posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:12 PM
I am getting the same problem from Solo1 also.
I can't read any of his posts at all.
As for shotgun shells, I saw an interesting spring loaded trap mechanism.
The mechanism was quite simple. There was a spring loaded pin that would strike the cap of the shell. There was a bobby pin holding the spring back.
When the pin was removed ala trip wire, the spring would go forward setting off the shell!
Also, in an ebook on improvised weapons, I read about a pipe gun. To me, this would be the simplest self defense tool around. Get a pipe about the
diameter of a barrel, Then duct tape a Shotgun shell, and a BB pellet over the cap at the bottom of the pipe. Then all you have to do is strike the
BB, and the shell will go off. I would probably add something on the bottom of the pipe so the shell doesn't go out the back of it, but it should
work as is. Simple / Deadly device. When you think of how small you can get a pipe, you can carry this around almost everywhere.
This would be an interesting conversion for SitX, because there shotgun shells are prevalent.