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Media warning of a flu pandemic ?

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 08:39 AM
Hi all. I live in Ohio and since the beginning of this week on all of the local TV networks we are being told about how in 1918 all public places were closed. There were no football games (I don't know why they included that, although college ball is coming soon) It also talks about 1957 and how that flu pandemic struck children first. It says it will happen again and asks if you are prepared. I am curious if our gov't thinks with all of the travel activity to China this month if people will be bringing back flu bugs we haven't much immunity to. Any thoughts? I know when everyone was talking about plastic and duct tape they really thought something could be coming soon, and while being prepared is a good thing these commercials are really spooky. They almost look like they were designed to scare the h*ll out of someone. They have me thinking.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by seejanerun

What better way to scare us all into getting flu shots than to threaten our children & america's favorite sport, football.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:48 AM
I would keep an eye out for all the 'medicines' that are going to be advertised on television soon'.
"This will keep the flu pandemic at bay"
"Buy this drug for fast flu relief"
and so on and so forth.
Its just another scaremongering tactic to make you buy 'drugs' that will help keep you under control.
Nothing like a bit of fear to keep the crowds in check.

Besides they always go for the children first because more people care for their kids, and football second because there's always a crowd at football.
Back in the old days before medicines became really popular , football stadiums or even just a large group of people caught diseases because of the close proximity of each other.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 09:59 AM
Just more scare tactics to sell pharmaceuticals and the new vaccines. I've pretty much given up on talk radio and television news due to the constant push of anger, chaos and fear. That psychological game they are playing is probably just as unhealthy as this flu they keep threatening us with.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:50 PM
These commercials are coming from the State of Ohio. At first I thought they might be regarding pharmaceuticals as well. I really think the gov't knows something they aren't telling us.(duh) I am really tired of being protected from things the gov't thinks will upset me so to speak. Oh well I guess I will just wait and see what happens. I would like to be wrong on this. Jane

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:37 AM
Well, could the olympic been given to china
to justify a world wide, flu pandemic outbreak, attack
to control population and help the New World Order Agenda...

Planned World, wide flu pandemic...

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 03:43 AM
To be honest with you, i think they're going to through some scatter balls in there and then release the cure/vaccine or what ever they'll call it. What i mean by scatter ball is, they'll say stuff like, it'll harm your child -- right from there side they've got parents involved; no more football -- bam ! now you've got a lot of young single people wanting it, as well as the aforementioned parents. So with those two you got a lot of sports fans and parents, I'd expect to see stuff like, church will be canceled and a few other things just so that they can get as many people as they can interested -- and then, of course something like this will come out. "Take this pill and you'll be fine, pill retails at 300 dollars each."


posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 05:14 AM
They included the football games because:

In 1918 there was a parade in one city, and they did not quarrantine till after the parade, In another city they reacted right away and stopped all public gatherings. The one with the parade had twice the death rate.

The plastic and duct tape is to make it easy to wrap up your bodys.

You are buying your own do it yourself bodybag. That is why you don't know what it's for. You already have windows and doors, DUH!

(NaturalNews) The federal government would need to quarantine infected households and ban public gatherings to contain pandemic flu, according to a computer simulation study conducted by researchers from Virginia Tech and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Because of the belief that a pandemic cannot be avoided, researchers are instead looking into ways to limit its effects. In the current study, researchers used a computer to model the hypothetical spread of flu pandemic in the city of Chicago under various containment scenarios. They found that a vigorous early response could reduce the infection rate by 80 percent.


The extreme measures would need to continue for months, until a vaccine was developed.

"We are not talking about simply shutting things down for a day or two like a snow day," Eubank said. "It's a sustained period for weeks or months."

If they lock down for months, most people will die from starvation. Think about it!

Most people don't die from flu in a flu pandemic. The flu lasts three days. They die 2 or three weeks later from pneumonia which is easily treatable today.

But you won't be allowed to get treatment for the pneumonia if you are quarrantined in your home, will you?

How many months food and water do you have for when the men in biohazard suits shoot on sight anyone on the street?

[edit on 30-8-2008 by Cyberbian]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 05:35 PM
Well i do agree with you on many of your points there -- I think that when, not if, but when we get quarantined the infection will take a back seat for numerous reasons; they'll be no water because no one will be at the water purification centers to make sure its safe; farmers aren't going to be going out to farm thier crops whilst that is out there with the potential to kill them, so food will be in shortage, it wouldn't take long before anarchy set in and we saw how people react when they are pushed to the limit. Of course, us humans will do what we do best when we all need help, we'll start killing each other, i do try to keep my posts polite but to put it simply, when this happens we are so screwed that it is unbelievable. Some people say that it isn't real and were just being fooled, i hope they're right.


posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Interestingly enough, these commercials stopped about 1 week after the Olympics were over. Haven't seen one since. Maybe they were worried a bug would be coming back with the people who went to Beijing.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 09:38 PM

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:23 PM
Same song different tune. I've heard it before and am sure I will hear it again about this time next year.

This is the time of year the drug companies get orders from doctors and governments for their annual supply of flu vaccine. Those of us that feel it necessary to bare out flesh and get our flu shot are eager to get it done and over with.

Drug companies and doctors make money and we get the satisfaction of feeling we have done all we can do to protect ourselves from the flu.

The scare tactics are a very efficient advertising tool. Sure works for me. I'm going tomorrow for my flu shot just as I've done for years.

Tune in next year this same time for the same scary advertising.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 06:58 PM
Cover up or not, I'm not getting a flu shot as regardless of all the advertising about epidemics I've never actually had Influenza, only the common cold. Unless millions of people start dying from it all over the world in a short amount of time, I'm not persuaded.
I'm even convinced that the flu shot is what causes people to get sick in the first place. I've noticed that people I know who have got the shot seem to get the flu more often than those who haven't.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:03 PM
You should request the spent vial to save in case you die of flu related symptoms. That would make them think...

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by seejanerun

I know this is an old topic but i had a question for the op,

You live in Ohio? Did you notice the pandemic drill being held at First Energy on April 29th 09? Did you see an ads in the paper asking for volunteers?

what are your thoughts on H1N1?


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