya” stated that the original pictures of the Montauk Monster were a stage prop from the Splinterheads movie set. “Tonya” also mentioned that there will be a scene in the movie where the Montauk Monster will be revealed.

Could this be a possibility? Could this be a marketing scheme? Absolutely! The creature was mysteriously brought to somebody’s backyard and it has never been seen again. In Newsday’s “Splinterheads” article, Michelle Isabelle-Stark says: “For Suffolk County’s economic development office, the arrival of the cameras and crews is welcome news.”

Punk’d by the Monster of Montauk! ‘Beastie’ was a movie prop

The so-called Monster of Montauk has been exposed as an imaginative publicity stunt dreamed up by the makers of a new movie. Apparently, Rachel Goldberg, the woman who discovered the famed beastie, is the sister of none other than producer Darren Goldberg (pictured above), who is making a movie about, you guessed it, …monsters.

Rather than being a scary sea monster, the creature was in fact just a cheap prop used in Goldberg’s film Splinterheads. You can read all about the making of the movie here.

Mystery solved! All on Long Island can sleep a little easier knowing that at least THIS monsters kin aren't running around the island!

Ah, viral marketing, ya gotta love it! NOT!

[edit on 8/10/2008 by Keyhole]

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Keyhole

Cryptomundo was reporting that this may be a hoax. Thank you for the story and the link. Now if they can do that to those guys who have Bigfoot in their freezer.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:47 PM
It did seem to have a demon quality to it as if it should have had wings like a gargoyle. It mostly looked like some large turkey to me though. I doubt it would fit in those turkey fryers. Still, I would put it past someone to create some bizarre cross breeds like that, just because they can.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by Keyhole

Cryptomundo was reporting that this may be a hoax. Thank you for the story and the link. Now if they can do that to those guys who have Bigfoot in their freezer.

Already did...

Now all we have left is the Chupacabra

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:17 PM
How do you know for certain that this case is as simple as that? Perhaps as Goldberg may well be working for the NWO, he simply makes a great cover story for those that wish to keep the secret experiments run amok, quiet.
Enough time has lapsed that they could have eaisly made the mask.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 02:24 PM
What 'secret NW plans'

First there is no NWO its the OWO doing business as usual

Second what secret?

Animal-Human Hybrid Embryos a Reality
Aug 10, 2006 ... “Parliament should follow France and Germany and prohibit the creation of animal-human hybrid embryos.” It is not, however, only in the U.K. ...

Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy
Jan 25, 2005 ... Mice with human brain cells and humans with pig tissue are only two real-life examples of chimeras—creatures that are part human, ...

Animal-Human Hybrids Research Approved in U.K.
May 20, 2008 ... Amid stormy debate, British lawmakers have voted to allow the use of human-animal hybrid embryos for stem cell research.

Scientists' plea to use new hybrid embryos | Science | The Observer
Aug 26, 2007 ... The government recently shifted its position on animal-human hybrid embryos: having been initially against the concept, it is now proposing ...

Well Bush says no stem cells so ...

Welcome to the Island of Doctor Moreau 21st Century

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 07:57 PM
I don't like hoaxes, but I love this because this sticks it to EVERYBODY. There were so many people vehemently claiming it was dog, or a raccoon, beyond any doubt...trying to present debunking proof..bwahahahaha.


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