posted on Jan, 10 2003 @ 01:45 AM
No no you have it all wrong.
High amounts of magnetism is what causes "Ghost" sitings.
This is a very valid proof, since where haunts normally "haunt"
is in places that have a general field of magnetism, such as a castle (Granite
apparently has a good effect on this) and places with heightened view of Magnetic fields.
So I figured then, if magnetism plays an important role THEN!!!!!!! Maybe ghosts aren't Spirits of the dead, but more like the "far plane" in FFX
(I love that game
) and is more really just illusions.
The Earth is very magnetic you could say
not that you could stick iron to it but it is permiated with a magnetic field.
So if someone dies a very emotional death (Thus strenous giving off energy that sorta thing) and most ghosts do, if not all ghosts do.
Then maybe they in a way scar the earths magnetic field, like marking a VCR tape, and in effect, record the last moments of their life.
And some people, some more than others, are just more tuned in, and like a television, their senses in effect play back that recording, of this
"ghost's last hours".
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