posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Immortal_Roses
Hey don't feel bad President Truman didn't even know we had a Manhattan Project
or the Atomic Bomb or where he got the ones he used.
Szilárd saw German A bomb plans and got Einstein to sign his letter to FDR
to urge the US production of an Atomic Bomb before Germany completed its plans.
Some people think the plans were stolen and came to America with Einstein so it
took that long. A bomb scientists hardly consulted Einstein who had many quantum
theory formulas. Tesla wrote in English in America to US government about his
force rays and power plants to no avail.
So Truman said lets use the A bomb but had no idea where the bombs were coming
from which could have been German captures.
The Manhattan Project scientists went onto foster ground and airborne tests until
treaties stopped them and now handle dismantling and storage problems and make
new ones perhaps. You guessed right if you think not everyone went home to have
a smoke and retire.
I'll check out the other ATS links but this was first and needed help:
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