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What's this "messiah" complex?

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 12:51 AM
I just remembered something:

Conservatives bash on Obama for "being the messiah" and further bash on Obama supporters, insulting our intelligence, by claiming we "worship" the man.

Let me ask you something. Whats more shocking. This 1/2 brained attempt to squash Obama supporters, OR...

Bush Says God sent him to War

Full Story

London - United States President George W Bush believed that God told him to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq, a senior Palestinian official says in a broadcast interview.

The BBC on Thursday released an excerpt from an interview with Palestinian information minister Nabil Shaath that was part of a series called "Israel and the Arabs".

Shaath described his first meeting, in company with Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen, in June 2003.

He said that President Bush said to all of them: "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me: 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did.

"And then God would tell me: 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq.'

"And I did.

"And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me: 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.'

"And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

Abu Mazen told the BBC that, at the same meeting, Bush told him: "I have a moral and religious obligation. So I will get you a Palestinian state."

Seems like Apples and Celery to me.

Obama's the messiah - but Bush talks to God?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 12:56 AM
Personally, I don't think you need to invoke Bush to prove what you are trying to say. I believe this messiah thing is a load of BS. I think most people are using it to make a comparison of Obama's popularity among those who like him. But more than that I really think it is just a tactic to PO Obama supporters. Making this thread will only bring it out more.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 12:59 AM

Well - as it pertains to these forums (and the media at large)

calling Obama supporters "worshipers of the messiah" seems to be an issue.

Its one for me anyways. Completely insults my intelligence.

Its another one of those funny "political" things that happens wherein

Bush says God talks to him personally

but bush supporters bash obama supporters because "we worship him like the messiah"


posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin

Well - as it pertains to these forums (and the media at large)

calling Obama supporters "worshipers of the messiah" seems to be an issue.

Its one for me anyways. Completely insults my intelligence.

Its another one of those funny "political" things that happens wherein

Bush says God talks to him personally

but bush supporters bash obama supporters because "we worship him like the messiah"


Andrew... this messiah thing is bait and switch marketing... Its the newest swift boating affair. Find a strength , start innuendo about the strength drive the wedge in deeper...

Its pure BS... I'm sure you notice how effective it is on here... Its like every red has the exact same talking points... I bet none of them have even read a shred about him.

Whats really funny is Obama is a self made man, not a rich boy yuppie like Bush???
They always take about self reliance and blah blah bahhhhh bahhhhh

I don't know???

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:47 AM
I referenced in one of these threads on here to Jesus camp when this religious women on stage infront of all these youngens brings out a cardboard cut out of Bush to the stage. They really believe this crap that God sent Bush to invade Iraq. This is a perfect example where the word of god is used for political gain, its pathetic. The other issues I can deal with but when people use God in such a way to push their own personal agenda, its just disgusting, how can you do that?

But you know... Ill say it again, republicans are just good at sweeping their hypocrisy under the rug. If this election was about hypocrisy, the republicans would have been out a long time ago.

[edit on 6-8-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

Conservatives bash on Obama for "being the messiah" and further bash on Obama supporters, insulting our intelligence, by claiming we "worship" the man.

I like how you ignore the dozens of the quotes from Obama's campaign, media and his supporters form the last thread. You're determined to live in your own little world aren't ya?

I referenced in one of these threads on here to Jesus camp when this religious women on stage infront of all these youngens brings out a cardboard cut out of Bush to the stage.

Yeah, way to find an obscure video of a few nut cases. Can you provide any media or supporter quotes that liken him to a being of light or something more evolved than normal humans?

But more than that I really think it is just a tactic to PO Obama supporters.

Can you explain how you dismiss all the media and supporter quotes, equating Obama to an other worldly being? Or are you just playing hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil?

Its really weird seeing you guys deny what we know to be true, in some attempt to convince each other of your lie.

[edit on 6-8-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 08:02 AM
As I'm sure everyone notices, there is a plethora of negative threads against Obama here and also negative press about him, his choices, his wife, his religion, his mannerisms, his attitude and on and on... This indicates some sort of obsession or "negative passion" about Obama by the GOP. My theory is that the GOP put Obama in this "Messiah" sort of role in their minds because it's easier to accuse his supporters of "worshiping" behavior than it is to face their own obsession and negative fascination and hatred of the man.

Of Cults and Politics

At the point that Obama does what neither Voldemort nor Huckabee nor even Clinton is willing to do by specifically disavowing and punishing excesses from his supporters, Obama has a sound case to be found innocent of the overheated and selectively-applied “cult” charges levied against his campaign.

Second, it is also worth noting that “cult” is more of a reverse designator than a neutral descriptor. By that, I mean that invocations of “cult” usually say far more about the person using the word than they do about the group they are describing. The word is usually used to describe religious groups, but hardly all of them. Rather, it is commonly used almost exclusively to describe groups that exist outside the boundaries of social acceptability. The use of the word is expressly to impose that outside, fringe status.

And Obama supporters are neither outside the boundaries of social acceptability, NOR do they hold some sort of "fringe status". It's his detractors who act outside normal, socially acceptable behavior...

The use of “cult” against Obama is much the same. Its use reveals that the user does not like and/or hopes to advantage some other campaign by tainting Obama’s, but it says nothing objective about its actual target.

So, I am not alone in my thinking. Obama is NOT the Messiah, people!
Or the Anti-Christ. He's just a really intelligent and charismatic man who is running for president.

For those who are so negatively obsessed with the man, I suggest you go to church, talk to your religious leader and try to get some direction so that you can see your obsession for what it really is. Then keep yourself busy doing the things you love instead of looking for proof that this isn't your problem. Stop blaming Obama supporters for your obsession with the man. They did not create the "obama messiah" cult. The GOP did. And, sadly, you bought it, hook, like and sinker.

Good luck overcoming your issues. My thoughts will be with you.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

So, I am not alone in my thinking. Obama is NOT the Messiah, people! Or the Anti-Christ. He's just a really intelligent and charismatic man who is running for president.

We are being sarcastic. Its his followers that are making the messiah claims. No matter how much you try to fudge that, we have plenty of documented proof that its the media and his supporters pushing the messiah angle.

Stop blaming Obama supporters for your obsession with the man. They did not create the "obama messiah" cult. The GOP did. And, sadly, you bought it, hook, like and sinker.

Again, are you just ignoring all of this or do you have some sort of explanation as to why the media and his supporters are saying these things? Not a single one came from a GOP source.

They serenaded the Hyde Park Democrat with chants of "O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!" Obama drew such a passionate outpouring from the crowd that even he and his aides were overwhelmed. "At one point, I thought Barack was going to rise up over the people and start saying, 'My children, my children, I have come to free you,' joked his driver and bodyguard, Mike Signator. "It was just incredible."

-Obama: From Promise to Power
by David Mendell

Barack Obama isn't really one of us. Not in the normal way, anyway.

Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve.

Even Bill Clinton, with all his effortless, winking charm, didn't have what Obama has, which is a sort of powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity.

“What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. ... The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”

I can't believe the man whose speeches I watch on YouTube everyday is so close to me. his speeches give an aura of immortality that belies the fact that he's a living breathing human. ...

"I’ve been following politics since I was about 5,” said Mr. Matthews. “I’ve never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising."

-Chris Mathews

That is why I am here, because Barack Obama is the only person in this who understands that. That before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation.

-Michelle Obama

Its really mind bending, the way you guys seem to ignore the plain reality in front of you and try and trick everyone in to believing your alternate reality. The same thing happened when Obama played the race card and McCain responded. Everyone knew Obama moved first, but you guys tried to convince everyone in the face of what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears. Anyone here can read all the quotes from the media, equating Obama to some ultra evolved being. You've adopted the same tactics that the DNC media use. Its pretty damn disturbing if you ask me.

[edit on 6-8-2008 by Dronetek]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 01:55 PM

Isnt it funny how the conservatives blast Obama for being a celebrity, saying he gets "too much attention" ??

Its jealousy in its prime.

Obama is the messiah
Obama is a celebrity
Obama is .....

All this from the same people who claim bush talks to God ... but Obama is a messiah - and we are his WORSHIPERS

not only that

they complain about Obama's celebrity "LIKE" status - but elect celebrities themselves.

Fred Thompson
Clint Eastwood
Jack Kemp
Steve Largent
Jim Bunnings
Charlton Heston
Sonny Bono
JC Watts
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ronald Reagan

.....yeah. Wait wait wait lemme guess. Those people aren't messiahs - so it doesnt matter?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 02:03 PM
please check out this latest Colbert Report...Report.....

i dont know how to post a video outside of google or youtube, so just check out the link

The Word: We the people

Key parts:

Brittney Spears
Republican elected officials...ermm i mean celebrities, no no i meant officials...


[edit on 8/6/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

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