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adding up the 911 truth site memberships

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:05 AM
last month - 911 truth saw a huge surge of new visitors.
interesting, seems like 60% were from foriegn ISP's, european.
-- I think forigners getting involved is fine in all - since this NWO thing
is global, all you have to do is view international news and it is clear
-- every country is going through simular stuff --
As we are... that just doesnt make sense.... someone looses somone wins... thats how the economy rights itself.
Really - strange ... but so are these economic bubbles, they knew the out come before they put the solutions into place, and their solutions have never made sense -- and hence a global ordeal is playing out.

I wonder if this is all planned for a that stuff that Ollie North refused to talk about COG... are they going to decap themselves...? thats what COG was designed to do is make sure the GOVT functions after a a decapitation stike on our leadership. ... just a passing thought...
there is just too much dis-info out there to sort through the longer term plan of these people... Sooner or later the people of earth will not assist them any longer and thats when the blood will pour. I wonder how far off that date is... ?

[edit on 6-8-2008 by BornPatriot]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot

Maybe the blood dosen't have to pour. These are elitist seeded problems that are easily solved by breaking the control mechanisms and taking control of your own life. If people, en masse, wake up, then the social dynamic changes and the elites won't have leverage. Then the world changes.

I think the elite plan is severely flawed and they underestimated the power of the human brain. Not only that they overlooked the interconnectivity of the human group mind. In a sense by attacking humanity they are attacking themselves, which is why their plans seem more and more lunatic every passing decade. They have attacked mankind but as every action has a reaction they are themselves being victims of blowback.

Society at the global level is entering a phase change, a period of fractal instability that will precede a new age of stability, but, contrary to what elitists assume, that new age is not at all defined and could be very different than the feudalism they are trying to (re)create. While they have spent great effort in pushing humanity down the very globalism they tried to use to dehumanize man has also reinforced the group mind, and the NWO and such conspiracies are reaching the level of group consciousness, despite the brainwashing media. When that happens the elites at the top of pyramid, who can't hide who they are because they are tied down by corporate ownership, have a huge problem.

As much as I am under attack as part of the middle class I would not want to be an elitist in the coming times.

Meanwhile I think it's safe to ignore the politicians... I don't vote, makes for a relaxed sunday.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:34 AM
well, you are right, what else needs to be said....

well, they are using Cray Computers, now those are too smart for those machines own good. or should I say their systems own good... you see I noticed a few years ago, these machines have a sever flaw... they dump garbage. and like a human that mis-spells words such as my self... we can over come non-sense. the machines can not...

I propose a weeey tullkk inn Jive or garbage tallke cuz, day cnt deaaal wit it.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 11:31 AM
I propose we live our lives normally, establish human relationships around us and try to focus on healthy existence. If we identify what is elitist warfare against mankind and what is not we can filter it out gradually. If we stop being focused on money and have a more long term goal we can move to better society. If we take great care in who we have at the local governance level we can live better. The elitists, left to themselves, will wither and die, they are not self sufficient.

With clarity of thought and purpose we can make them fish on dry ground, without fireing a shot or hurting any of the brainwashed minions that got suckered into the one eyed pyramid. Which is a good metaphor btw, these guys don't even have 3d vision.

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