posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:15 PM
In most of the Sci Fi movies I have seen where a human is given the honor of representing Earth to an alien species, they are invariably a male Anglo
Saxon – ie: Caucasian.
But in reality, the racial demographics of the earth are: 8% White and 92% Non-White. So let’s be honest, if one human was to truly represent the
“peoples” of Earth, shouldn’t that person be someone who represents the largest population on earth?
So I guess that would be someone from India or China right?
Ha ha ha, I can already hear the male Anglo Saxons tut tutting in disgust – “How dare I suggest that THEY be represented by someone other than a
white male!!”
For the record, I am a white male with fair hair and blue eyes (yes that is my real eye in my avatar). But I know I represent a somewhat small
proportion of the human race. And that is the trick, there is only ONE race on Earth – Humans, and the nominate specie has dark hair, dark eyes and
non white skin.
So in the event that we make contact with a new species, who should be the representation of all humans? I am not talking about the greatest mind,
the best leader or the most charismatic – I am purely looking at physiology.
I would welcome your reply, and it’s ok to be honest.