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time travels impossible

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posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 02:38 AM
Hey I don't get how our consciousness can time shift us? Surely thats just our imagination. And nothing actually made up of any matter or energy is really moving into different times. Explain how this physically happens. If it doesn't physically happen then its not really happening right? Its just our thought?

Maybe people think in these terms because of all the possible bs about moving on into the 4th destiny or somthing? I don't really see any proof backing it up, although i don't have any proff saying it's not true. Im open to stuff, so got anything I can read up on and learn more, gladly appreciated?

posted on Mar, 17 2004 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by quiksilver
Hey I don't get how our consciousness can time shift us? Surely thats just our imagination. And nothing actually made up of any matter or energy is really moving into different times. Explain how this physically happens. If it doesn't physically happen then its not really happening right? Its just our thought?

Maybe people think in these terms because of all the possible bs about moving on into the 4th destiny or somthing? I don't really see any proof backing it up, although i don't have any proff saying it's not true. Im open to stuff, so got anything I can read up on and learn more, gladly appreciated?

here's a story...
my mother was walking through a tunnel in victoria, british columbia. all of a sudden she wasn't there anymore. and yet she was, except that the scene had changed. it was now a marketplace from a previous century, complete with the smells and sounds of an olde tyme market. after a few minutes of being transported back in time, everything returned to normal.

so.... did her body go back, or just her mind? or is there even a difference between body and mind once you have pierced the veil of maya, the illusion of reality.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 12:35 AM
Not to be too open-minded, but anything is possible. If we, as humans, in the future have a time machine, what's to say it hasn't already come back to observe. They might have even found a way to do it, without interfering with the past. Maybe those "Human" looking "Aliens", are humans from the future. Who knows. I don't mean to sound too far out there, but anything is possible. 50 years ago, people would say something like the internet was impossible. Even Einstein stated in the early 1930's, (I'll find the exact quote if anyone wants it), that it would be impossible to make an Atomic Bomb, because there is no way to take control over the splitting of an Atom. He later retracted his previous statement, and helped to create the Atomic Bomb, and the principles behind it. Just some food for thought.

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 01:59 AM
its confusing. if time travel were possible we would see it at any given time, because they could have come from (potentially) infinity in the future!! o.O so ofcourse they would have the techonology,UNLESS it was impossible, but we will never know will we?? (atleast 4 now)

posted on Mar, 18 2004 @ 02:00 PM
Most will say it's impossible, because to truly think about it, is a real mind trip, I'll admit to that.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by quiksilver
Hey I don't get how our consciousness can time shift us? Surely thats just our imagination. And nothing actually made up of any matter or energy is really moving into different times. Explain how this physically happens. If it doesn't physically happen then its not really happening right? Its just our thought?

Maybe people think in these terms because of all the possible bs about moving on into the 4th destiny or somthing? I don't really see any proof backing it up, although i don't have any proff saying it's not true. Im open to stuff, so got anything I can read up on and learn more, gladly appreciated?

Actually, there's proof that your consciousness shifts time all around you. You just tend to ignore it and pass some stuff off as 'dreams' or any number of 'cop-outs'(lack of better wording). Since you are actually only aware of ONE timeline, you have nothing else to compare it to, and without contrast, it's hard to percieve... say all you could see was white, and had no other separations of the colors (or rather lack of other colors) to create any contrast. How would you be able to deem that you were actually seeing anything? You can't call it 'seeing white' because there is no contrast to call 'black'. Basically, you would not have vision. Ask a blind person what they see with their eyes (just make sure they are completely comfortable with the fact, first... some people are a bit touchy about their handicaps).

Originally posted by quiksilver
its confusing. if time travel were possible we would see it at any given time, because they could have come from (potentially) infinity in the future!! o.O so ofcourse they would have the techonology,UNLESS it was impossible, but we will never know will we?? (atleast 4 now)

So if some guy walks up to you in a silver suit looking like he came straight off the set of Quantum Leap, and he told you he was a time traveller, would you believe him? How do we know that all the UFO's we've seen are actually from this time string? (or rather your percieved time string).

I am conscious of this time string, which is closely entwined with all of your peoples' time strings. What someone else's time string may do is suddenly contain the reality that GW Bush wins the election this year, and others will be with Kerry winning, and they will not be aware of eachother. Since the elections split of of this time string, those two strings separate beyond normal conscious time fluxuation... it's too much divergence factor, and the time strings can't coincide close enough to skip between the two naturally.

And what would you do if you woke up thinking Bush has been prez for the last year only to find out that Kerry actually has? Ever wake up in the morning expecting something completely different than what you find? All of a sudden all the memories from the current time string come back and you realize that it has always been this way and you just blow it off. See what I'm getting at? I can go a bit more in depth if you like. This is stuff that I've always been greatly interested in, and have put a great deal of thought into.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 07:10 PM
Conciousness draws from memories that we have. The connections in our brain are 'learned' and based on our experiences, DNA, etc. All of that is stored in the atoms and particles that make up the human brain. Neither the brain mass, nor the conciousness can be without the other. And, if either is substituted with even compatible replacements, all of the original conciousness dies.
Anything that has a mass cannot travel faster than light.
If your conciousness were separated from your brain, it would not exist in the form that it does now.
Maybe when you die, there is another form that conciousness takes but in our living bodies it is irrevocably tied into particles which contain mass, therefore there is no way that it could recognisably travel through time and still be called consciousness.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 09:08 PM
Well, that is how scientists put it, but scientists also cannot explain Telekinesis, Telepathy, Astral Travel, etc.

Scientists, I dare say, tend to make everything out to be 'clever mind tricks'. They notice that 'this chemical is being released when these people claim to do this' and pin it on that single observation and come up with some kind of hypothesis.

I wish I could find my notes I made way back in high school... I made scientific explanations for a bunch of stuff that had already been proven scientifically. All the things (I really wish I could remember this crap) that I had proven were scientifically derived. I had one of the physics teachers read it and tell me what he thought. He basically told me that I had simply done what other scientists had done already... I proved that almost everything we know to be true is actually only theory.

Explain ghosts.


Just seeing things? What about multiple people seeing the same ghost...

Ah, yes... just mass hallucination. A suggestion made strongly enough by one will influence many into a false belief... or in this case, a false image.

Apparently to me, everything a scientist can't explain is just passed off as an overactive imagination.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Leveller
Conciousness draws from memories that we have. The connections in our brain are 'learned' and based on our experiences, DNA, etc. All of that is stored in the atoms and particles that make up the human brain. Neither the brain mass, nor the conciousness can be without the other. And, if either is substituted with even compatible replacements, all of the original conciousness dies.
Anything that has a mass cannot travel faster than light.
If your conciousness were separated from your brain, it would not exist in the form that it does now.
Maybe when you die, there is another form that conciousness takes but in our living bodies it is irrevocably tied into particles which contain mass, therefore there is no way that it could recognisably travel through time and still be called consciousness.

i don't agree. everything that exists is only a result of quantum probabilities. our one dimensional view of three dimensions does not allow us to see how there could be ten, eleven or infinite dimensions(well, some of us, anyway, nudge, nudge, wink, wink). and speaking of wink, wink, how about winking in and out of existence at a certain vibrational rate? the speed of light would be that rate. now double the speed of light.
yes, you can. you just go 186,000 X 2.
now suppose there is a web twice as fine as a sine wave at light speed(as a web is the best analogy of the geometry of the energy matrix). this allows for an opposite or just plain different probable universe. now take that web and fold it into another probability. cube it. what is important and key to all these probability waves is the zero point. this is where the scientific or spiritual understanding of the consciousness/energy dynamic can allow entities access to other dimensions, whether psychically, or or phi-cycley.
or not.

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
not much of a theory there. Are you aware of the infinite layers of time possibilities? A person cannot exist twice in the same time layer, thus they cannot actually alter the timeline that they come from. In one timeline, napoleaon got lucky and actually conquered europe, but after his reign was over, noone would follow and the entire country broke up into separate, but unified states. Argue with me on it... neither of us can prove it, but in the laws of infinity, it is a complete possibility. I can expand MUCH further, if you like... we can get into the philosophy, or even deeper physics of it concerning singularities.

[Edited on 15-3-2004 by Earthscum]

I can take it further... there don't have to be "timelines" as you put it. For example, let's say you go back in time and kill your great-grandfather. Do you cease to exist then? Yes and no. The point is, when you went back and killed your grandfather (this is still the same "timeline" so to speak, or the same reality anyway), you at THAT MOMENT altered the timeline. You still EXIST in the POSSIBILITY where your grandfather was not killed.

All possibilities exist, but it seems that it's our perception and awareness that chose to focus on a specific space-time continuum. So there are INFINITE "you's", although they're not exactly on time-lines. They all exist simultaneously, at different focus points on the infinite now. Or at least this is my view, as I cannot prove it.. therefore it's not necessarily TRUE.

It would seem easy to travel in time, especially considering that it's an illusion. For us it seems like a boundary, but this may only be an issue with our awareness, not with reality. Ah, just food for thought :O

So after killing your great-grandfather, the version of you that exists as a result of your great-grandfather SURVIVING still exists, and you ARE that version. The problem with time lines, is that they are limited to themselves.. like multi-lane highwaves, the lanes are separate.

But the only thing that exists is the "now", as we already know that the future is only a POTENTIAL and the past is only a memory. Therefore, all and ANY possibilities exist in the "future" and in the "past" that lead up to the now.

Isn't this interesting? How could there be different possibilities for the past? I'd probably explain this by saying that the only reason we see the past the way it is, is because of a specific experience, a specific MEMORY as we experienced a specific reality that LED to the present (the now). However, if there is ever any other possibility that could've LED to this exact same reality that we're experiencing in the NOW, then it had ALSO manifested. We simply did NOT experience it on this focus point, and therefore our memory only contains our specific version.. the one we experienced.

In this way, both the future and the PAST have infinite possibilities, and all exist simultaneously. Our choices then construct the reality of the NOW, as the possibilities are manifested.

Yup, I think this is rather confusing and complicated too.. but could it be true? Hard to say.. but can't hurt to play with the idea in one's mind... through it tends to really screw up the linear mind (our minds) doesn't it...

[Edited on 19-3-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Mar, 19 2004 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by lilblam
But the only thing that exists is the "now", as we already know that the future is only a POTENTIAL and the past is only a memory. Therefore, all and ANY possibilities exist in the "future" and in the "past" that lead up to the now.

Isn't this interesting? How could there be different possibilities for the past? I'd probably explain this by saying that the only reason we see the past the way it is, is because of a specific experience, a specific MEMORY as we experienced a specific reality that LED to the present (the now). However, if there is ever any other possibility that could've LED to this exact same reality that we're experiencing in the NOW, then it had ALSO manifested. We simply did NOT experience it on this focus point, and therefore our memory only contains our specific version.. the one we experienced.

In this way, both the future and the PAST have infinite possibilities, and all exist simultaneously. Our choices then construct the reality of the NOW, as the possibilities are manifested.

Yup, I think this is rather confusing and complicated too.. but could it be true? Hard to say.. but can't hurt to play with the idea in one's mind... through it tends to really screw up the linear mind (our minds) doesn't it...

[Edited on 19-3-2004 by lilblam]

here's a thought. the more we become aware of the possibilities of other dimensions to the point where hoards of scientists, philosophers and secret societies all come to the same conclusion that we are one. would we somehow 'collapse' into the one and become nothing at that moment it is absolutely known by a critical mass of us(only to infinitely reappear at no time)?
the memes of understanding creation and destruction ARE creation and destruction?
the dance of shiva. nothing stands still.

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Earthscum
not much of a theory there. Are you aware of the infinite layers of time possibilities? A person cannot exist twice in the same time layer, thus they cannot actually alter the timeline that they come from. In one timeline, napoleaon got lucky and actually conquered europe, but after his reign was over, noone would follow and the entire country broke up into separate, but unified states. Argue with me on it... neither of us can prove it, but in the laws of infinity, it is a complete possibility. I can expand MUCH further, if you like... we can get into the philosophy, or even deeper physics of it concerning singularities.

[Edited on 15-3-2004 by Earthscum]

Actually, the body itself is unique at all time intervals, so it wouldnt be the same person micro biologically. It would appear as a twin, but not chemically or electric identicle. All the atoms would have different particle movement and not "carbon copies".

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 06:48 AM
All this talk of time travel, but where are they travelling from?
Who's to say that when we do discover time travel we will still be on planet earth?
Who's to say time travel = travelling vast distances across space too?
Another thing to think about why we dont seem to see travellers here from a possible infinite period of time - we destroy ourseves before we achieve it lol

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 09:42 AM
Billy Bob,

She percieved another lapse in the time continium at another point in existance which was a bleedthrough or impression left from a time ago.Think of our grand stage of life as a figure that gets assembled and reassembled.

[edit on 23-7-2006 by menguard]

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by mirello
shut up ive read hook my friends also call me the walking dictionary

Surely not for your spelling ability...............

Originally posted by mirello
yes, but dosent it seem convienient that the good guys won world war 1, and 2 maybe we had some help
(no offense to germens and jepanese)

No, If Japan or Germany would have won then America would have been recorded in history as the "bad guys"

By the way why hasnt he been warned? 75% of his posts start out with "shut up" and insults..

[edit on 25-7-2006 by Tiloke]

[edit on 25-7-2006 by Tiloke]

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:48 AM
sorry double post..... PB4UGo2Bed

[edit on 25-7-2006 by Tiloke]

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:59 AM
Since this two year-old thread has apparently been revived, I'd just say that I don't think true time-travel within one reality is possible. I believe that if you were to go back in time using a time-machine, you instantly enter into a newly created reality, almost exactly like the current one... but different in the ways that it is affected by the presence of you going back to that time.

So basically, if I wanted to go back into time and talk to Benjamin Franklin, I could do that. I could use a time-machine or whatever and I could have a conversation with him. But a new reality is created that begins at a fork between the new reality and the old reality that existed (and continues to exist) before the time-shift.

The changes that occur following the arrival of a time-traveller immediately creates a new reality based on the new data entered into that particular universe when the time-traveler shifted. So there could be many, if not countless numbers of travellers from the future who our visiting our time. or more accurately, a version of it. I think it's quite possible that when they travel back to us, they instantly enter into a newly-created and almost identical universe. And while you and I don't encounter these travellers, there may be 'versions' of us in other realities that are encountering those time-travellers.

But that makes me wonder... how do we know if we're the REAL 'us' and not the reflection, or a 'version', of some other 'us' in a original universe? I start thinking about 'freewill and all that. Interesting to ponder.

[edit on 25-7-2006 by firebat]

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 08:01 AM
Dang , 2 years..... i did not notice that ummmmmmmm, never mind

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 12:39 PM
I'm an adept of time taveling .

I'll explain to you all why time taveling is posible

Let's think a little people , we can think with no more than 10-12 % of our brain , so how can we understand time traveling , Einstein thought with 15 % , and manage to success philadephia experiment , and time-space traveled that ship in the future , in '80 .

If I travel back in the past , i come from a time line , time is and infinite time line's , if I go somewehere in to the future or the past , or in the middle future or somewhere else , I'll go to another time line , that the one , I am from , is the same , time , the same poeple , the same life , but it' diferent . It's like the Einstein theoreme , there are an infinte of dimension, there all all the same , but diferent in the same time.

I can change , one time line, but , altough is the same it won't modify the present.It's the asme , it's paralele , but it won't , so time travel is posibile , we need only the mecanism , to manage it.

Any question's ?

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by deathgame
I'm an adept of time taveling .

I'll explain to you all why time taveling is posible

Any question's ?

Yes. Do you proofread your posts? Because I couldn't understand much of what you were trying to say.

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