posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by BornPatriot
Maybe the blood dosen't have to pour. These are elitist seeded problems that are easily solved by breaking the control mechanisms and taking control
of your own life. If people, en masse, wake up, then the social dynamic changes and the elites won't have leverage. Then the world changes.
I think the elite plan is severely flawed and they underestimated the power of the human brain. Not only that they overlooked the interconnectivity of
the human group mind. In a sense by attacking humanity they are attacking themselves, which is why their plans seem more and more lunatic every
passing decade. They have attacked mankind but as every action has a reaction they are themselves being victims of blowback.
Society at the global level is entering a phase change, a period of fractal instability that will precede a new age of stability, but, contrary to
what elitists assume, that new age is not at all defined and could be very different than the feudalism they are trying to (re)create. While they have
spent great effort in pushing humanity down the very globalism they tried to use to dehumanize man has also reinforced the group mind, and the NWO and
such conspiracies are reaching the level of group consciousness, despite the brainwashing media. When that happens the elites at the top of pyramid,
who can't hide who they are because they are tied down by corporate ownership, have a huge problem.
As much as I am under attack as part of the middle class I would not want to be an elitist in the coming times.
Meanwhile I think it's safe to ignore the politicians... I don't vote, makes for a relaxed sunday.