posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Interesting story i was watching a youtube video by some guy who claims to be the reincarnatiion of Edgar Cayse (not sure if Id believe the guy he
seemed pretty out there) anyways there was one part in his story where he says he was frustrated and demanded proof of alien existence. the next
morning apperently his roomate told him a dream he had where an ufo appeared in a shopping mall.
Anyways to the point, kind of insincerely i tried the same thing, I was outside looking art the moon and i said to myself (not out loud) "give me a
sign"..... so i go inside and my t.v. is on silent and this kind of lame new billengvall movie named Bait Shop is on, I was on my computer at the
time and kind of half watching the movie without sound,
about one minute later i look over and above b. engvall's head is a sphere ufo in the sky.
I wish i could download the movie to make a screenshot or something and i dont have any equipment to transfer it from t.v. to my pc./
If anyone knows how to do this itd be cool the 'ufo' appears near the beginning of the movie right after b.e.'s son is telling him about a new boat
he was researching.
anyways i thought it was pretty interesting, it was the first showing of the movie Im betting it will air again soon(on the USA statin).