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Ugh, thanks a lot John Edwards...

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posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Thanks a lot John Edwards,

Just as the American media seemed to forget about Obama's flag pin blasphemy, the terrorist fist bump, being a secret muslim; you had to come clean about your affair. An affair with another consenting adult that you and your wife have worked out together and gotten through two years ago.

Why would you do this? Do you hate America? Are you in fact punishing us for your electoral short comings? You knew this would happen Edwards, they're like children in junior high and you've given them the equivalent of a locker room boner to run with.

I'm not even American and your shenanigans have inflicted themselves upon me. Every channel I flip to your dumb ass is there, mocking me; mocking my tolerance for absurdity. We can only hope Paris Hilton gets caught selling coke to a gay senator so we can get back to the issues that truly matter or this could run for months.

Perhaps if you got a $600 car wash and issued a press release, it's the least you could do.

Thanks again, you asshat.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Edwards has always come across to me as an ambulance chasing scumbag who cannot be trusted so I'm not sure why anyone is suprised by his disgusting behavior. He was caught red handed by the National Enquirer and most people weren't buying his denial of the allegations so admitting to his 'mistake' was something he had to do. I watched the interview and I don't believe most of what he said. I don't believe that he told his wife and family of the affair in '06 and until I see a paternity test result that proves otherwise, I believe the child IS his.

Edwards must think that people are dumb because in his interview he said he couldn't be sure that the photo in the Enquirer was him ... he said it looked like him, but he claims that he wore a long sleeve shirt to that meeting and never held the baby. His claim that he has held thousands of babies over the last several years and it's possible that it is a photo from the campaign trail of him holding a baby in a photo op is ludicrous. The curtains behind him are a signature of the Beverly Hills Hilton and I think it's fair to assume that he was holding the baby of his mistress in that hotel room the day he admitted to meeting with them. Why he would lie about holding the baby of his mistress is not really clear but IMHO he is lying and he has zero crediblilty.

I don't know how many Edwards supporters there are/were on ATS but I would be curious to hear how those of you who did vote for Edwards in the primary feel about his affair, his denial of it, then his admission of it but denial of some of the details.

Edwards, plain and simple, is scum. He should not be allowed to serve in any political office and never again should he be trusted by the American Public.


posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

you had to come clean about your affair.

What did you want him to do, keep lying?

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:18 PM
I guess he's doing this to see if anyone would be interested in the videos he and his mistress have made?? It really woudn't interest me, but, she wasn't that hard to look at. Maybe she just wanted to mess up his hair? Maybe he wears a wig and does role switching?

Maybe he also plans on writing a book about his public affairs? I'm glad to hear it wasn't something illegal or worse. It makes him see more typical.Who can be sure what some secret society groups will do for fun and money.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 02:51 PM
The Democrats should be thankful that he fizzled out so quickly in the primary race or they could have been finding out this information about their presumptive nominee two weeks before the convention. Oh, that's right, they have known about this all along as has the mainstream media.

There is a reason this came out at this moment, I'm just not sure what it is yet.

posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

you had to come clean about your affair.

What did you want him to do, keep lying?

Yes. lol

This shouldn't have gone beyond his family to begin with, what business is it of ours? He should've denied it and if his wife didn't want the spot light on them she should've backed him up as well. The fact that she didn't probably means, as someone else already mentioned, one of them or both is setting themselves up to write a book

I guess being Canadian I can't wrap my head around the American fascination with the private lives of it's government workers. From presidents to senators to any peon doing an internship in the white house; if they've banged someone, of course it's America's business to know the details of said banging! Sexual orientation too, that's vital to the American public.. as long as everyone in government goes home and has straight sex with their spouse, what else is there!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

Gotta love the "Canadians don't have the fixation with their politicians private sex lives" hypocrisy! Do the names Wilbert Keon, Maxime Bernier, Robert Coates, Francis Fox, and Margaret Trudeau mean anything to you? Feel free to look them up! Canadians have the same fascination and mock outrage over politician indescretions as the USA does... only since the US is 10 times as populated, your Canadians only have 1/10th the number of potential troubles.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

Gotta love the "Canadians don't have the fixation with their politicians private sex lives" hypocrisy! Do the names Wilbert Keon, Maxime Bernier, Robert Coates, Francis Fox, and Margaret Trudeau mean anything to you? Feel free to look them up! Canadians have the same fascination and mock outrage over politician indescretions as the USA does... only since the US is 10 times as populated, your Canadians only have 1/10th the number of potential troubles.

I have to say I disagree that we have an equal level of interest in this kind of ridiculousness in Canada. All of the people you mentioned, received their 2 minutes at the ass end of the news or a brief mention in the paper but none had literally hours upon hours of head line news coverage or even front page coverage.

CNN is just over the top with this thing it's almost funny if it weren't so intrusive into absolutely every aspect of... everything! This is not even in the same league... we're not even playing the same game!

I admit we gave more than enough news coverage to a few political scandals involving drugs and gangs but that's a little more news worthy than who slept with who.

Part of the reason is we aren't as polarized here when it comes to politics. In the states, the democrats are just waiting for the republicans to sneeze the wrong way and vice versa, so they can pounce all over it and say "see these people are ruining the country!".

I don't know, I just feel the American political system concerns itself, intimately, with about everything... except politics. I don't understand why you all carry on with it and allow the downward spiral to continue until American elections inevitably consist of a reality show on Fox.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 05:39 PM
I don't know, as I'm not Canadian, but I have quite a few Canadian friends and I follow Canadian news quite a bit via CBC and their between periods newscast out of Vancouver during the hockey season. From what I've seen, Canada seems every bit as polarized as America is, even down to and almost red state/blue state dividing line. It seems like Eastern Canada is mostly liberal and Western Canada is more conservative, but with a libertarian slant where pot is concerned. It also seems (to me at least) like Quebec would just as soon seceed from Canada and do their own thing, which basically consists of creating a very liberal nation of french speakers.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
Edwards has always come across to me as an ambulance chasing scumbag who cannot be trusted so I'm not sure why anyone is suprised by his disgusting behavior.


My guess is that the VAST majority of Edwards supporters are the same type of people that marched in the Third Reighct...


ANyone with an ounce of objective observations in them, can easily see what Edwards is...

The only good thing to come out of this, is that Edwards political carear should be over now...

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 12:20 AM
First of all, he didn't come "clean," in any sense of the phrase, the National Enquirer busted him out for all to see by following a lead and cornering him going in and out of this woman's hotel room and leaving at 2:00 am....then they chased him into the hotel bathroom where he had to call security to even get him "escorted out".

He then denied that he was having or had had an affair with the woman nationally, then when he knew the jig was up and other journalists were following the money trail and picking up the story, he "confessed" to the affair, and not a second sooner then he knew he had to. Now he's claiming the baby that's 5 months old isn't his....

He's just another narcissistic scumbag who was outed. What cracks me up is any person with his national profile level that thinks they can get away with this sort of behavior is sorely lacking in any sense of reality.

My sympathy goes out to his children and his wife who's dying of cancer.

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