posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:14 PM
find and read the Greater Keys of Solomon, the lesser keys of solomon, the keys of enoch, sword of moses, in searching for these you should find some
other grimoire related documents, I say the older the better, but be detailed in your research, there is a lot of crap out there, and stuff that seems
like crap but is merely some individuals personal account of their own working system.
There are many others out there, I would suggest for beginners reading some blavatsky and maybe crowley, but do not become biased by their opinions,
their research is fairly sound and at the very least provides a good point for reference material. Look into the existing esoteric practices, like
taoist alchemy etc, its all connected, in order to have a good understanding of productive work, one should probably research the entire origin of
any given system.
As for the Necronomicons, you could make your own opinion of it after studying the psychology behind how magic works, as some claim it is a workable
system even though it is a partially fictitious work.
If you have trouble finding such texts, just go on some p2p network and search for PDF's SLSK seems to have a fair number of members with such PDF
be wise, and be positive in your intents either in research or practice.