posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:47 AM
I think you might be onto something.
If the draft is reinstated, which I doubt will happen, then there will be those who will do what it takes to avoid the draft.
During Vietnam it was marriage and education and a few who turned to religion.
This time around it may be that we see a massive increase in fat Jehovah's Wetnesses.
In reality, a person is who is morbidly obese would be a liability for the services and would likely get a medical waiver.
For those who are just fat, the Marine Corps and probably the rest have fat farms where those who are too fat to participate in training can lose
enough weight through special diets and exercise to proceed. I've seen cases of recruits losing on the order of 100 lbs. Those cases are pretty
rare, though.
Anyone who is just a little overweight, however, will lose weight in the process of training.
I gained thirty pounds in boot camp, by the way.