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Montana Governor Refuses Real ID, DHS Threatens Citizens

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Gotta agree with your points there Max. The tenore of the idea is fraught with great intensions, but, nothing our govwernment has done with information about US citizens seems to be for the good of our peoples but just for the good of our control. And damn don't that just piss me off!!!!


posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
What's wrong with REAL ID? It doesn't seem that bad at first glance. I support the governor because any assertion of states' rights is positive, but what's with this specific act?

Can you (namely Spartan and whoever else said it) show me where in the REAL ID Act it requires drivers licenses to have RFID chips of any kind? I'll dig through it some time later but I'm not familiar with the act.

And FYI this act is by Congress, not the President or one of his departments. Though Bush did sign it into law.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by downtown436

First, Montana doesn't have "Indian casinos" ... we have bars with keno or poker machines and some bars with poker tables. But no actual casinos. Visit Oregon or Washington for that.

I live in Montana and I doubt the Governor would die in any type of accident - unless it was farming related. As many have said, Montana isn't the only state to deny the Real ID act.

I may be from Oregon ( Born / Raised ) but I am glad I moved to Montana and proud to be under the Leadership of such a great governor.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:24 AM
I might be moving to Montana soon... gonna be a dental floss tycoon...

Frank Zappa.... R.I.P

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:36 AM
I would suggest that you all look into the fact that America went bankrupt in 1938, and that the Constitution has already long been invalid, and that America has been operating under Martial Law (War Powers Act) since that time. They only have "allowed" the people in the U.S. to think they are "free" because it has suited their purpose, so as not to have rebellion until they were ready to handle it. All this talk about law, the Constitution, democracy (it's not a democracy, it WAS a Constitutional Republic), and all such things is just useless. If you want to know why the government officials, from the lowest police forces, all the way up to the "president" act the way they do, disregarding the Common Law, and Constitution, it is because they know the TRUE status of these things. I would suggest if you want to hear a great synopsis of how the world is really set up, watch the boardroom scene of the 1976 movie "Network." It tells it like it really is. I know most of you will not want to believe this, simply because it is too hopeless and depressing. I don't blame you. One thing to remember is this: if enough people get "mad as hell" and can band together, it would be near impossible for them to resist millions of people. Perhaps a million angry people showing up in DC would be helpful...we can only hope.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 08:00 AM
MONTANA HERE I COME!!!! I am very proud to see this governor stand up to the DHS. I hope he takes it to 60 minutes...that would be a classic!!! Is there still no speed limits in Montana? I remember reading something when I was in 5th grade about Montana not having any. Just wondering!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:20 PM
I hope fellow ATS'ers are forwarding this kind of information to your freinds, relatives and perhaps coworkers. Exposure is what these neo-con types fear the most. You might be surprised how far your messages may go in the grapvine. The public at large (worldwide) need to be informed so they may be prepared and aide in putting down these violations to our liberties.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:12 PM
Michael Chertoff: This dual Israeli citizen is the Secretary of US Homeland Security. Chertoff is a Talmudic Jew who looks upon Gentiles as sub-humans. A dual citizen of Israel & the US, Chertoff has a primary loyalty to Israel since Jews serve their own interests before those of their host nation.

Paul A. Schneider: This dual Israeli/American citizen is the Deputy Secretary of US Homeland Security.

Fred L. Schwien: This dual Israeli/American citizen is the Secretary of Operations of US Homeland Security.

Jay M. Cohen: This dual Israeli/American citizen is the Secretary for Technology of US Homeland Security. (This Big Brother enforcer is the one who plans to embed a micro-chip into your wrist or forehead).

These dual citizens are responsible for the Dept. of Homeland Seizure than blackmailed and threatened their way into our Govt. though the US Constitution clearly states that dual citizens are not legally permitted to hold office in our Govt. since they have pledged loyalty to a 'foreign' nation. I still am amazed that our politicians have allowed these intruders to take the US govt. hostage!

Americans need to overhaul the Senate and House of Reps. ASAP and get some fresh 'patriotic' blood in our office. America needs to discontinue the tax free pension and healthcare for life benefits of which our elected leaders enjoy for the rest of their life at US taxpayer expense for just serving one term in either office! The problem with this type of 'system' is that it attracts the kind of people that are out for their own self interest and will be 'encouraged' to go along with all the slight of hand business/govt. deals (pork) hidden in the Bills presented to Congress. True patriotic types should not need these govt. guarantees/carrots. The system was set up this way to ensure loyalty to the corrupt system. Is their any wonder why so few in the Congress or the Senate refuse to balance our budget? As long they get paid and keep their mouths shut they are taken care of the rest of their life. If they speak out against the fraud they risk losing their benefits altogether. This is how the ruling financial financial elite and the well connected ensure business as usual stays on track while your freedom, liberties and finances are sacrificed to the highest bidder. We need a revolution absolving political parties altogether so these rulers may not be able to purchase 'influence' in whatever party wins office. The people should vote for Senators and Congressmen who clearly state their ideas and ideals as well as present a clear plan for achieving their objectives of which should be designed for the benefit of the citizenry as a whole and not to special interest, political action committees (PAC's), foreign lobbyists and mulitnational corporations. A true Revolution is in order to reclaim our Bill of Rights, adherance to the Constitution and ensure loyalty to the citizens of this great country.

Can America tolerate really tolerate this kind 'control' ?
Not the America I grew up in!!

* The Real ID Card records fingerprints.
* The Real ID Card records facial scans.
* The Real ID Card records eye scans.
* The Real ID Card records DNA data.
* The Real ID Card records religious data and family background.
* The Real ID Card records signatures.
* The Real ID Card records medical & prescription records.
* The Real ID Card records passport, travel, and driving activity.
* The Real ID Card records checking, savings, and credit card, calling card, and internet activity.

Peace brethren....after the Revolution.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

"$900 Trillion in debt" figure you report is innacurate lol. typo?

The recent GAO figure is 12.6 trillion though that does not account for the 'unfunded' social security, medicare, medicade, FEMA liabilities and 'unkown' war costs. Our govt. IS bankrupt though that was the plan in order to encourage acceptance of the AMERO currency...of which will enable the Federal Reserve (private consortium of international banking families namely the Trillionare Rothschild's and their co-conspirators Rockerfellers, Mellons etc. etc.) to have complete controll over our currency and thus our politics and economy as a whole. You don't have to take 'my' word for it...take theirs:

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:04 AM
The Governor I hope is also backed up by the Militia. You must present a deterant!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:06 AM
As a citizen of Montana I salute my Governor for making this decision.
I do believe it is a matter of time however, before the state will be forced in some way to submit.

I refuse to get a Real ID. My license expires in a year. I have no problems with biking, walking, etc. If I need to go across country I would have to do it the hard way, but I refuse to submit to this heinous act on my rights to privacy.

Look at whats happening already in Manhattan. Will you enjoy having your license plate scanned at a check point each time you enter and exit the city? I was watching this news and a man whom reporters stopped for an opinion ACTUALLY SAID, "I don't see why it's a problem. I don't mind it".
Another person interviewed said, "Well if you're not breaking the law you won't have to worry. This is a good thing."

I'm absolutely fed up with this police state and being treated like WE are the terrorists.

The police state IS HERE. Open your eyes.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by oceanaut1
These dual citizens are responsible for the Dept. of Homeland Seizure than blackmailed and threatened their way into our Govt. though the US Constitution clearly states that dual citizens are not legally permitted to hold office in our Govt. since they have pledged loyalty to a 'foreign' nation. I still am amazed that our politicians have allowed these intruders to take the US govt. hostage!

And something to take note of as a consequence of all of these "dual citizens," as quoted from the Constitution, Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4:

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State.

They must renounce their dual-citizenship before being allowed to act in any capacity of government Office! The whole reason behind this clause is that the Founding Forefathers didn't want any US Government Officers who would be "serving two masters." Divided loyalties! Their first loyalty, by Constitutional Oath of Office, is to protect & defend the Constitution!

As it is, the Feds worship money...There's no getting around that as a basic fact. They spend & overspend, owning the debt to a privately owned banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve...Which, by the way, is also all but consumed by foreign-originated banking interests. The government does nothing unless it continues to increase the size (& expense!) of maintaining itself, such a bloated leech as it already is! The FRN's in circulation are based on nothing but debt, enslaving future generations of Americans by their Unconstitutionally-delegated "authority" to adjust interest rates based upon nothing but our future labors. They allow Big Corporations to ship jobs overseas (outsourcing) & continue lobbying the government for more privileged status that already outstrips Citizens' Rights, so as to increase their "bottom line" at the expense of increasing unemployment ratings among American Citizens...While at the same time, abjectly refusing to enforce our Immigration Laws that allow illegal aliens to come in & take over what jobs are left over (simply because illegals will work for less pay, going back to the "bottom line" again. As more Americans lose their jobs to illegal aliens, Citizens have to more seriously consider joining the military as the only means left to pay the bills...For which the government will overspend even more more to further bloat the military in a conquest/crusade against other Sovereign Nations, just to get their hands on more resources for corporations to exploit American Citizens even further. All coupled with stealth-tactics to violate the Treaty-making Powers delegated in the Constitution to make the NAU & forfeit our Sovereignty in the name of bigger corporate profits at the ever-increasing expense of The People...All with an increasingly-centralized mass media machine to keep the People placated with the lie, "it's going to be ok, just trust us." And this is just the tip of the iceburg, folks...

Can we say the phrase, "Hello, Fourth Reich? I knew you could."

And the direct cause the whole mess is due to government Officers having divided loyalties...Money/corporate profits first, self-loyalty second & foreign influences third...With nothing left over for their Constitutional Oaths of Office, except minimal lip-service expended because they choke & gag whenever they must use the word "Constitution."

Originally posted by Rick007
The Governor I hope is also backed up by the Militia. You must present a deterant!

I hope the militia listens to the Governor more than they'd listen to our...cough, hack...Commander-in-Chief...choke... Or have we forgotten the Military Commissions Act already?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by oceanaut1

I was referring to the National Deficit, as well as outstanding foreign debts.

You can not take one department's monetary activities into account when referring to the Government.

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