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9/11...There's no point to it anymore.

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by SlightlyAbovePar
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Second JFK Comission? Can you post a link so I can read up on this?

John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Leaves a Legacy of Suspicion

Forty years later, suspicions of a conspiracy endure: 7 in 10 Americans think the assassination of John F. Kennedy was the result of a plot, not the act of a lone killer and a bare majority thinks that plot included a second shooter on Dealey Plaza.

Just 32 percent accept the Warren Commission’s 1964 finding that Lee Harvey Oswald alone shot Kennedy as his motorcade passed through downtown Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

Fifty-one percent think there was a second gunman, and seven percent go so far as to think Oswald wasn’t involved at all.

More broadly, in addition to the 70 percent of Americans who think there was some sort of plot behind the killings, 68 percent think there was “an official cover-up” to hide the truth about the assassination from the public, and about as many, 65 percent, think that “important unanswered questions” remain, four decades after Kennedy’s death.

...Official conclusions have varied. While the Warren Commission found no conspiracy, the House Select Committee on Assassinations reported in 1979 that Kennedy "was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy" and that acoustical evidence demonstrated a "high probability" that a second gunman was involved. The panel said it was "unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by dirtonwater

You have a point here, sence the Government destroyed all the evidence at ground zero.
and will not inverstigate 911, of what really happened that day.

When our Government closed and stone wall every investigation about 911,and we see a cover-up on information.

Then what we have here Folks, is call a Conspiracies.

dirtonwater what do you call it.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by cashlink

You have knocked it on the head.

I'll keep posting about it as much as I can and I'll always keep it up.
Funniest thing is they often have a theme they work towards, last week or so I've noticed lots of 'give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up it's not working' crap leaking out in a few posts from various members.

Good one disinfos, we ain't going ANYWHERE! We believe in fighting that crap and we believe in what is true from our own research. The disinfo shills love to paint life as a pretty picture where freedom fries and thickshakes ring free, and buildings defy the laws of physics. Where many many coincidences adding up is just merely that.. a coincidence beyond probable, possible belief.

Once you get used to it you can spot them from a mile away. Easiest solution.. IGNORE THEM. Let them post their crap. If they are ignored they'll be pretty pissy won't they... they can't do anything more but take servers down. They'll try ask slightly inflationary questions about the most petty or weird things to detract conversation from the actual subject, JUST LIKE WE ARE DOING NOW.

Funny that eh....

[edit on 7/8/08 by GhostR1der]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:50 PM

This is an excellent example of why the 9-11 CT has failed. As far as the ‘battle’, it’s over. 9-11 CT’ers have had ample time to provide a cohesive narrative and have failed.

What you fail to cite is that while every CT has failed, the OS has failed also. See, we went to war over the OS and NO-ONE has been able to prove it. If the score is 0-0 we still "win". Its just that nobody cares anymore.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by GhostR1der

Yes you are right but I want to add one thing that I think is very important is we should not put this thugs on ignore (thats whant they want us to do.)

If we put them on ignore then they have all the time to keep drailing the threads and we wont see them running off good poster who are looking for the truth.

I believe we need to expose these people and when we can get enough evidents of what thier doing we turn it over to the Mods.

And hopefully they will be Band from ATS.

Its not hard to get the evidents on these disinformationist they are always breaking the rules.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:49 PM
So, researching events is futile? Well, so is cleaning up dog poop and taking out the trash, but people still do it, or else everything would wreak of a foul odor. Research is just the same. As long as people prove that they are willing to expend the time and effort to scrutinize every move public figures and political leaders and criminals and extremists and activists and anyone else that uses secret meetings and subversive maneuvers to carry out an agenda, then those people all have to watch themselves just as closely.
We may never know the "truth" of that day in Dallas, or why that radar punk didnt see all of those Zeros inbound, or who was behind the pilots heading towards the Twins, or any other of countless hypocrisies committed behind the smiles and handshakes of the power elite and political masterminds. So what.
You think 40 years in a long time? There are people still looking for the Grail and the Ark. Curiosity and the drive to discover is a hallmark of our civilization. To even suggest that its use be stifled or religated to only certain areas is to bind the minds of a species.

I will not stop looking.
I will not stop researching.
I will not go silently through.
I will not be hearded into a corner.
I will not be slaughtered for my humanity.
I will not close my mind to the possibilities of tomorrow.

I will not be stopped.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by OMW24

Whats the point, that's exactly the attitude the american gov'nt want. how many died? and how many are still suffering? if you've forgot british troops are still loosing lives because of 9' 11 of course their is a point you total ****

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:53 PM
9/11 should of sparked are civil war we had are chance/reason, but people bought the lies told to us by are leaders. O well its all good at least we are well fed most of us, have entertainment, drugs,booze,smut, but then again maybe thats what they want....... O well it aint that bad at least we'er free to do as we please.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:11 PM
I no longer argue 911 statistics with people because they are almost always either too bullheaded to thoroughly hear your views or are too unwilling to do their own research on the subject leaving you blue in the face and them scratching their heads. Even though I no longer argue 911 statistics the fact remains that it has always and will always be relevant to us and the times we're in. I will say that 911 is an issue that we have beaten to death, revived and beat some more but I in no way think that there is no point to it any longer. The point of 911 is opening peoples minds to unthinkable acts. If you can at least be open to 911 being an inside job then you'll more than likely be able to open your mind to all the rest of it.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:49 PM
Does anyone know how to become a "paid disinformation" person?

I would really like to get in on some of that money. That sounds like a heck of a lot of fun.

Just so there's no mistake.

1. 9/11 was not an inside job.
2. 9/11 was a terrorist act.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by OMW24

Find a new country if you believe the one you have is out to get you.. I am sure you can find one with all the glorious traits you wish for(or not). lol. Your tired of the 9/11 threads, I'm tired of you guys bashing this nation at a time when hundreds of thousands of soldiers fight for peace and need support, you don't have to support the country, just support them. If you don't want to do that then think about the families that are affected and try to make their time waiting for their children to come back home a little bit easier by not stirring up cockeyed conspiracies. Maybe its just time to come together as a nation, form a strong republic(of the people) and vote some new leadership in. No I didn't say fuss and fight over global warming, or bicker on taxes, I mean once and for all decide the partisan bull*** is over. Close down the daycare center of a Congress we have right now and find people that will negotiate. Nancy Pelosi decided to save face of the democrats to stop a bill from being voted on. She didn't stop it because it was a bad bill she stopped it because she didn't want some of her democrats looking bad because they would have to vote no because they are backed by special interest groups. Now doesn't that sound like crap. Is that the way to run a government. Voting on bills should be determined by whats is best for us, that is the oath they took and just about none of them are living up to it. Democrat and Repbulican alike. I used Nancy because it was just in the news. Something relative, not to pick on one party or the other. There is only one entity that can put a stop to this insanity...that entity is US. You and me banding together no matter what views we may hold and finally deciding enough is enough. And trust me if we do this no party is going to get everything they want, but its about the Majority in this country.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:22 PM
9/11 has gotten many people to read more deeply into the conscpiracy realm or question the govt more.

Dont be ridiculous to think its about winning one war of debate. Its about getting more and more people to look into things and see that we are being lied to about so many tihngs.

The disgust needs to set in massively.....then the govt will try to make another freedom taking move........and bam, they will set off the revolution. People will see right thru it and go crazy. Revolutions have happened before. Its only a matter of time for the fight to begin. Nothing has been lost.

Open your eyes to a larger picture.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by alienj

I agree with alot of what you said, but as far as banding together that "wont" happened.

As long as most people depend on TV news for what is going on in the world they have no clue of whats really going on.

I used to watch CNN all the time, but when I saw the media highjack the elections this year I reliesed we been had by the greedy Corperations.

Now I will not watch any news on TV .
I go to sites on the internet that I trust and they show were thier sources are coming from.

As Far as Americans voteing a good President in LOL thats not going to happened.

Its not the votes that count, it "who" counts the votes that counts.
Thats a fact! and been proven time and time again.

Our elections are bought and paid for by the elite- big Corperations and big oil Companys.

I do support our Miliatary over there fighting. but I agree we need to bring these men home.

This war is for oil not terrorist.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by dirtonwater
I read an article a few years ago written by a psychologist. The bottom line is that people who stick to conspiracy theories after years and years of no evidence, like jfk and 911, actuall suffer a form of mental illness.

These people have a need of self importance and a need to feel they are better than most people and are in the know about things the average person cannot understand. Furthermore, these people have spent so much time and in some cases alot of money on their fantasies.

The best proof of this theory is what I have read and heard many conspiracy people say that begins with "No amount of evidence will ever convince me ....."

this is insulting to people (who have lives) who take great pains to get others to read beteen the lines.

if you can't get see a conspiracy in jfk or 911 , i will not insult you and say you have a mental illness (although that thought by the psychologist probably eases you back into your comfort zone) i would simply say you are caught in the matrix, and too imbedded into sociatal norms, the word conspiracy has turned into a bit of a mind-F$#$. before i talk about that i would also say the psychologist also has a point, lots of people (rich and poor) who put in mass amount of time to any belief get comfort from that and thus are usually unwilling/stubborn to change, which they become willing to believe anything to maintain their comfort zones (fantasy's in the eye's of those who believe something on the other end of the spectrum). This is true of believers and disbelievers. Back to the word conspiracy. Kinda gives one a knee jerk reaction, wonder why?

You see i look at it from a business standpoint/ profit. You do a SWOT analysis (strenghts, weaknesses, opporunity's, Threats) the biggest threat a business or a gov't or a fraction of people looking to get away with something is getting caught. Especially when it comes to issues of national security or things people think (or have decided) others can't handle the truth about. And they are probably right, most can't! (or they may act violent should they realize they have been lied to ) Now the idea is to take a threat and turn it into either an opportunity or in some cases a strength. The best way to do that is to get people to associate questioning your offical story with being crazy. this is a brillant idea. Works very well. First becuase it gets people to REFRAIN from even CONSIDERING the idea, it stops critical thought in it's tracks for most. Especially should a strength be media influence. Takes a bit of conditioning but after the conditioning is carried out, that it shall work like a charm, until someone really takes some time, and critical thinking (will) and realizes the mind F*&%. But societal norms and mass behavior (thanks to the human condition) make this something which takes will and/or wisdom (the risk some face to even question a offical story, often puts them at odds w/ friends and family should they be vocal) and this serves as another deterrent as well. sometimes it requires a revelation by someone that they have been lied to, which creates a will to find the truth (despite what others think), which becomes a habit.

the level of morals in the world is so very low, and so much has been taken over by greed, fraud in corruption is everywhere, you will hear of charges of conspiracy to do this that and the other thing, should you follow court proceedings, but when there is something that you believe and someone is saying something that goes against it, it can be very comforting, tempting, and even profitable to people (especially to those who don't think you can handle the truth, as well as those who aren't ready to handle the truth ) to insert hey they are just conspiracy theorists and in an instant you get wisked back into your comfort zone, because the knee jerk association with conspiracy and craziness gives you bliss, where you can believe others are crazy.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by OMW24
Here it is. My first time back on ATS, and guess what? More posts about 9/11 conspiracies.

and each view makes money for the website, and some stupid argument against or for gets more views and then post another complete load of bollocks and even more people will look and the advertisers pay more and what do we end up with, not a source of information but truck loads of the most base journalism you could find, if you could call it that. Still there goes another page view, if it was me I'd start half the crap posted here, hell it's easier than working for a living.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:02 PM
Yeah go ahead and forget about 911, if it makes you feel better. But remember the 3000 innocent americans that are DEAD! the people cut in two after they fell to their deaths. the evidence is there pointing to this traitorous US Gov. We do owe it to them ( the innocents) to spread the truth- no matter if it takes a 100 years.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:03 PM
I used to believe there was no conspiracy behind 9/11. My belief was that Muslim extremists did attack on 9/11. We pulled the right move afterwards, however, Iraq simply was just a horrible mistake.

Not much of my beliefs changed really. However, I am more open minded to the possible theories of how the United States government was behind the September 11th attacks.

But if we couldn't even be successful in Iraq, how could we be successful in murdering over 2000 of our own people. The American government caused 9/11? I'm not sure but I am aware (and this is my strongest belief on this topic) that the Bush administration and others were fully aware of the attacks. They were warned but did nothing. It lead to us being attacked and lead to a very brutal scam of war & profit in Iraq.

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong and Bush WAS behind 9/11. The point is: We MUST continue to investigate and discuss it. We MUST THINK about the possible theories behind that awful day. Without thought and concern...we would all just be lamb for the lions.

However, I think I can say something we can all agree on: F You Mr. Bush.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:08 PM
Gorehound larry i think that all we can hope for is people to be open to accepting the different possibilities, many times people can't even get their head around that, so they are biased from the start. And who is to say they didn't succed in iraq, all the advisors and insiders made millions on trading and then on the contracts awarded to all the connected businesses , Halliburton , hello.

kennedy's last speech , pretty much said, HE NEEDS OUR HELP, spreading the truth, about conspiracy's to the american public, because the U.S gov't was becoming infiltrated/compromised by secret society's with the means and players/company's to do so.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by cashlink
reply to post by SlightlyAbovePar

I hope I didnt insult you, but what I said in my statement is true.

There are to many Government disinforments in all the 911 threads.

I dont know if you have ever done any research in key-board OPS.

But I have and they are in these 911 threads

Trying to talk about 911 in any of these thread, I see we are always under attack! and it is ALWAYS by some one trying to Cram the Government Conspiracies therories down our throats nothing but lies that dose not stand up to hard Science.

If people are blind to think the Government dose not pay 1,000s of people a day to rail-road blogs & forums on the 911 subject then you are not liveing in reality.

If it is true that our own Government pulled off 911 then they will do what every they need to do to keep the real truth from coming out.

That is why I see a War in all the 911 threads.
I see the same crap! the same sites, same sarcasm, the same degradeing remarks.

Theses paid disinfo use the "same" method in-fact it hard to tell if they are the same people useing diffrent Avatars.

Yes we are in a war the Truth V the liers

I'm interested in this. What kind of proof do you have about this, or is it more of an impression from experience.

Is it firm?

Let me know.


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by cashlink

Thanks for the shout out, but to be honest the Internet is the worst place to get information from, its only a tool. To not use the news media to get your information is like saying Im going to fix that truck engine with a wrench but Im not going to use the screwdriver. Use them both, fact check and double check. It would be like me saying I wont use the Internet as a source of information. I use any and all available information, i fact check it when I can. If I am not able to fact check information than I wont use it. If you use information that is bogus your as bad as the guys you say are apart of conspiracies. Just take a second to think back how many times you have been wrong and why. News is a great place for information, number one its a permanent record, so if anyone lies it can be publicized and they can be held accountable. Far to often on the Internet people spread false lies(or maybe stuff they think is real) and then there is no way to hold these people accountable. A person can change his identity as easily as he can change his socks. It amazes me that with some many people out there afraid of disinformation, the first place they run too for info is the Internet. lol. I have a theory, people only want to hear what they believe. They cant get that on paper or news media but on the Internet they can seek out at least one other person who holds their values and beliefs and hold it up as proof. The choir wants a preacher that preaches what they believe, its easily found on the Internet.

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