OK... OK...
After reading the several responses about making sure Johnny has some help up at the ranch we've decided that TEAM ATS will be joining him for the
(Actually we've had it planned this way for quite a while, I asked Johnny to keep it under his hat for personal reasons)
The point of this trip is to get first hand experience of what is happening at the ranch. It's very easy to sit behind my keyboard and pooh pooh the
whole thing off as a bunch of hooey but it's also very ignorant IMHO.
After reading the accounts of very credible people who have actually
been there I became interested in the ranch.
I posted in "JVPskyfreak's" "Gilliland Ranch" thread back in April or May that I may put together an exploratory trip up to see what's what.
That's what this is... an
exploratory trip, not the end all be all investigation.
The way I see it we need to go up there, have a solid game plan with good gear and great comparative data (flight schedules and flight tracking data)
in order to discover if there really is unidentifiable craft buzzing Mt. Adams, cruising the orbital and sub-orbital space, BEFORE we get into the
huge time/resource expense of a full blown scientific investigation.
It would be very bad business management IMHO, to throw thousands of dollars and weeks of precious time into a full blown investigation before vetting
the "basics" at a fraction of that cost.
By "vetting the basics" I mean taking some good gear and data up there with a small group of people who are critical thinkers and seeing if we can
explain/identify what we see.
If we can pretty much tell what everything is, then there isn't much need in taking a bunch of PhD Astrophysicists, Astronomers, Aerospace Engineers,
huge scopes, huge search lights, helicopters and surveying equipment up there to tell us what we already know.
Conversely, if we get up there and we have objects that don't fit any known flight paths, objects that defy typical operating characteristics,
objects that do "wild and crazy" sorts of things then we have a horse of a different color don't we? At that point we start to consider the big,
full blown investigation into what the heck is going on in the skies above Washington State.
There is yet another aspect to the "Ranch experience" that seems to be brushed aside too easily from my point of view... Some very serious, sober,
educated and intelligent people have described some very bizarre "feelings and sensations" while on site. The debunkers cast these stories aside out
of hand as wishful thinking, being affected by the environment, etc... To be honest, I would cast this part aside as well were it not for WHO has
reported such things.
This is one aspect I am confident we will be able to clarify. Crakeur and myself are NOT subject to being "emotionally swayed" by the situation, the
environment or the "scene" in general. If there is a "weird energy" up there, as so many have reported, it's going to have to work over time to
impress us.
We are going up there with a totally neutral attitude and we hope to be impressed by
what is happening up there to the extent we determine it
is worth taking the investigation to the next level.
Either way we will make sure the Membership of ATS has as good an idea of what's really going on up there as one can have without actually going in