posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:42 AM
i have been thinking about this a lot lately, especially every time a thread explodes with some people offering flimsy evidence, others defending it
and still others debunking it.
i'm certain there are ufos. on the other hand, i believe that most encounters since the late 40s have been very carefully controlled and that the
contactees have been men who know how to keep secrets. i tend to be very skeptical of random sightings.
here's the thing: i don't think a single photograph, even if it was legitimate, would be enough to convince me. i think that any single photo or
even video, even if genuine, could be successfully debunked as a hoax. it's an old saying in intelligence/psy ops that's been appropriated in
politics and marketing "it ain't true, but i can prove it".
stories about encounters and abductions, although i enjoy reading them, are even less convincing. some do have the ring of truth, but i always
reserve judgment.
for me, i think what it would require would be multiple photographs/videos/accounts from different angles by unconnected witnesses. it's possible
there could be a single photo or a single account so compelling that i believe it, but that doesn't seem very likely to me.
what standard of proof do you think you'll need to believe an incident really happened?