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All U.S. adults could be overweight in 40 years

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:39 PM

All U.S. adults could be overweight in 40 years

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - If the trends of the past three decades continue, it's possible that every American adult could be overweight 40 years from now, a government-funded study projects.

The figure might sound alarming, or impossible, but researchers say that even if the actual rate never reaches the 100-percent mark, any upward movement is worrying; two-thirds of the population is already overweight.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:39 PM
More fear mongering and bullcrap intended to make us "happy" to see prices on food continue to rise, new taxes on fattening foods, and higher pump prices to encourage more walking because it will all be done in the name of a great "societal effort to combat obesity."

Yet still I can scarcely find 3XL shirts anywhere outside stores that have a special big & tall section... curious?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

My husband is big and tall with very broad shoulders and it's next to impossible to find 2X for him without going to the big and tall store and paying more. I can only imagine how hard it is to find a size 3X.

And on the womens' side of the issue, most of the stores in my mall don't carry any size bigger than L. They won't make clothes in size XL (I'm not even talking plus sizes here) but they make sure to stock that XXS. I'm bigger chested so most times a size L won't do in a top and it's just ridiculous trying to find clothes.

If everyone becomes overweight I guess we'll all just have to go naked since no designer would lower himself to produce clothes to fit people.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:07 PM
The reason you can't find the bigger sizes is because they want you to pay more for them. I have to pay thirty dollars for a plain T-shirt at the Big and Tall, instead of three off the Wal-Mart clearance rack.

More on the obesity plan here...

"Let them eat cake!"

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:16 PM
Heh, I was shopping for a new shirt lately...

I looked at one of the tags, it said;
UK - L
EU - L
US - M/S

I kid you not, everyone else considered it to be a large shirt, the US considered it to be Medium to Small... WTF?

Now, it's pretty much world knowledge that US citizens tend to be fat... but I find it hard to believe that EVERYONE could be fat in 40 years.

Clearly someone never heard of statistical idealism, and why it just doesn't happen in reality.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:23 PM
I find it odd that two thirds of the population is already overweight yet regardless of where I go more than two thirds of the population that is readily visible are not. Either this mysterious two thirds they are talking about is invisible, in hiding, or they are counting 5 or 10 extra pounds as obese.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Ban everything that isnt tofu. Thats really the only logical thing to do I think. Everyone will get the same amount, we will all eat the same, feel the same. No one will be fat or think someone else is eating better than them. Will be a much better world if we dont need choices as to our food, dont you agree?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:32 PM
I seriously doubt that all adults will be overweight. However, it very well could be that most adults will be.

I consider myself a health-conscious individual, and all I do is work out occasionally and try to eat right. Despite the ludicrous amount of unhealthy food out there (and I'm sure I eat my share), I have managed to remain slender and even shave some pounds over the past couple of years. There will be people who take nutrition and fitness to the extreme, and there will always be those people who prefer to eat healthy and stay in shape.

However, looking at the kids these days, there seem to be many more overweight children than there were when I was a kid. I remember there was always one or two "fat kids" in the class, but today I would say around 1/3 of the children I see are overweight.

It's especially sad that most of these kids either inherit their weight from their overweight parents, or were just put on poor diets rich in sugars and fats when they were young. These kids are too young to make good dietary decisions, and the parents who spoil their kids and buy them whatever snacks they see on TV are doing the real harm.

And if anyone is denying the obesity epidemic in our country, take a trip to Europe and you will notice the people in general are much skinnier than we are. And they live just as lavish lifestyles, yet manage to live longer than us on average. Go figure.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by johnsky

The only reason I say that it won't be a hundred-percent is because there are people who will have access to natural, un-processed, non-modified foods. Those happen to be the same people who are starving Americans to death on food-like products, and hiding that fact behind the fat.

Yes, fat people are starving to death, at the nutritional level. But almost any sheep will sit and argue til they're blue in the face that "fat people can't starve to death." When in reality, that is what makes the plan work out so perfectly.

Spend money on food-like products that actually make you more hungry, so you buy more food-like products. When you get fat, we will charge you more for your clothes. Then when you get sick from malnutrition, we will pump you full of dangerous medicines at your own expense, and charge you huge fees for medical coverage that you will need more and more of. Of course, it won't help though, it will just drive you into debt.

You will slow down, you will get sicker and sicker as your debt gets deeper and deeper. Never realizing that you are the frog on the stove and that the pot is boiling now. You will die a slow miserable death and leave enough debt to insure that even your grandchildren will never be able to resist the will of the elite.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by sc2099

You know that could be an area issue and demand, here in my neck of the woods, south GA, you can find plenty of stores catering to large sizes and big and tall.

Our mall have at least three ladies stores and plenty of men stores also for large sizes to tell you the truth the ladies clothing is quite fashionable pretty and sexy, including their lingerie and undergarments.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:06 PM
It also depends on what they count as overweight. The current BMI scale is worthless. I'm 6 foot tall and weight around 190 pounds. That makes me overweight according to the BMI scale which does not take into effect muscle mass or fat percentage. It is simply a generic calculator system. I run about 10 to 15 miles a week. I work out 20 hours a week. I swim, ride bikes, and lift weights. I'm in good shape. I'm not overweight but my insurance company likes to call me once a year to see if I lost any weight or if I would like one of their health diet plans because they use the BMI scale.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by sc2099

My wife is in the same boat. She's not fat, but she is curvaceous. She usually just buys men's t-shirts for herself when she wants a new t-shirt because the women's section only has nice shirts in the "miss" section. (Although I'll be honest, they don't make better lingerie than an overly tight tshirt. Just my opinion, of course.)

I remember that thread and my position on this really hasn't changed. I've been paying closer attention since I got into that discussion and I'm still not seeing it. Yeah, there are too many overweight Americans, but I believe the figure is grossly overinflated by the media and health industry. People who 40 years ago were considered healthy would be called fat by today's standards.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

People who 40 years ago were considered healthy would be called fat by today's standards.

Well, I do see your point there. My brother has looked sickly ever since he joined the Army, all to maintain proper "parameters." When he gets back from his tours in the desert, he really looks emaciated. He tries to "beef up" stateside, but even then he's still a lot skinnier than he ever was growing up. Add to that, he is actually less healthy than ever when it comes to cholestrol and things like that as well.

So even the bulk of the skinny people you see walking around are still suffering from malnutrition. The same malnutrition that leads to obesity eventually.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:51 PM
No Fat Chicks. Please.

One liner.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

So, the Average American is going to be over-weight

But, there is definatly going to be the eating disorder people:

Both of which i probaly spelled wroung...


We need to be able to eat healthly, CONVENTLY, and CHEAPLY...

You can go get gargabe food for a $1...

We need Fast-Health-Food Resturants...

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by TKainZero

Star for that! We need healthy, affordable, and convenient alternatives.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 07:12 PM
The giant chains are all trying this, chicken salads, apple slices, etc... problem is, that they are still selling big macs and mega melts. Its all well and good to pull up to a drive through thinking about being healthy, and then caving in. I used to do it myself before I completely omitted fast food, and most restaurant food from my diet.

The idea that a major corporation is going to try a fast food chain akin to Whole Foods probably wont happen. Fast food is fast because of how it is shipped and processed. It simply wouldnt work for healthy foods, takes too long to prepare.

That being said, I have never been overweight, but since I cut fast food out of my diet, I feel better, have more energy, and sleep better. If you want better food, take some time, prepare your own.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by salchanra

The giant chains are all trying this, chicken salads, apple slices, etc... problem is, that they are still selling big macs and mega melts.

The other part of the problem is that the "healthy" foods they sell still aren't really healthy either. A salad topped with fried chicken and drowned is dressing is not healthy.

Then you have to look at the produce itself. It is grown too fast, in nutrient defecient soil, from seeds that have been tampered with genetically. Then it is treated to various forms of processing to increase shelf-life and profitability. Most people don't realize that, yes, even a leaf of lettuce can be "processed." Notice that nice sheen to the lettuce? It's not because it's so fresh. In fact, it is probably rotten, but you can't tell because it has been chemically fortified.

Some places also apply a flavor-enhancing spray as well.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by sc2099

You know that could be an area issue and demand, here in my neck of the woods, south GA, you can find plenty of stores catering to large sizes and big and tall.

Our mall have at least three ladies stores and plenty of men stores also for large sizes to tell you the truth the ladies clothing is quite fashionable pretty and sexy, including their lingerie and undergarments.

You very well could be right. I live in Toronto now, but I grew up in upstate SC and I also lived in New Orleans and never had problems finding clothes. We also have different stores in the malls here and the only ones that carry normal sizes are the American stores we have like Old Navy and American Eagle. It's BS.

It was always a problem finding lingerie though...Victoria's Secret bras are made for high school girls. Once you get up past C cup nothing fits right

Originally posted by zerotime
It also depends on what they count as overweight. The current BMI scale is worthless. I'm 6 foot tall and weight around 190 pounds. That makes me overweight according to the BMI scale which does not take into effect muscle mass or fat percentage. It is simply a generic calculator system. I run about 10 to 15 miles a week. I work out 20 hours a week. I swim, ride bikes, and lift weights. I'm in good shape. I'm not overweight but my insurance company likes to call me once a year to see if I lost any weight or if I would like one of their health diet plans because they use the BMI scale.

I could not agree more. Star for that. BMI is totally ridiculous and is nothing but a tool to sell gym memberships.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by zerotime

tell the idiots to stop being numpies and calculate your body fat % - a much more reliable indicator of obesity

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